
上传日期:2021-04-24 16:19:32
上 传 者poppy79
说明:  基于深度学习的网络入侵检测方法,基于python,数据集为KDD
(the method of IDS based on Deep Learing)

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# Deep Learning - IDS Towards Developing a Network Intrusion Detection System using Deep Learning Techniques - Published article: ## Introduction In this project, we aim to explore the capabilities of various deep-learning frameworks in detecting and classifying network intursion traffic with an eye towards designing a ML-based intrusion detection system. ## Dataset - Downloaded from: - contains: 7 csv preprocessed and labelled files, top feature selected files, original traffic data in pcap format and logs - used csv preprocessed and labelled files for this research project ## Data Cleanup - dropped rows with Infinitiy values - some files had repeated headers; dropped those - converted timestamp value that was date time format: 15-2-2018 to UNIX epoch since 1/1/1970 - separated data based on attack types for each data file - ~20K rows were removed as a part of data cleanup - see script for this phase - \# Samples in table below are total samples left in each dataset after dropping # Dropped rows/samples ## Dataset Summary | File Name | Traffic Type | # Samples | # Dropped | | -------------- | ---------------- | --------: | :-------- | | 02-14-2018.csv | Benign | 663,808 | 3818 | | | FTP-BruteForce | 193,354 | 6 | | | SSH-Bruteforce | 187,589 | 0 | | 02-15-2018.csv | Benign | ***8,050 | 8027 | | | DOS-GoldenEye | 41,508 | 0 | | | DOS-Slowloris | 10,990 | 0 | | 02-16-2018.csv | Benign | 446,772 | 0 | | | Dos-SlowHTTPTest | 139,890 | 0 | | | DoS-Hulk | 461,912 | 0 | | 02-22-2018.csv | Benign | 1,042,603 | 5610 | | | BruteForce-Web | 249 | 0 | | | BruteForce-XSS | 79 | 0 | | | SQL-Injection | 34 | 0 | | 02-23-2018.csv | Benign | 1,042,301 | 5708 | | | BruteForce-Web | 362 | 0 | | | BruteForce-XSS | 151 | 0 | | | SQL-Injection | 53 | 0 | | 03-01-2018.csv | Benign | 235,778 | 2259 | | | Infiltration | 92,403 | 660 | | 03-02-2018.csv | Benign | 758,334 | 4050 | | | BotAttack | 286,191 | 0 | | Traffic Type | # Samples | | ---------------- | --------: | | Benign | 5,177,***6 | | FTP-BruteForce | 193,354 | | SSH-BruteForce | 187,589 | | DOS-GoldenEye | 41,508 | | Dos-Slowloris | 10,990 | | Dos-SlowHTTPTest | 139,890 | | Dos-Hulk | 461,912 | | BruteForce-Web | 611 | | BruteForce-XSS | 230 | | SQL-Injection | 87 | | Infiltration | 92,403 | | BotAttack | 286,191 | | Total Attack | 1,414,765 | ## Deep Learning Frameworks - perfomance results using various deep learning frameworks are compared - 10-fold cross-validation techniques was used to validate the model ### FastAI - - uses PyTorch, as the backend ### Keras - - using TensorFlow and Theano as backend - - ## Experiment Results ### Using | Dataset | Framework | Accuracy (%) | Std-Dev | GPU Time (~mins) | | ----------- | ----------------- | -----------: | ------: | ---------------: | | 02-14-2018 | FastAI | 99.85 | 0.07 | \* | | | Keras-TensorFlow | ***.80 | \* | \* | | | Keras-Theano | \* | \* | \* | | 02-15-2018 | FastAI | 99.*** | 0.01 | 25 | | | Keras-Tensorfflow | 99.32 | \* | \* | | | Keras-Theano | \* | \* | \* | | 02-16-2018 | FastAI | 100.00 | 0.00 | 16 | | | Keras-TensorFlow | 99.84 | \* | \* | | | Keras-Theano | \* | \* | \* | | 02-22-2018 | FastAI | 99.87 | 0.15 | 110 | | | Keras-TensorFlow | 99.97 | \* | \* | | | Keras-Theano | \* | \* | \* | | 02-23-2018 | FastAI | 99.92 | 0.00 | 120 | | | Keras-TensorFlow | 99.94 | \* | \* | | | Keras-Theano | \* | \* | \* | | 03-01-2018 | FastAI | 87.00 | 0.00 | 5 | | | Keras-TensorFlow | 72.20 | \* | \* | | | Keras-Theano | \* | \* | \* | | 03-02-2018 | FastAI | 99.97 | .01 | 75 | | | Keras-TensorFlow | ***.12 | \* | \* | | | Keras-Theano | \* | \* | \* | | === | === | === | === | === | | Multiclass | Keras-TensorFlow | 94.73 | \* | \* | | | Keras-Theano | \* | \* | \* | | | FastAI | \* | \* | \* | | Binaryclass | Keras-TensorFlow | 94.40 | \* | \* | | | Keras-Theano | \* | \* | \* | | | FastAI | \* | \* | \* | ### FastAI Results #### Summary Results | Data File | Accuracy | Loss | | -------------------------- | -------: | ------: | | 02-14-2018.csv | 99.99% | 0.00212 | | 02-15-2018.csv | 99.86% | 0.02500 | | 02-16-2018.csv | 99.97% | 324160 | | 02-22-2018.csv | 99.97% | 0.00221 | | 02-23-2018.csv | 99.82% | 0.06295 | | 03-01-2018.csv | 87.14% | 0.37611 | | 03-02-2018.csv | 99.72% | 0.85127 | | IDS-2018-binaryclass.csv\* | ***.68% | 0.37692 | | IDS-2018-multiclass.csv\* | ***.31% | 7.06169 | \* Trained on VMgpu #### Confusion Matrices | 02-14-2018 | 02-15-2018 | 02-16-2018 | | :----------------------------------------------------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------------: | | ![](<./graphics/confusion_matrices/02-14-2018--6-15(1).png>) | ![](<./graphics/confusion_matrices/02-15-2018--6-24(1).png>) | ![](<./graphics/confusion_matrices/02-16-2018--6-15(1).png>) | | 02-22-2018 | 02-23-2018 | 03-01-2018 | | ![](<./graphics/confusion_matrices/02-22-2018--6-15(1).png>) | ![](<./graphics/confusion_matrices/02-23-2018--6-15(1).png>) | ![](<./graphics/confusion_matrices/03-01-2018--6-15(1).png>) | | 03-02-2018 | IDS-2018-binaryclass | IDS-2018-multiclass | | ![](<./graphics/confusion_matrices/03-02-2018--6-15(1).png>) | ![](./graphics/confusion_matrices/IDS-2018-binaryclass-matrix.png) | ![](./graphics/confusion_matrices/IDS-2018-multiclass-matrix.png) | ### Attack Sample Distribution and Detection Accuracy | Data File | % of Attack Samples | % Attacks Flagged Correctly | % Benign Flagged Incorrectly | | ------------- | ------------------: | --------------------------: | ---------------------------: | | 02-14-2018 | 3***6 | 100.00 | 0.00\* | | 02-15-2018 | 5.04 | 99.85 | 0.00\* | | 02-16-2018 | 57.39 | 100.00 | 0.00\* | | 02-22-2018 | 0.00\* | 0.02 | 0.00 | | 02-23-2018 | 0.00\* | 61.61 | 0.00\* | | 03-01-2018 | 28.16 | 73.19 | 10.16 | | 03-02-2018 | 27.40 | 99.85 | 0.00\* | | Binary-Class | 21.50 | 94.60 | 0.21 | | Multi-Class | 21.50 | 93.9 | 0.48 | \* Small, non-zero values ### Using VMgpu | Dataset | Framework | Accuracy (%) | Std-Dev | GPU Time (~mins) | | ----------- | ---------------- | :----------: | :-----: | :--------------: | | 02-14-2018 | FastAI | 99.54 | 0.32 | 100.36 | | | Keras-TensorFlow | 99.14 | \* | 100.29 | | | Keras-Theano | ***.58 | \* | \* | | 02-15-2018 | FastAI | 99.*** | 0.01 | 103.16 | | | Keras-TensorFlow | 99.33 | \* | 96.34 | | | Keras-Theano | 99.17 | \* | \* | | 02-16-2018 | FastAI | 99.66 | 0.25 | 104.51 | | | Keras-TensorFlow | 99.66 | \* | 99.59 | | | Keras-Theano | 99.41 | \* | \* | | 02-22-2018 | FastAI | 99.90 | 0.09 | 102.83 | | | Keras-TensorFlow | 99.97 | \* | 96.71 | | | Keras-Theano | 99.97 | \* | \* | | 02-23-2018 | FastAI | 99.88 | 0.08 | 104.43 | | | Keras-TensorFlow | 95.95 | \* | 100.79 | | | Keras-Theano | 99.95 | \* | \* | | 03-01-2018 | FastAI | 8***7 | 0.78 | 33.23 | | | Keras-TensorFlow | 72.16 | \* | 33.15 | | | Keras-Theano | 72.04 | \* | \* | | 03-02-2018 | FastAI | 99.94 | 0.04 | 104.34 | | | Keras-TensorFlow | ***.47 | \* | 105.95 | | | Keras-Theano | 93.95 | \* | \* | | === | === | === | === | === | | Multiclass | FastAI | ***.60 | 0.16 | 683.12 | | | Keras-TensorFlow | 92.09 | \* | 652.89 | | | Keras-Theano | \* | \* | \* | | Binaryclass | FastAI | ***.75 | 0.05 | 675.*** | | | Keras-TensorFlow | 95.14 | \* | 632.36 | | | Keras-Theano | \* | \* | \* | ### fastai CPU vs GPU training time on vmGPU | Dataset | Hardware | Accuracy (%) | Time (~mins) | | ----------- | -------- | :----------: | :----------: | | 02-14-2018 | | | | | | CPU | 99.86 | 1193.84 | | | GPU | 99.54 | 100.36 | | 02-15-2018 | | | | | | CPU | 99.93 | 1299.55 | | | GPU | 99.89 | 103.16 | | 02-16-2018 | | | | | | CPU | 99.88 | 433.63 | | | GPU | 99.66 | 104.51 | | 02-22-2018 | | | | | | CPU | 99.83 | 3091.34 | | | GPU | 99.90 | 102.83 | | 02-23-2018 | | | | | | CPU | 99.83 | 1938.74 | | | GPU | 99.88 | 104.43 | | 03-01-2018 | | | | | | CPU | 85.39 | 80.07 | | | GPU | 8***7 | 33.23 | | 03-02-2018 | | | | | | CPU | 99.76 | 1503.18 | | | GPU | 99.94 | 104.34 | | === | === | === | === | | Multiclass | | | | | | CPU | 96.63 | 19361.95 | | | GPU | ***.60 | 683.12 | | Binaryclass | | | | | | CPU | 96.66 | 19441.55 | | | GPU | ***.75 | 632.36 | # References 1. Iman Sharafaldin, Arash Habibi Lashkari, and Ali A. Ghorbani, “Toward Generating a New Intrusion Detection Dataset and Intrusion Traffic Characterization”, 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP), Portugal, January 2018


