
上传日期:2021-03-18 17:13:26
上 传 者lhy123796
说明:  3D地震解释和可视化工具SeisLAB支持地下地球科学的研究。它代表了该部门的主要地震实验室,用于研究和高级持续专业发展(CPD)培训活动。 该设施可以使用调查和数据(尤其是能源行业收集的调查和数据)来调查地球的结构。 该实验室是阿伯丁大学投资,能源公司BP,雪佛龙和BG集团为计算机硬件提供资金以及主要服务公司提供软件的结果。SeisLAB设施已被用于开发新技术,以3D地震为主要研究介质来解释沉积盆地演化和储层表征。
(SeisLAB, 3D seismic interpretation and visualization facility supports research in subsurface geoscience.)

SeisLab 3.02\ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.txt (1005, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\Description.txt (1548, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\license.txt (1861, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M (0, 2021-03-07)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Examples (0, 2021-03-07)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Examples\Examples4LogOnSeismicPlot.m (2334, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Examples\Examples4SeismicColorPlots.m (2048, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Examples\Examples4SeismicWigglePlots.m (4765, 2021-03-07)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Examples\Examples4WienerFilter.m (3335, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Examples\Log_examples1.m (2030, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Examples\Log2seismic_examples1.m (759, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Examples\RunSeisLabHelpExamples.m (165, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Examples\Seismic_examples1.m (1820, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Examples\Seismic_examples2.m (1589, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Examples\Seismic_examples3.m (1525, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Examples\Seismic_log_examples1.m (4129, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Examples\Seismic_phase_rotation.m (2314, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Examples\Seismic_principal_components.m (2328, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Examples\WF_Seislab_examples.m (1392, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Geophysics_3.0 (0, 2021-03-07)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Geophysics_3.0\@struct (0, 2021-03-07)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Geophysics_3.0\@struct\abs.m (398, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Geophysics_3.0\@struct\cumsum.m (394, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Geophysics_3.0\@struct\diff.m (1002, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Geophysics_3.0\@struct\displayTools.m (1371, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Geophysics_3.0\@struct\double.m (1288, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Geophysics_3.0\@struct\exp.m (680, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Geophysics_3.0\@struct\flipud.asv (740, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Geophysics_3.0\@struct\flipud.m (854, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Geophysics_3.0\@struct\imag.m (400, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Geophysics_3.0\@struct\log.m (674, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Geophysics_3.0\@struct\minus.m (389, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Geophysics_3.0\@struct\moperation.m (11298, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Geophysics_3.0\@struct\mpower.m (212, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Geophysics_3.0\@struct\mrdivide.m (428, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Geophysics_3.0\@struct\mtimes.m (381, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Geophysics_3.0\@struct\plus.m (380, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Geophysics_3.0\@struct\power.m (212, 2015-09-20)
SeisLab 3.02\S4M\Geophysics_3.0\@struct\rdivide.m (452, 2015-09-20)
... ...

SeisLab 3.02 This folder contains a folder, S4M, with Matlab functions for seismic and well-log analysis, in the following collectively called SeisLab. Folder "Other" contains support functions written by others and available from the Matlab Central Program Exchange. A manual in PDF format explains the philosophy behind the design of the functions in SeisLab and the way they can be used. For good measure, I have also added a few sample scripts (verba docent, exempla trahunt). To run SeisLab functions, copy folder S4M to your computer and add it and its subfolders to your Matlab path (please note that folders that start with "@" are class directories and need not be included explicitly in the Matlab path; Matlab will find them anyway; the same is true for "private" folders). The folder "HelpFiles" need not be included in the Matlab path either as it contains only text files that provide instructions for the use of certain figures that expect user input. I recommended that you run the sample scripts to ascertain that the installation was successful. Please note that I do not promise any kind of support for these functions. However, should I happen to hear about a problem that illustrates an obvious bug (not a "feature") or that tickles my fancy I might do something about it and include the fix (or improvement) in the next release. However, please note that some functions in this release of SeisLab may still not work with Matlab version R2015a or higher. I justhave not tested them in a thorough enough manner. Also, function s_volume_browser, a viewer for 3-D data volumes, requires the volume browser package available on the Matlab file exchange Eike Rietsch


