上传日期:2011-09-18 13:44:16
上 传 者安生__
说明:  一、顺序表的基本操作实现实验 要求:数据元素类型ElemType取整型int。按照顺序存储结构实现如下算法: 1)创建任意整数线性表(即线性表的元素值随机在键盘上输入)的顺序存储结构(即顺序表),长度限定在25之内; 2)打印/显示(遍历)该线性表(依次打印/显示出表中元素值); 3)在顺序表中查找第i个元素,并返回其值; 4)在顺序表第i个元素之前插入一已知元素; 5)在顺序表中删除第i个元素; 6)求顺序表中所有元素值(整数)之和; 二、链表(带头结点)基本操作实验 要求:数据元素类型ElemType取字符型char。按照动态单链表结构实现如下算法: 1)按照头插法或尾插法创建一个带头结点的字符型单链表(链表的字符元素从键盘输入),长度限定在10之内; 2)打印(遍历)该链表(依次打印出表中元素值,注意字符的输入顺序与链表的结点顺序); 3)在链表中查找第i个元素,i合法返回元素值,否则,返回FALSE; 4)在链表中查找与一已知字符相同的第一个结点,有则返回TRUE,否则,返回FALSE; 5)在链表中第i个结点之前插入一个新结点; 6)在线性表中删除第i个结点; 7)计算链表的长度。
(First, the basic operation of the order of the table to achieve experimental Requirements: Data element type ElemType take integer int. Storage structure in accordance with the order to achieve the following algorithm: 1) Create an arbitrary integer linear form (ie, the value of a random linear form of the element type on the keyboard) the order of storage structure (ie the order of the table), length Limited to 25 months 2) Print/display (through) the linear form (followed by print/display the table element values) 3) the table in order to find the i-th element and return its value 4) In order sheet is inserted before the i-th element of a known element 5) In order to remove the table i-th element 6) Find the order of all elements of the table value (integer) and Second, the list (the lead node) Basic operation test Requirements: take the character data element types ElemType char. Single-chain structure in accordance with the dynamic algorithm to achieve the)

未命名2.cpp (4314, 2011-09-18)
未命名3.cpp (1745, 2011-09-18)
未命名1.cpp (2998, 2011-09-18)


