OLS full 

上传日期:2011-08-13 19:47:09
上 传 者Yakroo
说明:  OpenBench LogicSniffer Client

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ols-0.9.4\bin\runner-1.1.1.jar (7215, 2011-05-03)
ols-0.9.4\plugins (0, 2011-05-03)
ols-0.9.4\plugins\1wire-1.0.0.jar (21161, 2011-05-03)
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ols-0.9.4\plugins\org.rxtx-2.2.0-9.jar (449069, 2011-05-03)
ols-0.9.4\plugins\service.io-1.0.1.jar (12793, 2011-05-03)
ols-0.9.4\plugins\spi-1.0.0.jar (27416, 2011-05-03)
ols-0.9.4\plugins\state-1.0.0.jar (9003, 2011-05-03)
ols-0.9.4\plugins\test-1.0.0.jar (15185, 2011-05-03)
ols-0.9.4\plugins\uart-1.0.0.jar (31101, 2011-05-03)
ols-0.9.4\plugins\util-1.0.5.jar (111743, 2011-05-03)
ols-0.9.4\plugins\vcd-1.0.0.jar (8408, 2011-05-03)
ols-0.9.4\plugins\ols.profile-buspirate.cfg (2251, 2011-05-03)
ols-0.9.4\plugins\ols.profile-irtoy.cfg (2166, 2011-05-03)
ols-0.9.4\plugins\ols.profile-ols.cfg (2375, 2011-05-03)
ols-0.9.4\plugins\ols.profile-shrimp.cfg (2311, 2011-05-03)
ols-0.9.4\plugins\ols.profile-sump.cfg (2348, 2011-05-03)
ols-0.9.4\AUTHOR (224, 2011-05-03)
ols-0.9.4\LICENSE (18433, 2011-05-03)
ols-0.9.4\run.bat (720, 2011-05-03)
ols-0.9.4\run.sh (612, 2011-05-03)
... ...

OpenBench LogicSniffer Client ============================= J.W. Janssen, About ----- This is the client software for the OpenBench LogicSniffer (short name: OLS) written by Jan Willem Janssen. Based on the original SUMP code base, this project aims at making the client more user-friendly, better to extend (dynamically) and better user experience. For more information about the hardware and software of the Open-Bench Logic Sniffer, see [1] and [2]. Supported devices ----------------- The current OLS client supports the following hardware: - Open-Bench Logic Sniffer; - Original SUMP-client; - LogicShrimp; - BusPirate; - IRToy. In fact, all SUMP-compatible devices can be supported by the OLS client. To add support for non-listed devices only a so-called "device profile" needs to be created. For more information on this, see [3]. Prerequisites ------------- In order to run the OLS client, you need at least: - a support operating system. Current supported are: - Windows XP, Vista and 7, both 32- and ***-bit; - Mac OSX (Intel only), both 32- and ***-bit; - Linux, both 32- and ***-bit; - Solaris, 32-bit only. other platforms *might* work, but need some hacking in the OLS client itself; - Java 6, see [4]. Installation ------------ Installing the OLS client is a matter of unpacking the distribution archive, and placing the resulting directory (with its contents) to a suitable location. One thing to note is that the installation location needs to be writable by the user running the client, as at runtime several (temporary) files are to be created. Running ------- Running the OLS client is done by simply running either the 'run.bat' or 'run.sh' scripts located in the base directory of the installation. For Mac OSX, double clicking the application is sufficient. Questions, suggestions and ideas -------------------------------- If you have any questions, problems, bugs, suggestions and/or ideas about the OLS client, you can either mail me, or use the forums on [6] to post them. Be sure to also check out the FAQ on [5] to see whether your question might already be answered. License ------- The OLS client itself is released under GPLv2, see the LICENSE file for the complete license. The OLS client software makes use of the OSGi specification, which is licensed under "OSGi Specification License, Version 1.0" [7], Apache Felix, which is licensed under "Apache License, Version 2.0" [8] and JGoodies, licensed under "BSD open source license" [9]. External links -------------- [1] , the home page of the OLS client; [2] , the home page of the OLS hardware; [3] , explains how the OLS client can be extended for other devices; [4] , the home page where Java 6+ can be downloaded; [5] , provides some answers to frequently asked questions; [6] , the forum for the OLS hardware, with a subforum for the OLS client; [7] ; [8] ; [9] .


