
上传日期:2021-08-13 12:04:04
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  dlbook zh-cn、Ian Goodfellow、Yoshua Bengio和Aaron Courville的深度学习书籍《中文翻译》
(dlbook-zh-cn,Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville s deep learning book Chinese translation)

Makefile (985, 2016-11-25)
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contents\applications.tex (25285, 2016-11-25)
contents\autoencoders.tex (47, 2016-11-25)
contents\beamermindmap.nav (346, 2016-11-25)
contents\beamermindmap.snm (0, 2016-11-25)
contents\beamermindmap.tex (1852, 2016-11-25)
contents\convnets.tex (43, 2016-11-25)
contents\generative_models.tex (2542, 2016-11-25)
contents\glossaries.tex (9988, 2016-11-25)
contents\graphical_models.tex (75, 2016-11-25)
contents\guidelines.tex (48, 2016-11-25)
contents\inference.tex (44, 2016-11-25)
contents\intro.tex (23682, 2016-11-25)
contents\linear_algebra.tex (48124, 2016-11-25)
contents\linear_factors.tex (55, 2016-11-25)
contents\ml.tex (5742, 2016-11-25)
contents\mlp.tex (44, 2016-11-25)
contents\monte_carlo.tex (10284, 2016-11-25)
contents\notation.tex (6890, 2016-11-25)
contents\numerical.tex (24435, 2016-11-25)
contents\optimization.tex (68, 2016-11-25)
contents\part_basics.tex (861, 2016-11-25)
contents\part_practical.tex (58, 2016-11-25)
contents\part_research.tex (3713, 2016-11-25)
contents\partition.tex (9557, 2016-11-25)
contents\prob.tex (48, 2016-11-25)
contents\regularization.tex (67, 2016-11-25)
contents\representation.tex (49, 2016-11-25)
contents\rnn.tex (62, 2016-11-25)
contents\title.tex (529, 2016-11-25)
dlbook-complete.bib (1780994, 2016-11-25)
dlbook.tex (9549, 2016-11-25)
figures (0, 2016-11-25)
... ...

Deep Learning Book ================== **This is a skeleton for Deep Learning Book Chinese Version.** ## Compile the LaTeX Source Code To compile the source code to a PDF file, please make sure you have a latest TeX system installed. You can download and install a TeX distribution for your platform from http://tug.org. It's recommended to install: - [Tex Live](http://tug.org/texlive/) 2015 or later for Linux - [MacTex](http://tug.org/mactex/) 2015 or later for Mac OS X ### Check out source code Use git to clone this repository and the code samples as a sub module: ```shell $ git clone https://github.com/tigerneil/dlbook-zh-cn.git ``` ### Prepare Fonts Run the `bootstrap.sh` in the working copy to download required fonts: ``` shell $ ./bootstrap.sh ``` This is a simple shell script to download the following free fonts into `fonts/` folder: - [Google Noto Sans CJK SC](https://noto-website-2.storage.googleapis.com/pkgs/NotoSansCJKsc-hinted.zip) - [Google Roboto](https://github.com/google/roboto/releases/download/v2.134/roboto-unhinted.zip) - [Adobe Source Serif Pro](https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-serif-pro/archive/1.017R.zip) - [Adobe Source Code Pro](https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-code-pro/archive/2.030R-ro/1.050R-it.zip) You can also manually download and unarchive to `fonts/`, and make sure it contains: ```shell fonts/ ├── NotoSansCJKsc-Black.otf ├── NotoSansCJKsc-Bold.otf ├── NotoSansCJKsc-DemiLight.otf ├── NotoSansCJKsc-Light.otf ├── NotoSansCJKsc-Medium.otf ├── NotoSansCJKsc-Regular.otf ├── NotoSansCJKsc-Thin.otf ├── NotoSansMonoCJKsc-Bold.otf ├── NotoSansMonoCJKsc-Regular.otf ├── Roboto-Black.ttf ├── Roboto-BlackItalic.ttf ├── Roboto-Bold.ttf ├── Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf ├── Roboto-Italic.ttf ├── Roboto-Light.ttf ├── Roboto-LightItalic.ttf ├── Roboto-Medium.ttf ├── Roboto-MediumItalic.ttf ├── Roboto-Regular.ttf ├── Roboto-Thin.ttf ├── Roboto-ThinItalic.ttf ├── RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf ├── RobotoCondensed-BoldItalic.ttf ├── RobotoCondensed-Italic.ttf ├── RobotoCondensed-Light.ttf ├── RobotoCondensed-LightItalic.ttf ├── RobotoCondensed-Regular.ttf ├── SourceCodePro-Black.otf ├── SourceCodePro-BlackIt.otf ├── SourceCodePro-Bold.otf ├── SourceCodePro-BoldIt.otf ├── SourceCodePro-ExtraLight.otf ├── SourceCodePro-ExtraLightIt.otf ├── SourceCodePro-It.otf ├── SourceCodePro-Light.otf ├── SourceCodePro-LightIt.otf ├── SourceCodePro-Medium.otf ├── SourceCodePro-MediumIt.otf ├── SourceCodePro-Regular.otf ├── SourceCodePro-Semibold.otf ├── SourceCodePro-SemiboldIt.otf ├── SourceSerifPro-Black.otf ├── SourceSerifPro-Bold.otf ├── SourceSerifPro-ExtraLight.otf ├── SourceSerifPro-Light.otf ├── SourceSerifPro-Regular.otf └── SourceSerifPro-Semibold.otf 0 directories, 47 files ``` ### Generate PDF Run ``` shell $ make ``` to typeset and generate the PDF document. Or use your favorite GUI TeX application, but choose `XeLaTeX` as the typeset engine to support the chinese fonts.


