
上传日期:2011-08-27 03:47:50
上 传 者wslct
说明:  panel plot toolbox for subplots

license.txt (1330, 2010-08-29)
panel (0, 2010-08-29)
panel\@panel (0, 2010-08-21)
panel\@panel\clear.m (360, 2009-10-07)
panel\@panel\delete.m (745, 2010-08-29)
panel\@panel\display.m (1849, 2010-08-29)
panel\@panel\export.m (8384, 2010-08-20)
panel\@panel\pack.m (5988, 2010-08-23)
panel\@panel\panel.m (3987, 2010-08-29)
panel\@panel\private (0, 2010-08-29)
panel\@panel\private\default.m (1670, 2010-08-29)
panel\@panel\private\getform.m (188, 2009-10-07)
panel\@panel\private\getpanel.m (602, 2010-08-29)
panel\@panel\private\setpanel.m (744, 2010-08-29)
panel\@panel\private\storeform.m (768, 2009-10-07)
panel\@panel\private\subrender.m (9330, 2010-08-29)
panel\@panel\private\tofrac.m (1035, 2009-10-07)
panel\@panel\private\translatelabel.m (899, 2010-08-29)
panel\@panel\render.m (2253, 2010-08-29)
panel\@panel\select.m (1551, 2010-08-29)
panel\@panel\subsasgn.m (3865, 2010-08-29)
panel\@panel\subsref.m (6729, 2010-08-29)
panel\boxmodel.png (45865, 2010-08-29)
panel\boxmodel.svg (8185, 2010-08-29)
panel\boxmodel_figure_axis.png (1794, 2010-08-29)
panel\boxmodel_figure_window.png (19874, 2010-08-29)
panel\examples.png (126382, 2010-08-29)
panel\INSTALL.txt (92, 2009-10-07)
panel\license.txt (1330, 2010-08-20)
panel\panel_demo_1.m (965, 2009-10-07)
panel\panel_demo_2.m (1738, 2009-10-07)
panel\panel_demo_3.m (1088, 2009-10-07)
panel\panel_demo_4.m (2090, 2009-10-07)
panel\panel_demo_5.m (1904, 2009-10-07)
panel\panel_demo_6.m (1367, 2010-08-29)
panel\panel_demo_7.m (1125, 2009-10-07)
panel\panel_demo_8.m (598, 2010-08-24)
panel\panel_demo_9.m (1382, 2010-08-24)
panel\panel_demo_A.m (1235, 2010-08-29)
panel\panel_render_all.m (535, 2010-08-29)
... ...

Panel is a replacement for Matlab's subplot function. For details, see "panel.html". Author: Ben Mitch URL: Version 1 was released 2009 CHANGE LOG SINCE THEN: 10/05/2010 * Changed default value of P.render_notinh.x/yticklabel to "false", so it is distinguishable from "''" (empty string), which the user may actually want to set. 19/8/2010 * Changed the default value of P.render_notinh.x/yticklabel back to '', because it's more consistent. If the user wants empty ticklabels, they can set ' ' (a space). * Added documentation for xticklabel and yticklabel properties. * Improved documentation for engineering scales. * Improved display() to show what value is inherited for inherited values. * Fixed bug in ticklabel display during export(). * Added syntax P = panel(gcf, 3, 2, ...) to allow creation of a grid of panels straight off the bat (see "help panel"). Also added new demo of this (panel_demo_8). Suggested by LP Pakula. 19/8/2010 (2) * Whoops. Fixed a bug in panel.m after recent changes to it. 20/8/2010 * Improved performance of rendering by 20%. 23/08/2010 * Added regular-grid packing to pack(), and rearranged panel() to use this rather than do it itself. * This required changing the syntax - the call is now P = panel(gcf, [3 2], ...) or P = p.pack([3 2]), to pack into an existing panel. * Added option to select() a panel onto an existing axis - see help panel/select. This usage suggested by Arthur Ward. 24/08/2010 * Fixed a bug in sub_render introduced with the last change that caused tick labels to display incorrectly until the next render after some window resize operations. 26/08/2010 ---- RELEASE: 26_08_2010 28/08/2010 * Changed x/ylabel storage to be within the associated Handle Graphics axis. This way, the user can set them either through the panel object, or using the standard x/ylabel() routines. The advantage is that third-party code may use x/ylabel() for specialised plots, and this now works correctly and transparently with panel, since they store their data in the same place. * Did the same for x/yticklabel and title, for consistency and, in a small way, for the same reason as above. * Reworked subsref/subsasgn interface, so that x/ytick, x/yticklabel, x/ylabel and title now implement an alternative interface to the native axis properties through panel, which makes them easy and consistent to get and set (no working with axis handles). As a handy shortcut, to revert ticklabel or tick to automatic mode, set their value to logical false, e.g. "p.xtick = false;". * Changed implementation of panel constructor so that if you create a new root panel object, an existing panel tree attached to the target figure is walked, and any associated axes are destroyed. NOTE that existing axes that are not managed by panel are not affected, so you can create a special-purpose axis before or after attaching a panel to a figure. * Complete review of documentation, making sure it's accurate and a bit clearer than before. ---- RELEASE: 28_08_2010 28/08/2010 * Changed implementation to use only the field "panel" in UserData; bit tidier. * 20% rendering performance increase, mostly by optimising inheritance in subsref. * Fixed bug of not correctly handling figure units other than "pixels" - all figure units are now handled, save "normalized", which cannot be (it gives no absolute size reference and leaves us stuck for rendering). * Fixed implementation of create new root panel so that if the user retains references to no-longer-existing panels, this is detectable; use of these "hanging" references now generates an error. * Other minor fixes. ---- RELEASE: 28_08_2010_02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #### TODO #### (from me) * fully-automatic margins based on what was actually rendered, with respect to "off this edge" alignment MY ANSWER: erm... yeah, would need a bit of thought, though. half the point is that the nice fixed margins give us a nice regular layout; if we allowed automatic margins it would step outside that model. might provide it as an option, but what would need to be automatically accounted for? titles? x/ylabels? tick labels? needs some thought. * offer intuitive interface to margins on individual panels (e.g. offer 'p.marginbottom' etc.) MY ANSWER: this sounds straightforward, let's do that. * turn on rendering of box-model, so it's easy to see where the margins come from. MY ANSWER: thought about this; not as easy as it sounds. had a look at the way Matlab adds lines to figures, and it looks like it does an axis-in-the-background trick. i may look into this at some point, but i'll not lose any sleep about it. (from LP Pakula) * Implement using a HANDLE class inheritance MY ANSWER: implement using a HANDLE class: yeah, well this was written back in the dark days when such things weren't possible. i do fancy reimplementing at some point, would be slicker. if i ever get the time :) * Allow margins to be set individually so that defaults remain e.g. axismargin(10,[],[].10); MY ANSWER: re the defaults idea, yeah i see what you mean. i'll stick it on the todo list.


