开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2011-08-30 14:46:04
上 传 者huitailangabc
说明:  驱动级DLL注入源码。包含有系统兼容性检测、驱动DLL注入技术、API HOOK技术,并且提供应用层测试。
(Driver stage DLL into the source code. Contains system compatibility testing, driving the DLL implantation technology, technology, and provide the HOOK API application layer test.)

NTProcDrv (0, 2006-05-29)
NTProcDrv\DrvUtils.c (3644, 2006-05-29)
NTProcDrv\DrvUtils.h (841, 2006-05-29)
NTProcDrv\NTProcDrv.dsw (541, 2006-05-29)
NTProcDrv\NTProcDrv.h (4053, 2006-05-29)
NTProcDrv\NTProcDrv.vcproj (4663, 2006-05-29)
NTProcDrv\Undocumented.h (1286, 2006-05-29)
NTProcDrv\NTProcDrv.c (16618, 2006-05-29)
NTProcDrv\NTProcDrv.dsp (5028, 2006-05-29)
NTProcDrv\Release (0, 2006-05-31)
NTProcDrv\Release\NTProcDrv.sys (7168, 2006-05-31)
dllhookapi (0, 2006-05-29)
dllhookapi\dllhookapi.cpp (688, 2006-05-29)
dllhookapi\dllhookapi.def (32, 2006-05-29)
dllhookapi\dllhookapi.sln (909, 2006-05-29)
dllhookapi\dllhookapi.vcproj (3952, 2006-05-29)
dllhookapi\stdafx.cpp (297, 2006-05-29)
dllhookapi\stdafx.h (378, 2006-05-29)
dllhookapi\Release (0, 2006-05-29)
dllhookapi\Release\tunew20.dll (65536, 2006-05-29)
HookDemo (0, 2006-05-29)
HookDemo\HookDemo.cpp (1702, 2006-05-29)
HookDemo\HookDemo.sln (905, 2006-05-29)
HookDemo\HookDemo.vcproj (3976, 2006-05-29)
HookDemo\Monitoring.cpp (3140, 2006-05-29)
HookDemo\Monitoring.h (882, 2006-05-29)
HookDemo\stdafx.cpp (295, 2006-05-29)
HookDemo\stdafx.h (293, 2006-05-29)
HookDemo\Release (0, 2006-05-31)
HookDemo\Release\HookDemo.exe (45056, 2006-05-31)
说明.txt (98, 2011-08-30)

Here you can find source codes. Note: to compile NtProcDrv you need NTDDK to be installed on your computer. To run compiled sample, place tunew20.dll in any folder that is specified in PATH variable (windows/system32 for example). Then run HookDemo.exe. After it is has been started all process creation routines will be intercepted. Press "Enter" key and hook will be uninstalled. Note: you should have an administrator rights for properly running application. To verify if it works fine try to start any application after HookDemo has been run. You should see message box "Before starting process." on process startup and "Before ending." right before process will be ended. Andriy Oriekhov www.toleron.com


