
所属分类:Windows CE
上传日期:2011-09-04 06:21:48
上 传 者ozdenmir
说明:  Ultra Light FTP Client is a free (as in "free speech" and also as in "free beer") source code console ftp client that supports most of the common ftp client functionalities plus few extras. Designed primary to run in environments with limited resources such as Windows CE, it can run also in the normal MS Window

build.txt (167, 2011-02-09)
FtpClientWin.cpp (31775, 2011-03-23)
LICENSE.txt (35147, 2011-02-09)
release_notes.txt (402, 2011-04-02)
stdafx.h (96, 2011-02-09)
UltraLightFtpClient.sln (4146, 2011-02-09)
UltraLightFtpClientWin32\stdafx.cpp (311, 2011-02-09)
UltraLightFtpClientWin32\stdafx.h (359, 2011-02-24)
UltraLightFtpClientWin32\targetver.h (765, 2011-02-09)
UltraLightFtpClientWin32\UltraLightFtpClientWin32.cpp (177, 2011-02-09)
UltraLightFtpClientWin32\UltraLightFtpClientWin32.vcproj (4618, 2011-02-09)
UltraLightFtpClientWinCE\stdafx.cpp (311, 2011-02-09)
UltraLightFtpClientWinCE\stdafx.h (1425, 2011-03-10)
UltraLightFtpClientWinCE\UltraLightFtpClientWinCE.cpp (179, 2011-02-09)
UltraLightFtpClientWinCE\UltraLightFtpClientWinCE.vcproj (6075, 2011-02-09)

What is Ultra Light FTP Client? ********************************** Ultra Light FTP Client is a free (as in "free speech" and also as in "free beer") source code console ftp client that supports most of the common ftp client functionalities plus few extras. Designed primary to run in environments with limited resources such as Windows CE, it can run also in the normal MS Windows, its use is governed by GPL License. Why another FTP client? *************************** I have bought a mini laptop with Windows CE and i have ran into the problem how to exchange files between my pc and this device? The usual option is to connect them with a usb cable and use programs like ActiveSync. I didn't have neighter of them and i thought "why should i pay extra money for a cable since i have wireless connection"? I tried using the installed IE browser on the mini laptop but i have found out that the browser shows the ftp folder content in "html view" which meaned i can easy download single file but can not upload at all. Looked around in internet for an open source ftp client working on Windows CE and for my biggest surprise didn't find any. I have found few for Windows ME but they didn't work on my CE. The next step was to make my own ftp client and then i've got the idea to publish it as open source for the sake of humanity and my own satisfaction :) Requirements **************** The program uses only standard functions exported by wininet.dll which is part of windows. In theory this means that it should work on virtually any windows with network capabilities. I have tested it only on Windows CE, Windows XP and Windows Vista but i don't see a reason why it should not work on any Windows later version than Windows 95. Didn't test it but, as far as i see, the program, in any given moment, doesn't use more than 3000 bytes of RAM. How to install: *************** No installation required whatsoever. Just put it in a folder on your Windows CE and launch it. Usage: ******** - Run the program and you'll see the available commands. - The program also accepts the same those commands as command prompt parameters during launch. This option is particularly usefull in bat files. Example: UltraLightFtpClientWin32.exe c=user1:password1@ l=c:\myfolder u=test.txt d=test2.txt x The above line will: 1) start the client 2) connect to on the standard ftp port (21) using the given user1 and password1 3) register c:\myfolder as local folder from where to upload and where to download files (You can also upload files by using their fullpath. The download although uses always the registered localfolder as a destination folder) 4) upload the file c:\myfolder\test.txt 5) download to c:\myfolder the file test2.txt 6) disconnect and exit the client If any of the commands fail, the execution of the rest of the commands will be aborted and the client will stop in "command prompt mode" - it will wait for the user to type in a command If any of the commands contain white spaces - wrap the whole command in quotes. Example: UltraLightFtpClientWin32.exe c=user1:password1@ "l=c:\my folder" u=test.txt d=test2.txt x Do not write space between the '=' and the rest of the text - the space will be treated as part of this text and the command most probably will fail. - The memory buffers that the program uses to store the console input are not protected against overflow. Which means if you write too long text as command it may exceed the size of the buffer and the program will crash. In the unlikely case you need to write very long commands (for example you need to download file with very long path) you have to increase the buffer size using the command 'a=size' Initially the buffer is 512 characters long which, in general, is more than enough. Web sites: *********** http://sourceforge.net/projects/ultralightftpc/


