
所属分类:SQL Server
上传日期:2021-11-26 22:16:03
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  iCodeGenerator是一个以数据库为中心的基于模板的代码生成器,适用于任何文本(ascii)编程语言,如C、P...
(iCodeGenerator is a database centric template based code generator for any text(ascii) programming language like C, PHP, C#, Visual Basic, Java, Perl, Python... Supported databases are SQL Server, MySQL and PostgreSQL.)

.editorconfig (94, 2023-07-08)
.vs (0, 2023-07-08)
.vs\CodeGenerator (0, 2023-07-08)
.vs\CodeGenerator\project-colors.json (1114, 2023-07-08)
.vs\iCodeGenerator (0, 2023-07-08)
.vs\iCodeGenerator\DesignTimeBuild (0, 2023-07-08)
.vs\iCodeGenerator\DesignTimeBuild\.dtbcache.v2 (8350, 2023-07-08)
.vs\iCodeGenerator\project-colors.json (2545, 2023-07-08)
.vs\iCodeGenerator\v17 (0, 2023-07-08)
.vs\iCodeGenerator\v17\.futdcache.v1 (415, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared (0, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\AppVersion.cs (1260, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\CodeGenerator.Shared.csproj (1852, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\ConfigFile.cs (2274, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\Data (0, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\Data\DataSource.cs (111, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\Data\ProviderFactory.cs (1359, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\Data\Structure (0, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\Data\Structure\Column.cs (685, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\Data\Structure\DataSourceProvider (0, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\Data\Structure\DataSourceProvider\BaseDataSourceProvider.cs (5078, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\Data\Structure\DataSourceProvider\IDataSourceProvider.cs (388, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\Data\Structure\DataSourceProvider\MySqlDataSourceProvider.cs (2309, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\Data\Structure\DataSourceProvider\NpgsqlDataSourceProvider.cs (3521, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\Data\Structure\DataSourceProvider\OracleDataSourceProvider.cs (4157, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\Data\Structure\DataSourceProvider\SqlDataSourceProvider.cs (4954, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\Data\Structure\Database.cs (1025, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\Data\Structure\Key.cs (284, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\Data\Structure\Server.cs (2225, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\Data\Structure\Table.cs (1312, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\Extensions (0, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\Extensions\HumanizerExtensions.cs (510, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\Extensions\StringExtensions.cs (249, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\Generator (0, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\Generator\Client.cs (2379, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\Generator\Context.cs (304, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\Generator\Expression.cs (976, 2023-07-08)
CodeGenerator.Shared\Generator\Expressions (0, 2023-07-08)
... ...

Code Generator ============== Code Generator is a database centric template based code generator for any text(ascii) programming language like C, PHP, C#, Visual Basic, Java, Perl, Python... Supported databases are SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle. ## Screenshots #### Simple Template: Simple Template #### Results: Simple Template Results ## Documentation ### Database - **{DATABASE.NAME}** Placeholder for the database name. - **{DATABASE.TABLES}...{/DATABASE.TABLES}** Placeholder for the tables. Only used for iterating tables. Attempting to further iterate by columns will not work as you may expect. ### Table - **{TABLE.SCHEMA}** Placeholder for the table schema. - **{TABLE.NAME}** Placeholder for the table name. - **{TABLE.COLUMNS}...{/TABLE.COLUMNS}** Placeholder for the columns. Possible attributes are: PRIMARY, NOPRIMARY or ALL (default) to filter which columns to process. ### Columns - **{COLUMN.NAME}** Placeholder for the column's name. - **{COLUMN.TYPE}** Placeholder for the column's type. - **{MAP COLUMN.TYPE}** Placeholder for the selected programming language's data type mapped from the source database type. Configurable in the Config.js file. - **{COLUMN.LENGTH}** Placeholder for the column's length. - **{COLUMN.DEFAULT}** Placeholder for the column's default value. ### Conditional Statements - **{IF COLUMN.NAME =~ ‘Id’}...{/IF}** Condition to test if the name of the column contains a string. - **{IF COLUMN.TYPE EQ ‘date|datetime|datetime2’}...{/IF COLUMN.TYPE}** Condition to test if the type of the column is one of the specified database types. - **{IF COLUMN.TYPE NE ‘date|datetime|datetime2’}...{/IF COLUMN.TYPE}** Condition to test if the type of the column is NOT one of the specified database types. - **{IF MAP COLUMN.TYPE EQ ‘DateTime’}...{/IF MAP COLUMN.TYPE}** Condition to test if the data type mapped from the source database type of the column is one of the specified types. - **{IF MAP COLUMN.TYPE NE ‘DateTime’}...{/IF MAP COLUMN.TYPE}** Condition to test if the data type mapped from the source database type of the column is NOT one of the specified types. - **{IF COLUMN.NULLCHECK NOT NULLABLE}...{/IF COLUMN.NULLCHECK}** Condition to test if a column is nullable or not. - **{IF COLUMN.LASTCHECK NOT LAST}...{/IF COLUMN.LASTCHECK}** Condition to test if it is the last column being processed. ### Custom Values - **{NAME_OF_YOUR_TAG}** Custom Values are Key/Value Pairs that you can define to use in a template. ### Options Some of the expressions allow for certain options to modify the output. - **{COLUMN.NAME}**, **{DATABASE.NAME}** and custom values let you specify a case conversion. You can choose from any of the following: CAMEL, PASCAL, HUMAN, UNDERSCORE, UPPER, LOWER, HYPHEN, HYPHEN_LOWER, HYPHEN_UPPER. Example: {COLUMN.NAME PASCAL} - **{TABLE.NAME}** lets you specify multiple options. Here are some examples: `{TABLE.NAME}`: Simply outputs the name, as it appears in the database `{TABLE.NAME OPTIONS CASE=PASCAL}`: Converts the name to Pascal case `{TABLE.NAME OPTIONS CASE=UPPER}`: Converts the name to Upper case `{TABLE.NAME OPTIONS REPLACE(OldValue,NewValue)}`: An expression that allows you to replace a part of the table name with something. This can be useful if your table names tend to have a prefix. For example: `MyCompany_Sales`. To remove the prefix, use `{TABLE.NAME REPLACE(MyCompany_.,)}` `{TABLE.NAME OPTIONS SINGULARIZE}`: Will ensure the table's name is singularized. Likewise, using `PLURALIZE` instead will pluralize the name. Options can be combined, but must remain in the same order.. CASE, then REPLACE, then SINGULARIZE or PLURALIZE. Here's an example using all 3 options: `{TABLE.NAME OPTIONS CASE=PASCAL REPLACE(MyCompany_,) SINGULARIZE}` ### Examples ``` using {Namespace}.Data.Domain; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; namespace {Namespace}.Data { public class ApplicationDbContext : IdentityDbContext { public ApplicationDbContext(DbContextOptions options) : base(options) { } {DATABASE.TABLES} public DbSet<{TABLE.NAME OPTIONS CASE=PASCAL}> {TABLE.NAME OPTIONS CASE=PASCAL} { get; set; } {/DATABASE.TABLES} protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder) { base.OnModelCreating(builder); {DATABASE.TABLES} builder.ApplyConfiguration(new {TABLE.NAME OPTIONS CASE=PASCAL}Map());{/DATABASE.TABLES} } } } ``` ``` using System; using Extenso.Data.Entity; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.Builders; namespace {Namespace}.Data.Domain { public class {TABLE.NAME OPTIONS CASE=PASCAL REPLACE(ABC_,) SINGULARIZE} : IEntity {{TABLE.COLUMNS} public {MAP COLUMN.TYPE} {COLUMN.NAME} { get; set; } {/TABLE.COLUMNS} #region IEntity Members public object[] KeyValues { get { return new object[] { {TABLE.COLUMNS PRIMARY}{COLUMN.NAME}{/TABLE.COLUMNS} }; } } #endregion IEntity Members } public class {TABLE.NAME OPTIONS CASE=PASCAL}Map : IEntityTypeConfiguration<{TABLE.NAME OPTIONS CASE=PASCAL}> { public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<{TABLE.NAME OPTIONS CASE=PASCAL}> builder) { builder.ToTable("{TABLE.NAME}"); {TABLE.COLUMNS PRIMARY} builder.HasKey(m => m.{COLUMN.NAME});{/TABLE.COLUMNS}{TABLE.COLUMNS NOPRIMARY} builder.Property(m => m.{COLUMN.NAME}).HasColumnType("{COLUMN.TYPE}"){IF COLUMN.NULLCHECK NOT NULLABLE}.IsRequired(){/IF COLUMN.NULLCHECK}.HasMaxLength({COLUMN.LENGTH}).IsUnicode(true);{/TABLE.COLUMNS} } } } ``` ### Additional Notes: - If you name your templates using the `{TABLE.NAME...}` expression, it will automatically generate the correct file name for you as well. Examples: ``` {TABLE.NAME OPTIONS CASE=PASCAL}.cs {TABLE.NAME OPTIONS CASE=PASCAL}Controller.cs ``` ### Future Work: It would be good to have the following work done in future: - Separate the views from the tables.. example: {VIEW.COLUMNS...}, {VIEW.NAME...}, etc. - Support for foreign key info, so that we can generate things like EF Navigation Properties


