
上传日期:2022-01-14 12:25:34
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说明:  发现美丽的编程语言,使前端web应用程序成为构建和维护的乐趣!
(discover the beautiful programming language that makes front-end web apps a joy to build and maintain!)

CONTRIBUTING.md (101, 2022-01-14)
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elm-package.json (566, 2022-01-14)
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examples\SignupForm.elm (2562, 2022-01-14)
examples\addone.elm (164, 2022-01-14)
examples\app.elm (1014, 2022-01-14)
examples\binary_tree.elm (2896, 2022-01-14)
examples\bmi (0, 2022-01-14)
examples\bmi\bmi.html (117833, 2022-01-14)
examples\bmi\elm.json (556, 2022-01-14)
examples\bmi\src (0, 2022-01-14)
examples\bmi\src\Main.elm (996, 2022-01-14)
examples\buttons-counter-reset.elm (773, 2022-01-14)
examples\buttons-tachyons.elm (1452, 2022-01-14)
examples\buttons-viewdot.elm (712, 2022-01-14)
examples\buttons.elm (785, 2022-01-14)
examples\checkboxes.elm (1289, 2022-01-14)
examples\command-dice.elm (886, 2022-01-14)
examples\counter-reset.elm (779, 2022-01-14)
examples\counter.elm (680, 2022-01-14)
examples\elm-flags (0, 2022-01-14)
examples\elm-flags\Main.elm (1124, 2022-01-14)
examples\elm-flags\elm-package.json (400, 2022-01-14)
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examples\elm-ports\Main.elm (2307, 2022-01-14)
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# learn `elm` ## Why? > It's _difficult_ to _introduce_ elm to someone who has _never_ heard of it before without sounding "_evangelical_" ...
We've tried our best to be "_objective_" and ***factual***; the _fact_ is that Elm is ***awesome***.
Which is why _so many_ JS projects have "borrowed" (_shamelessly copied_) it's ideas. (Redux, Immutable.js, etc.)
> @rtfeldman put it best in his [**6 Months of Elm in Production** talk](https://youtu.be/R2FtMbb-nLs?t=47m36s) (_which we **highly recommend** watching!_)
"_If you take **two products** and **compare** them on **feature-checklists** that gets you
a **very inaccurate picture** of what it's going to be like to actually **use them**_." ![6-months-of-elm-comparison](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/194400/20147838/be5d2746-a6a1-11e6-91af-5149c5bf345b.jpg) > If anything in `this` guide is unclear/unexplained, _please_ help us _improve_ by opening an issue: https://github.com/dwyl/learn-elm/issues [![contributions welcome](https://img.shields.io/badge/contributions-welcome!-brightgreen.svg?style=flat)](https://github.com/dwyl/learn-elm/issues) ### Why _Not_ Just use XYZ JavaScript Framework (_which has similar features_) ? _Most_ of us are _already comfortable_ with `JavaScript` and it is _still_ (_and will remain_) the [_**most popular programming language**_](https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2018/#technology-programming-scripting-and-markup-languages) ... so _**why**_ should we even _consider_ it? There are _many_ "_technical_" reasons for using Elm: + "[_**Pure**_](https://drboolean.gitbooks.io/mostly-adequate-guide/content/ch3.html)" _functional style_ means all your functions are _**predictable**_ and thus _**very reliable**_.
No surprises even when you are working with a distributed team of dozens of people! + [***Immutable state***](https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/235558/what-is-state-mutable-state-and-immutable-state) means there are _fewer_ (_often zero_) ["_**side effects**_"](https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/40297/what-is-a-side-effect) + _**Fewer language features**_ [**_lowers_ cognitive load**](https://blog.prototypr.io/design-principles-for-reducing-cognitive-load-84e82ca61abd) when you're reading (_other people's_) code + **_Much_ less to learn** than comparable "Stacks" e.g: + **React** + Redux + Flow + Immutable + Babel + all the other setup code... + **Angular 2** + Typescript + Babel + ReactiveX + etc. (_bottom line is: elm is `less` to learn_!) + _**Much faster**_ than React.js or Angular 2 in _all_ ["***benchmarks***"](https://elm-lang.org/blog/blazing-fast-html-round-two) + **Built-in ["_Time Travelling_" Debugger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSjbTC-hvqQ&feature=youtu.be&list=PLglJM3BYAMPH2zuz1nbKHQyeawE4SN0Cd&t=1633)** that lets you record and replay actions in a user session (_thus **eliminating** the need for manually writing Selenium/Nightwatch tests!_) + _**Helpful/friendly compiler `error` messages**_ that _inform you **exactly**_ what is wrong (_during compilation_) _before_ you attempt to view your app in the browser/device. + Evan surveyed the _existing_ web programming languages for his University thesis and Elm is the `result` of that study (_borrows ideas from several places and assembles them into a cohesive beautiful package much how Apple made the original iPhone..._) The _reason(s)_ we [@**dwyl**](https://twitter.com/dwyl) are _using_ the `elm` _ecosystem_ is because it has: + _**beginner-friendly** and thriving **community** where everyone is welcome_ + _clear **leadership** from nice + smart people and_ + _excellent **documentation** (which greatly reduces frustration for beginners)_ + _a shared **mission** to build the **best** graphical user interfaces for the web!_ These are a _few_ of [our **_favourite_ things**](https://youtu.be/0IagRZBvLtw). ## What? ### `Elm` is a programming language for creating web browser-based graphical user interfaces. Elm is `purely functional`, and is developed with `emphasis` on `usability`, `performance`, and `robustness`. It advertises "`no runtime exceptions` in practice," made possible by the Elm compiler's `static type` checking. > It's _difficult_ to _overstate_ how _game-changing_ `elm`, the `elm-architecture` and `elm-platform` are to web development right now! The fact that Dan Abramov was "_inspired_" by Elm (architecture and debugger) for Redux and React Hot-Reloader respectively, should tell you that there's "_something_" here worth exploring ... ### Great Video Intro to Elm (_by Jessic Kerr_) We _highly_ recommend watching Jessica Kerr's "***Adventures in Elm***" from GOTO Conference 2016: [![image](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/194400/22403008/7a878200-e602-11e6-9239-e292fa97c6e1.png)](https://youtu.be/cgXhMc8M4X4) https://youtu.be/cgXhMc8M4X4 ### Isn't "Functional Programming" _Difficult_...? If you **`feel`** like _**F**unctional **P**rogramming_ is "_complicated_" you aren't _alone_, it's a _perfectly normal_ sentiment: > I _tried_ functional programming in JavaScript before, it was _confusing_... All we can say to that is: [![dont-panic](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/194400/20135968/74ed05d6-a66a-11e6-9f30-f50f911053e6.png)]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phrases_from_The_Hitchhiker%27s_Guide_to_the_Galaxy#Don.27t_Panic) Fear not, we have witnessed _many_ non-mathematician people (_without a Computer Science or "Engineering" background_) learning Elm "from scratch" and while some _initially_ **`felt`** that Functional Programming was a _steep_ learning curve, _because_ it's _quite_ different from what we were _used_ to (_procedural/imperative/mutable_...). We **`found`** that the Elm language is actually really _small and focussed_
and when we break it down there are only a handful of concepts
we need to _understand_ before we can start reading/writing code. > **Tip**: if you want to _understand_ the core concepts, jump to the [Language](#language) section below. ## Who? If you haven't felt the _pain_ of trying to debug/maintain/extend code you did not _originally write_, or have not worked on a sufficiently large app to `feel` the "_fix one thing breaks two other features_" ["_whack-a-mole_"](https://youtu.be/GVJL9oXgsAA), you _might not_ not see the _benefit_ of the `elm` ecosystem ... But we _urge_ you to consider the list in the "Why?" section (_above_) and if _any_ of those points appeals to you,
give elm ***5 minutes*** of your time _**today**_ to _try_ the "_**Quick-Start**" below_! ## How? The best place to start is with the "_Official Guide_". But we have _condensed_ their "Install" guide into the **5-minute** instructions below: ### Pre-requisites + A **Computer** with: + **Node.js _Installed_** (_if you don't already have node get it here_: https://nodejs.org/en/download/ ) + **Text Editor** (_any will do but we recommend_ https://atom.io/ _because it has good Elm syntax/plugins_) + Internet Access (_just so you can install elm and the modules_) + Some **JavaScript/Node.js Knowledge** (_ideally you have built a basic Node/JS app before, but no "major" experience required/expected_) ### _Recommended_ Pre-Elm Learning: Elm Architecture While it's not a "Pre-requisite", we (_highly_) _recommend_ learning/understanding **The Elm _Architecture_** ("TEA") `before` learning Elm (_the **language**_) to _flatten_ the ["Elm learning curve"](https://github.com/dwyl/learn-elm/issues/45). To that end, we wrote an _introductory **step-by-step**_ tutorial for the Elm Architecture in JavaScript: [https://github.com/dwyl/**learn-elm-architecture**-in-**javascript**](https://github.com/dwyl/learn-elm-architecture-in-javascript) ### Quick-Start (_5 Mins_) Enough talk, let's see an _example_! #### 1. Clone this repository On your local machine, open a terminal window and run the following command: ```sh git clone https://github.com/dwyl/learn-elm.git && cd learn-elm ``` #### 2. Install Install the node.js dependencies (`elm` platform): ```sh npm install ``` > **Note**: We install `elm` (_the `elm` compiler_) _locally_ for the "_quick-start_". If you decide to use it for your own project(s), you _can_ install it _globally_ using `npm install -g elm` #### 3. Hello {Name}! + Open the `examples/hello-world.elm` file in your editor. + Move your cursor to the 3rd line and change `name` to your name! #### 4. Server Time! Run the `elm-reactor` command to start the _server:_ ```sh node_modules/.bin/elm-reactor ``` Elm-reactor has now started the server on your localhost. > Note if you install elm _globally_ you will be able to type `elm-reactor` without the `node_modules/.bin/` (_relative path_) > If you're curious why you're running a server to view the output of your ```elm``` code, it's because ```elm``` is compiled to JavaScript, and it's fiddly to have to compile your code manually every time you want to see the output. With ```elm reactor``` this is handled for you. Read more about it here: https://elmprogramming.com/elm-reactor.html #### 5. View in Browser View the entire repository in your web browser by going to: http://localhost:8000/ Click on _example/hello-world.elm_ to see your Hello World! This shows how it would compile into `HTML` _without_ having to use `elm-make` (which we'll save for later)! #### 6. _Reflect_ You just saw how _easy_ it is to get started with `elm`, how do you _feel_? Was it "_difficult_"? Better or _worse_ than your experience of learning any other technical concept/tool/language? Please share your thoughts!
### In-depth Step-by-Step Tutorial (_60mins_) The _best_ place to start your elm journey is with the (_free_) "_Official Guide_" https://guide.elm-lang.org/
> At the time of writing, the _entire_ "_Official_" guide to Elm (GitBook) (_written Evan Czaplicki, creator of Elm, and improved by the community_) is ***136 pages*** (_with generous spacing in the code examples_). > The guide is readable/learnable in _less than a day_ including trying all the example and demo code. > If you prefer to download and read the guide "offline" (_e.g: on public transport during your commute to work..._), You can download a PDF, ePub or Mobi (Kindle) for _free_ at: https://www.gitbook.com/book/evancz/an-introduction-to-elm/details ### Frontend Masters Workshop It's _not often_ we find a _half-decent_ tutorial on a subject we are trying to learn. We were _delighted_ to discover that [**Richard Feldman**](https://github.com/rtfeldman) (_one of the `core` contributors to `elm`_) has produced a workshop (_videos + learning materials_) for learning `elm`: https://frontendmasters.com/workshops/elm/ + https://github.com/rtfeldman/elm-workshop While it costs **$39** we think it's an _absolute bargain_! > **Note** if you have a lack of funds to pay for a _subscription_ to get access to the workshop, contact us! (_we can help!_) ## Installation The _official_ installation instructions for Mac, Linux & Windows: https://guide.elm-lang.org/install.html ### Install the Elm Platform _Globally_ on your Computer Yes, install it _globally_ so you get the `elm` command which has a several useful functions. Including `elm reactor` a hot-reloading webserver that allows you write/test simple apps fast. and `elm make` which compiles your App. Install using NPM with the following command: ```js npm install elm -g ``` > avoid using [`sudo`](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16151018/npm-throws-error-without-sudo) as you _really_ should be following the [principle of least privilege](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principle_of_least_privilege). Remember, if you are adding Elm to a project which will be deployed on a hosting service (such as heroku) you will need to add elm to the dependencies in your `package.json`. ```js npm install elm --save ``` ### Install Elm Format There are many things to love about ```elm``` but something you can appreciate right away is `elm-format`. It's a tool that formats your ```elm``` code so that it is consistent with the community standard format. **Installation instructions** 1. Download the current version of elm-format found at: https://github.com/avh4/elm-format 2. Unzip the downloaded file and move the elm-format executable to a location in your PATH variable. If the unzipped file is in your Downloads folder, you could move it with the following terminal command: `mv ~/Downloads/elm-format /usr/local/bin/elm-format`, which will move it to the default path. 3. Install the elm-format package in your text editor. In Atom, type `apm install elm-format` into the terminal, or install via Packages (filter by `elm`) 4. Set elm-format to format your work on save. In Atom, Open Settings `CMD + ,` (Linux: `ctrl + ,`), click Packages, filter by 'elm', then click on the elm-format package's settings button. Set the `elm-format` command path setting and ensure the 'format on save' checkbox is selected. For more advice on `elm` development environment setup: https://github.com/knowthen/elm/blob/master/DEVSETUP.md ### Language > Help Wanted summarizing the language features! > for now see: https://elm-lang.org/docs/syntax ## Testing Ready to start testing? Simply follow these 3 steps: 1) ``` npm i -g elm-test``` 2) ``` elm test init ``` This will set up your test environment and give you 7 dummy tests in your newly created test folder 3) Run ```elm test``` or the **very nice** ```elm test --watch``` which will re-run your tests as you write them The general format of the tests are: ```elm describe "Dummy test" [ test "dummy test description" <| \() -> Expect.equal actualValue expectedValue ] ``` For example: ``` elm all : Test all = describe "My first test" [ test "Addition test works correctly" <| \() -> Expect.equal (2 + 2) 4 , test "Our subtraction function works correctly" <| \() -> -- here we are pretending we have a subtract function that takes 2 arguments Expect.equal (subtract 10 5) 5 ] ``` More info on testing can be found at [testing in elm](https://medium.com/@_rchaves_/testing-in-elm-93ad05ee1832#.3i3ibxcxz) and [elm community](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm-community/elm-test/2.1.0). ## Continuous Integration ### Circle CI To set up your elm project on Circle CI, copy over our ```circle.yml``` and ```circle-dependencies.sh``` and follow the instructions on [our Circle CI tutorial](https://github.com/dwyl/learn-circleci). ### Travis CI See: https://github.com/dwyl/learn-travis#elm-lang-project ## Flags Flags allow you to pass data from Javascript to Elm as part of the initial state of your application. See our [working flags example](https://github.com/dwyl/learn-elm/tree/master/examples/elm-flags). Here we pass the URL from Javascript to Elm (via the script tags in our `index.html`). Run ```npm install```,```elm install``` and ```npm start``` to see the output. ## Further/Background Reading + Great collection of examples and posts: https://github.com/isRuslan/awesome-elm ### Selected Articles (_Our Favourites_) + How to use Elm at work: https://elm-lang.org/blog/how-to-use-elm-at-work (_or work for DWYL where you're actively encouraged to use it!_) + JavaScript interoperability: https://guide.elm-lang.org/interop/ + How to add Elm to _existing_ JS codebase: https://tech.noredink.com/post/126978281075/walkthrough-introducing-elm-to-a-js-web-app + How Elm made our work better (_success story_): https://futurice.com/blog/elm-in-the-real-world ### General Functional Programming (background reading) + Objects Should Be Immutable: https://www.yegor256.com/2014/06/09/objects-should-be-immutable.html ### Further reading + Once you've gotten to grips with making Single Page Apps with Elm, adding routing in can really improve your user's experience! If they're seeing a different `view`, it can make sense for the URL to change as well, so that the user can navigate back to the same view as they please. + Check [this article from staticapps.org](https://staticapps.org/articles/routing-urls-in-static-apps/) out for a little more info on routing in Single Page Apps in General + And get started [by going to the routing section of the elm-tutorial gitbook](https://sporto.gitbooks.io/elm-tutorial/content/en/07-routing/02-routing.html) to learn how to implement it in your Elm app! + [This example](https://github.com/elm-lang/navigation/tree/master/examples) from the _elm-lang/navigation_ github repo is super helpful too. ## Videos + Mutable vs Immutable: https://youtu.be/5qQQ3yzbKp8 + Learning Functional Programming with JavaScript (Anjana Vakil): https://youtu.be/e-5obm1G_FY + Functional Programming from First Principles (Erik Meijer): https://youtu.be/a-RAltgH8tw + Teaching functional programming to noobs (Rob Martin): https://youtu.be/bmFKEewRRQg + Functional Programming is Terrible (Rnar Bjarnason): https://youtu.be/hzf3hTUKk8U ### Promising but _incomplete_: + Learn You an `Elm` https://learnyouanelm.github.io/ (_lots of "Todo" items and last updated about a year go_) [![HitCount](https://hits.dwyl.com/dwyl/learn-elm.svg)](http://hits.dwyl.com/dwyl/learn-elm)


