开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2011-09-08 17:18:28
上 传 者yuyu123123
说明:  精心设计的 液晶模拟器,,,单色的,,但是要变成彩色的很简单,改几句代码就可以了。。 还有 12864的重量级驱动,,,,,应该说是最好的ks0107驱动,不信拉倒。。 有了这些,,,以后调试菜单显示之类的 就简单了,还不用老烧芯片,清晰直观。。 全部是VC6.0的源代码,,,要安装VC6.0,,, 不想装的下载exe文件看看也可以。。 以后大家 写液晶 还可以 用屏幕录像后发到youku给大家欣赏,优点多多。。。。 大家 觉得 牛逼的喊 裤子了,,,,
(Well-designed LCD simulator,,, monochrome, but color is very simple to become, to change a few codes on it. . 12864 heavyweight drive ,,,,, there should be said that the best ks0107 driver, do not believe or leave it. . With these,,, after the show debugging and the like on the menu simple, not to burn the old chip, clear and intuitive. . VC6.0 all the source code, to install VC6.0,,, do not want to install the downloaded exe file to see if you can. . After you write the LCD screen can also be used after the video sent to youku for everyone to enjoy, a lot of advantages. . . . We think Niubi call pants,,,,)

LCD模拟\LCD.opt (48640, 2011-08-23)
LCD模拟\LCD.clw (611, 2011-08-23)
LCD模拟\LCD.cpp (1848, 2011-07-20)
LCD模拟\LCD.dsw (529, 2011-07-20)
LCD模拟\LCD.h (1291, 2011-07-20)
LCD模拟\LCD.ncb (82944, 2011-08-23)
LCD模拟\LCD.rc (4257, 2011-08-23)
LCD模拟\LCD.dsp (4912, 2011-08-23)
LCD模拟\LCDDlg.h (2157, 2011-08-23)
LCD模拟\lcddr\arial_bold_14.h (10562, 2011-07-21)
LCD模拟\lcddr\atmel_glcd.h (3657, 2011-07-21)
LCD模拟\lcddr\corsiva_12.h (9420, 2011-07-21)
LCD模拟\lcddr\flanders_bmp.h (4357, 2008-08-06)
LCD模拟\lcddr\girl_1_glcd.h (10036, 2011-07-21)
LCD模拟\lcddr\font5x7.h (3530, 2011-08-23)
LCD模拟\lcddr\lcd_graphics.h (1860, 2011-08-23)
LCD模拟\lcddr\lcd_driver_KS0107.h (1941, 2011-08-23)
LCD模拟\lcddr\test_lcd_main.cpp (3174, 2011-08-23)
LCD模拟\lcddr\lcd_graphics.cpp (11036, 2011-08-23)
LCD模拟\lcddr\lcd_driver_ks0107.cpp (4667, 2011-08-23)
LCD模拟\res\LCD.ico (1078, 2011-07-20)
LCD模拟\res\LCD.rc2 (395, 2011-07-20)
LCD模拟\res\browser.ico (7358, 2011-08-23)
LCD模拟\Resource.h (497, 2011-08-23)
LCD模拟\StdAfx.cpp (205, 2011-07-20)
LCD模拟\StdAfx.h (1054, 2011-07-20)
LCD模拟\LCD.APS (40548, 2011-08-23)
LCD模拟\LCDDlg.cpp (8484, 2011-08-23)
LCD模拟\lcddr (0, 2011-08-06)
LCD模拟\res (0, 2011-08-05)
LCD模拟 (0, 2011-08-06)


