
上传日期:2022-03-22 08:48:09
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Sollectify是一个以创作者为中心的NFT市场,平台上的用户可以轻松创建、交易和销售非娱乐...
(Sollectify is a creator-centric NFT marketplace where users on the platform can easily create, trade and sell non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for their unique digital items like artworks, game items and more. Built on [@Solana]( ?? and @ProjectSerum)

LICENSE (11336, 2022-03-22)
components (0, 2022-03-22)
components\AssetCard.tsx (2054, 2022-03-22)
components\Button.tsx (863, 2022-03-22)
components\Card.tsx (616, 2022-03-22)
components\Collection.tsx (962, 2022-03-22)
components\ConnectDropDown.tsx (3386, 2022-03-22)
components\ConnectModal.tsx (4217, 2022-03-22)
components\ConnectWallet.tsx (295, 2022-03-22)
components\Container.tsx (148, 2022-03-22)
components\Footer.tsx (3544, 2022-03-22)
components\HamburgerMenu.tsx (2511, 2022-03-22)
components\HeroSection.tsx (1323, 2022-03-22)
components\Logo.tsx (542, 2022-03-22)
components\NavDesk.tsx (918, 2022-03-22)
components\NavMobile.tsx (716, 2022-03-22)
components\Navbar.tsx (247, 2022-03-22)
components\Newsletter.tsx (1290, 2022-03-22)
components\NftPage (0, 2022-03-22)
components\NftPage\Details.tsx (1059, 2022-03-22)
components\NftPage\Offers.tsx (3982, 2022-03-22)
components\NftPage\Overview.tsx (3125, 2022-03-22)
components\NftPage\PriceHistory.tsx (489, 2022-03-22)
components\NftPresentation.tsx (1508, 2022-03-22)
components\Notification.tsx (1326, 2022-03-22)
components\SearchBar.tsx (705, 2022-03-22)
components\Services.tsx (1522, 2022-03-22)
components\Theme.tsx (176, 2022-03-22)
components\ThemeSwitch.tsx (1111, 2022-03-22)
components\Vectors.tsx (14606, 2022-03-22)
globals.css (1189, 2022-03-22)
next-env.d.ts (75, 2022-03-22)
package.json (765, 2022-03-22)
pages (0, 2022-03-22)
pages\_app.tsx (856, 2022-03-22)
pages\api (0, 2022-03-22)
pages\api\[id].ts (220, 2022-03-22)
... ...


Solana NFT Marketplace

Sollectify is a creator-centric NFT marketplace where users on the platform can easily create, trade and sell non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for their unique digital items like artworks, game items and more. Built on @solana and @ProjectSerum ## Note - **Sollectify is in active development, so all APIs are subject to change.** - **This code is unaudited. Use at your own risk.** ## How To Run Locally ``` yarn yarn dev ``` ## License Sollectify is licensed under Apache 2.0. Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in Sollectify by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions. ## Contributions - Vicyyn [@Vicyyn]( - Niemand [@NieMandRs](


