
上传日期:2021-06-23 19:47:59
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  美国有线电视新闻网证书,再现“美国有线电视网证书:证明说服稳健性的有效框架...
(Codes for reproducing the experimental results in "CNN-Cert: An Efficient Framework for Certifying Robustness of Convolutional Neural Networks", published at AAAI 2019)

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What's New ===================================== * Added links to Medium post and video summarizing this work Overview ===================================== Please refer to [this post]( for an overview of recent robustness evaluation algorithms and our contributions. We provide a video summary of this work [here]( ![Summary](Summary.PNG) About CNN-Cert ===================================== CNN-Cert is a general and efficient framework for certifying the robustness of convolutional neural networks (CNN). * CNN-Cert is **general**: it is able to certify lower bounds on the minimum adversarial distortion for a variety of CNNs with general activations (ReLU, tanh, sigmoid, arctan, etc), including those with convolutional layers, pooling layers, residual layers and batch-norm layers. In addition, it is a generalized version of previous robustness certification algorithms [Fast-Lin]( and [CROWN]( which focus on pure fully-connected networks with ReLU and general activations. * CNN-Cert is also **efficient**: it exploits convolutional structure to produce bounds more efficiently than comparable certification methods. We observed in our experiments that CNN-Cert achieves up to 17 and 11 times of speed-up compared to Fast-Lin and CROWN, and up to 366 times of speed-up compared to the dual-LP-based verification methods (see Tables 3-13 in our paper) while CNN-Cert obtains similar or even better robustness certificates (a.k.a. certified lower bounds). Cite our work: Akhilan Boopathy, Tsui-Wei Weng, Pin-Yu Chen, Sijia Liu and Luca Daniel, "[**CNN-Cert: An Efficient Framework for Certifying Robustness of Convolutional Neural Networks**](", AAAI 2019. ``` @inproceedings{Boopathy2019cnncert, author = "Akhilan Boopathy AND Tsui-Wei Weng AND Pin-Yu Chen AND Sijia Liu AND Luca Daniel", title = "CNN-Cert: An Efficient Framework for Certifying Robustness of Convolutional Neural Networks", booktitle = "AAAI", year = "2019", month = "Jan" } ``` ![Related Work](RelatedWork.PNG) Setup ----------------------- 1. The code is tested with python3 and TensorFlow v1.10 and v1.12 (TensorFlow v1.8 is not compatible). The following packages are required. ``` conda create --name cnncert python=3.6 source activate cnncert conda install pillow numpy scipy pandas h5py tensorflow numba posix_ipc matplotlib ``` 2. Please also install Gurobi, its associated python library [gurobipy]( and its [license]( in order to run LP/Dual-LP methods. ``` conda config --add channels conda install gurobi ``` 3. Clone this repository: ``` git clone cd CNN-Cert ``` 4. Download the [pre-trained CNN models]( used in the paper. ``` wget unzip ``` 5. Convert the pre-trained CNN models to MLP models (in order to compare with Fast-Lin) ``` python ``` Converted model results are saved into `log_cnn2mlp_timestamp.txt`. 6. Ready to run CNN-Cert and reproduce the experiments and Tables 3-13 in our paper. ``` python ``` The default value of parameter `table` in the main function of `` is set to 6, meaning to reproduce the Table 6 in the paper. In addition, `` includes an interface to the main CNN-Cert evaluation functions. Comparison scripts to run other methods including Fast-Lin, LP, CLEVER and attack methods are also included. Results of robustness certificate and runtime are saved into `log_pymain_{timestamp}.txt`; example format of log file of Table 6 (partial): ``` Table 6 result ----------------------------------- CNN-Cert-relu model name = models/mnist_resnet_2, numimage = 10, norm = i, targettype = random avg robustness = 0.01832 avg run time = 1.54 sec ----------------------------------- CNN-Cert-Ada, ReLU activation model name = models/mnist_resnet_2, numimage = 10, norm = i, targettype = random avg robustness = 0.01971 avg run time = 1.56 sec ----------------------------------- CNN-Cert-Ada, Sigmoid activation model name = models/mnist_resnet_2, numimage = 10, norm = i, targettype = random avg robustness = 0.00597 avg run time = 1.60 sec ``` How to Run -------------------- We have provided a interfacing file `` to compute certified bounds. This file contains a function `run_cnn` that computes CNN-Cert bounds and runtime averaged over a given number of samples. ``` Usage: run_cnn(file_name, n_samples, norm, core, activation, cifar) ``` * file_name: file name of network to certify * n_samples: number of samples to certify * norm: p-norm, 1,2 or i (infinity norm) * core: True or False, use True for networks with only convolution and pooling * activation: followed by a activation function of network- use ada for adaptive relu bounds (relu, ada, tanh, sigmoid or arctan) * cifar: True or False, uses MNIST if False The main CNN-Cert functions are included in `` and ``. `` is for CNNs with just convolution and pooling layers, while `` can be used for more general CNNs such as Resnets. The main Fast-Lin files are ``, which implements ordinary Fast-Lin, and ``, which implements a sparse matrix version of Fast-Lin. Please note that Fast-Lin and CNN-Cert may yield slightly different bounds on the same network due to implementation differences. CNN-Cert uses 15 steps of binary search to find a certified bound while Fast-Lin may use less than 15 steps. Training your own models and evaluating CNN-Cert and other methods ----------------------- 0. We provide pre-trained models [here]( The pre-trained models use the following naming convention: Pure CNN Models: ``` {dataset}_cnn_{number of layers}layer_{filter size}_{kernel size}[_{non ReLU activation}] Example: mnist_cnn_4layer_10_3 Example: cifar_cnn_5layer_5_3_tanh ``` General CNN Models: ``` {dataset}_cnn_{number of layers}layer[_{non ReLU activation}] Example: mnist_cnn_7layer Example: mnist_cnn_7layer_tanh ``` Fully connected Models: ``` {dataset}_{number of layers}layer_fc_{layer size} Example: mnist_2layer_fc_20 ``` Resnet Models: ``` {dataset}_resnet_{number of residual blocks}[_{non ReLU activation}] Example: mnist_resnet_3 Example: mnist_resnet_4_tanh ``` LeNet Models: ``` {dataset}_cnn_lenet[_nopool][_{non ReLU activation}] Example: mnist_cnn_lenet_tanh Example: mnist_cnn_lenet_nopool ``` 1. The pre-trained models are used as an example to evaluate CNN-Cert and are not particularly optimized with the test accuracy. We encourage users could also train their own models and apply CNN-Cert. We provide the following example scripts: ``,``,``,``. Models will be stored in the `models` folder. All models are trained and stored with Keras. To train your own model, call the training function in the appopriate file. For example, to train a 4-layer CNN trained on MNIST for 10 epochs with 5 filters per layer and 3x3 filters, run: ``` from train_cnn import train from setup_mnist import MNIST train(MNIST(), file_name='models/mnist_cnn_4layer_5_3', filters=[5,5,5], kernels = [3,3,3], num_epochs=10) ``` 2. In order to run Fast-Lin and LP methods, convert the network to MLP using the `convert` function in ``: ``` convert('models/mnist_cnn_4layer_5_3', 'models/mnist_cnn_as_mlp_4layer_5_3', cifar=False) ``` 3. Evaluate the saved model `models/mnist_cnn_4layer_5_3` and compare with the methods reported in the paper: CNN-Cert, Fast-Lin, LP, Global Lipschitz, CLEVER, and CW/EAD attack (interface found in ``). * If you want to run `CNN-Cert-ReLU` on one image: ``` run_cnn('models/mnist_cnn_4layer_5_3', 1, 'i', True, 'relu', False) ``` * If you want to run `CNN-Cert-Ada` on the same model ``` run_cnn('models/mnist_cnn_4layer_5_3', 1, 'i', True, 'relu', False) ``` * If you want to run `Fast-Lin` on one image (the first argument is not used if `layers` is provided) ``` run(999, 4, 1, 'i', 'models/mnist_cnn_as_mlp_4layer_5_3', [3380, 2880, 2420], cifar=False) ``` * If you want to run the sparse version of `Fast-Lin` on one image ``` run(999, 4, 1, 'i', 'models/mnist_cnn_as_mlp_4layer_5_3', [3380, 2880, 2420], sparse=True, cifar=False) ``` * If you want to run LP on one image ``` run(999, 4, 1, 'i', 'models/mnist_cnn_as_mlp_4layer_5_3', [3380, 2880, 2420], lp=True, cifar=False) ``` * If you want to run Global Lipschitz on one image ``` run(999, 4, 1, 'i', 'models/mnist_cnn_as_mlp_4layer_5_3', [3380, 2880, 2420], spectral=True, cifar=False) ``` * If you want to run CW/EAD attack on one image ``` with K.get_session() as sess: run_attack('models/mnist_cnn_4layer_5_3', sess) ``` * If you want to run Reluplex, first convert the MLP network to nnet format using `ReluplexCav2017/`: ``` nnet('models/mnist_cnn_as_mlp_4layer_5_3') ``` The resulting file will be saved as `models/mnist_cnn_as_mlp_4layer_5_3.nnet`. Move this file to `ReluplexCav2017/nnet/`. Edit `ReluplexCav2017/check_properties/adversarial/main.cpp` to change the images verified. Then run ``` ./ReluplexCav2017/scripts/ ``` Additional Examples ---------------- For example, to compute the average l-infinity CNN-Cert bound over 100 images on a MNIST pure convolutional ReLU network with filename `my_mnist_network`, run the following in python: ``` from pymain import run_cnn bound, time = run_cnn('my_mnist_network', 100, 'i') ``` To find the Fast-Lin bounds on this network, first convert the network to MLP: ``` from cnn_to_mlp import convert convert('my_mnist_network', 'my_mlp_mnist_network') ``` This will print the size of the MLP weight matrices. Use this to determine the number of nodes in each hidden layer of the MLP network. Suppose there are 3 hidden layers (4 layers total excluding the input) with 50 nodes each. To run Fast-Lin, call the Fast-Lin interfacing function in ``: ``` from pymain import run bound, time = run(50, 4, 'i', 'my_mlp_mnist_network') ``` To compute the average l-2 CNN-Cert bound over 10 images on a CIFAR sigmoid Resnet with filename `my_cifar_resnet`, run the following in python: ``` from pymain import run_cnn bound, time = run_cnn('my_cifar_resnet', 10, '2', core = False, activation = 'sigmoid', cifar = True) ``` Experimental Results ---------------- Results of running CNN-Cert are shown for some example networks with different perturbation norms. CNN-Cert is compared to other certified bounds in both bounds and runtimes. As illustrated, for the example networks CNN-Cert performs similar to or better than the compared methods with faster runtime. ![Bounds Results](BoundsResults.PNG) ![Runtime Results](RuntimeResults.PNG)


