
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2011-08-21 14:06:06
上 传 者gx_liuam
说明:  一个旋转飞出的字效果,ext框架的,用火狐看效果比较流畅出现
(Effect of a rotating flying words, ext framework, with the emergence of Firefox to see the effect is relatively smooth)

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extjs\extjs\Js\bootstrap.js (1783, 2011-07-25)
extjs\extjs\Js\example-data.js (3179, 2011-07-25)
extjs\extjs\Js\ext-all-debug-w-comments.js (3880896, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\ext-all.js (973044, 2011-07-25)
extjs\extjs\Js\jquery-1.3.1.min.js (55272, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\Pie.js (2421, 2011-07-25)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\AbstractComponent.js (85354, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\AbstractContainer.js (31954, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\AbstractDataView.js (25031, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\AbstractManager.js (4417, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\AbstractPanel.js (12352, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\AbstractPlugin.js (906, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\Action.js (9033, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\Ajax.js (3258, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\Application.js (14619, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\ApplicationManager.js (1117, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\button\Button.js (36927, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\button\Cycle.js (7123, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\button\Split.js (3111, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\chart\Area.jpg (23495, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\chart\axis\Abstract.js (1189, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\chart\axis\Axis.js (25843, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\chart\axis\Category.js (2310, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\chart\axis\Numeric.js (4063, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\chart\axis\Radial.js (6858, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\chart\axis\Time.js (10786, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\chart\Bar.jpg (16873, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\chart\Callouts.js (4121, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\chart\Chart.js (21525, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\chart\Highlights.js (5153, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\chart\Labels.js (7620, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\chart\Legend.js (9356, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\chart\LegendItem.js (6417, 2011-08-21)
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extjs\extjs\Js\src\chart\Mask.js (5811, 2011-08-21)
extjs\extjs\Js\src\chart\MaskLayer.js (1407, 2011-08-21)
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# Drawing and Charting ______________________________________________ This document is intended to guide you through the overall design and implementation details of the Drawing and Charting packages. The drawing and charting packages enable you to create cross browser and cross device graphics in a versatile way. The structure of this document will cover three main topics: - Section I: ["Draw"](#) a versatile cross-browser/device package to draw general purpose graphics and animations. - Section II: ["Chart"](#) A high level presentation of the charting package and how classes are organized in it. - Section III: ["Series"](#) A presentation of the available series and their use. ## I. The Draw Package ______________________ The design choices in the graphics team concerning drawing were not just contrained to charting: we needed a versatile tool that would enable us to create custom graphics in a cross-browser/device manner and also perform rich animations with them. The Draw package contains a [Surface](#) class that abstracts the underlying graphics implementation and enables the developer to create arbitrarily shaped [Sprites](#) or [SpriteGroups](#) that respond to interactions like mouse events and also provide rich animations on all attributes like shape, color, size, etc. The underlying/concrete implementations for the [Surface](#) class are [SVG](#) (for SVG capable browsers) and [VML](#) (for the Internet Explorer family - < 9). [Surface](#) can be considered as an interface for the [SVG](#) and [VML](#) rendering engines. Surface is agnostic to its underlying implementations. Most of the methods and ways to create sprites are heavily inspired by the [SVG standard](http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/). ### Creating a Drawing Surface You can create a simple drawing surface without loading the Charting package at all. This can be useful to create arbitrary graphics that work on all browsers/devices and animate well. For example, you could create an interactive map of the United States where each state is a sprite, or also an infographic where each element is also a sprite. What's interesting about making sprites and not images is that the document acquires a new level of interactivity but also that being VML and SVG based the images will never loose quality and can be printed correctly. In order to use the Draw package directly you can create a [Draw Component](#) and (for example) append it to an `Ext.Window`: var drawComponent = Ext.create('Ext.draw.Component', { viewBox: false, items: [{ type: 'circle', fill: '#ffc', radius: 100, x: 100, y: 100 }] }); Ext.create('Ext.Window', { width: 230, height: 230, layout: 'fit', items: [drawComponent] }).show(); In this case we created a draw component and added a sprite to it. The *type* of the sprite is *circle* so if you run this code you'll see a yellow-ish circle in a Window. When setting `viewBox` to `false` we are responsible for setting the object's position and dimensions accordingly. Sprites can have different types. Some of them are: - *circle* - To draw circles. You can set the radius by using the *radius* parameter in the sprite configuration. - *rect* - To render rectangles. You can set the width and height of the rectangle by using the *width* and *height* parameters in the sprite configuration. - *text* - To render text as a sprite. You can set the font/font-size by using the *font* parameter. - *path* - The most powerful sprite type. With it you can create arbitrary shapes by using the [SVG path syntax](http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html). You can find a quick tutorial on to how to get started with the path syntax [here](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/SVG/Tutorial/Paths). ### Interacting with a Sprite Now that we've created a draw surface with a sprite in it, let's dive into how to interact with the sprite. We can get a handle to the sprite we want to modify by adding that sprite imperatively to the surface: // Create a draw component var drawComponent = Ext.create('Ext.draw.Component', { viewBox: false }); // Create a window to place the draw component in Ext.create('Ext.Window', { width: 220, height: 230, layout: 'fit', items: [drawComponent] }).show(); // Add a circle sprite var myCircle = drawComponent.surface.add({ type: 'circle', x: 100, y: 100, radius: 100, fill: '#cc5' }); // Now do stuff with the sprite, like changing its properties: myCircle.setAttributes({ fill: '#ccc' }, true); // or animate an attribute on the sprite myCircle.animate({ to: { fill: '#555' }, duration: 2000 }); // Add a mouseup listener to the sprite myCircle.addListener('mouseup', function() { alert('mouse upped!'); }); In this example we've seen how we can add events, set sprite attributes and animate these attributes using the draw package. As you can see this package is a versatile abstraction layer over the graphics we can do. What's most interesting about this class is that we aren't tied to a specific shape or structure; also all elements support events, setting attributes and creating animations. Most important of all, all of this is compatible in all browsers and devices. ## II. Charts So now that we learnt about the expressive power of the draw package, let's dive into charts. The chart package consists of a hierarchy of classes that define a chart container (something like a surface but more specific for handling charts); axes, legends, series, labels, callouts, tips, cartesian and radial coordinates, and specific series like [Pie](#), [Area](#), [Bar](#), etc. In this section we will cover how these classes are tied together and what bits of functionality go into each of these classes. We won't cover each particular series, since that is done in the next section. ### Chart The Chart class is the main drawing surface for series. It manages the rendering of each series and also how axes are drawn and defined. Chart also delegates mouse events over to different areas of the Chart like Series, Axes, etc. The [Chart class](#) extends [Draw Component](#). A Chart instance has access to: - axes - Accessed through `chart.axes`. All the axes being defined and drawn for this visualization. This is a mixed collection. - series - Accessed through `chart.series`. All the series being drawn for the chart. This could be line, bar, scatter, etc. This is also a mixed collection. - legend - The legend box object and its legend items. The chart instance supports custom events that can be triggered right before and during the rendering of the visualization. We can add handlers for these events by using: chart.on({ 'refresh': function() { alert('(re)drawing the chart'); } }); Chart also delegates events like `itemmousedown` and `itemmouseup` to the series so that we can append listeners to those objects and get the target sprite of the event. ### Legend The chart configuration object accepts a `legend` parameter to enable legend items for each series and to set the position of the legend. These options are passed into the constructor of the chart. For example: var chart = Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', { width: 200, height: 200, // Set a legend legend: { position: 'left' }, // Define axes axes: [/*set an axis configuration*/], // Define series series: [/*set series configuration*/] }); Each series object needs to have the `showInLegend` parameter set to `true` in order to be in the legend list. ### Axis The `axis` package contains an `Abstract` axis class that is extended by `Axis` and `Radial` axes. `Axis` represents a `Cartesian` axis and `Radial` uses polar coordinates to represent the information for polar based visualizations like Pie and Radar series. Axes are bound to the type of data we're trying to represent. There are axes for categorical information (called `Category` axis) and also axis for quantitative information like `Numeric`. For time-based information we have the `Time` axis that enables us to render information over a specific period of time, and to update that period of time with smooth animations. If you'd like to know more about each axis please go to the axis package documentation. Also, you will find configuration examples for axis in the bottom series examples. ### Series A `Series` is an abstract class extended by concrete visualizations like `Line` or `Scatter`. The `Series` class contains code that is common to all of these series, like event handling, animation handling, shadows, gradients, common offsets, etc. The `Series` class is enhanced with a set of *mixins* that provide functionality like highlighting, callouts, tips, etc. A `Series` will contain an array of `items` where each item contains information about the positioning of each element, its associated `sprite` and a `storeItem`. The series also share the `drawSeries` method that updates all positions for the series and then renders the series. ### Theming The Chart configuration object may have a `theme` property with a string value that references a builtin theme name. var chart = Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', { theme: 'Blue', /* Other options... */ }); A Theme defines the style of the shapes, color, font, axes and background of a chart. The theming configuration can be very rich and complex: { axis: { fill: '#000', 'stroke-width': 1 }, axisLabelTop: { fill: '#000', font: '11px Arial' }, axisLabelLeft: { fill: '#000', font: '11px Arial' }, axisLabelRight: { fill: '#000', font: '11px Arial' }, axisLabelBottom: { fill: '#000', font: '11px Arial' }, axisTitleTop: { fill: '#000', font: '11px Arial' }, axisTitleLeft: { fill: '#000', font: '11px Arial' }, axisTitleRight: { fill: '#000', font: '11px Arial' }, axisTitleBottom: { fill: '#000', font: '11px Arial' }, series: { 'stroke-width': 1 }, seriesLabel: { font: '12px Arial', fill: '#333' }, marker: { stroke: '#555', fill: '#000', radius: 3, size: 3 }, seriesThemes: [{ fill: '#C6DBEF' }, { fill: '#9ECAE1' }, { fill: '#6BAED6' }, { fill: '#4292C6' }, { fill: '#2171B5' }, { fill: '#084594' }], markerThemes: [{ fill: '#084594', type: 'circle' }, { fill: '#2171B5', type: 'cross' }, { fill: '#4292C6', type: 'plus' }] } We can also create a seed of colors that will be the base for the entire theme just by creating a simple array of colors in the configuration object like: { colors: ['#***', '#bcd', '#eee'] } When setting a base color the theme will generate an array of colors that match the base color: { baseColor: '#bce' } You can create a custom theme by extending from the base theme. For example, to create a custom `Fancy` theme we can do: var colors = ['#555', '#666', '#777', '#888', '#999']; var baseColor = '#eee'; Ext.define('Ext.chart.theme.Fancy', { extend: 'Ext.chart.theme.Base', constructor: function(config) { this.callParent(Ext.apply({ axis: { fill: baseColor, stroke: baseColor }, axisLabelLeft: { fill: baseColor }, axisLabelBottom: { fill: baseColor }, axisTitleLeft: { fill: baseColor }, axisTitleBottom: { fill: baseColor }, colors: colors }, config)); } }); var chart = Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', { theme: 'Fancy', /* Other options here... */ }); ## III. Series The following section will go through our available series/visualizations, introduce each one of them and show a complete configuration example of the series. The example will include the `Chart`, `Axis` and `Series` configuration options. ### Area Creates a Stacked Area Chart. The stacked area chart is useful when displaying multiple aggregated layers of information. As with all other series, the Area Series must be appended in the *series* Chart array configuration. ![Series Image](Area.jpg) A typical configuration object for the area series could be: var chart = Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', { renderTo: Ext.getBody(), width: 800, height: 600, animate: true, store: store, legend: { position: 'bottom' }, // Add Numeric and Category axis axes: [{ type: 'Numeric', grid: true, position: 'left', fields: ['data1', 'data2', 'data3'], title: 'Number of Hits', grid: { odd: { opacity: 1, fill: '#ddd', stroke: '#bbb', 'stroke-width': 1 } }, minimum: 0, adjustMinimumByMajorUnit: 0 }, { type: 'Category', position: 'bottom', fields: ['name'], title: 'Month of the Year', grid: true, label: { rotate: { degrees: 315 } } }], // Add the Area Series series: [{ type: 'area', highlight: true, axis: 'left', xField: 'name', yField: ['data1', 'data2', 'data3'], style: { opacity: 0.93 } }] }); ### Bar Creates a Bar Chart. A Bar Chart is a useful visualization technique to display quantitative information for different categories that can show some progression (or regression) in the dataset. As with all other series, the Bar Series must be appended in the *series* Chart array configuration. See the Chart documentation for more information. ![Series Image](Bar.jpg) A typical configuration object for the bar series could be: var chart = Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', { renderTo: Ext.getBody(), width: 800, height: 600, animate: true, store: store, theme: 'White', axes: [{ type: 'Numeric', position: 'bottom', fields: ['data1'], title: 'Number of Hits' }, { type: 'Category', position: 'left', fields: ['name'], title: 'Month of the Year' }], //Add Bar series. series: [{ type: 'bar', axis: 'bottom', xField: 'name', yField: 'data1', highlight: true, label: { display: 'insideEnd', field: 'data1', renderer: Ext.util.Format.numberRenderer('0'), orientation: 'horizontal', color: '#333', 'text-anchor': 'middle' } }] }); ### Line Creates a Line Chart. A Line Chart is a useful visualization technique to display quantitative information for different categories or other real values (as opposed to the bar chart), that can show some progression (or regression) in the dataset. As with all other series, the Line Series must be appended in the *series* Chart array configuration. See the Chart documentation for more information. ![Series Image](Line.jpg) A typical configuration object for the line series could be: var chart = Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', { renderTo: Ext.getBody(), width: 800, height: 600, animate: true, store: store, shadow: true, theme: 'Category1', axes: [{ type: 'Numeric', minimum: 0, position: 'left', fields: ['data1', 'data2', 'data3'], title: 'Number of Hits' }, { type: 'Category', position: 'bottom', fields: ['name'], title: 'Month of the Year' }], // Add two line series series: [{ type: 'line', axis: 'left', xField: 'name', yField: 'data1', markerCfg: { type: 'cross', size: 4, radius: 4, 'stroke-width': 0 } }, { type: 'line', axis: 'left', fill: true, xField: 'name', yField: 'data3', markerCfg: { type: 'circle', size: 4, radius: 4, 'stroke-width': 0 } }] }); ### Pie Creates a Pie Chart. A Pie Chart is a useful visualization technique to display quantitative information for different categories that also have a meaning as a whole. As with all other series, the Pie Series must be appended in the *series* Chart array configuration. See the Chart documentation for more information. A typical configuration object for the pie series could be: ![Series Image](Pie.jpg) A typical configuration object for the pie series could be: var chart = Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart', { width: 800, height: 600, animate: true, shadow: true, store: store, renderTo: Ext.getBody(), legend: { position: 'right' }, insetPadding: 25, theme: 'Base:gradients', series: [{ type: 'pie', field: 'data1', showInLegend: true, highlight: { segment: { margin: 20 } }, label: { field: 'name', display: 'rotate', contrast: true, font: '18px Arial' } }] }); ### Radar Creates a Radar Chart. A Radar Chart is a useful visualization technique for comparing different quantitative values for a constrained number of categories. As with all other series, the Radar series must be appended in the *series* Chart array configuration. See the Chart document ... ...


