上传日期:2011-09-23 18:18:00
上 传 者sakthi
说明:  jBNC is a Java toolkit for training, testing, and applying Bayesian Network Classifiers. Implemented classifiers have been shown to perform well in a variety of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data mining applications. jBNC is primarily intended as a library for creation of Bayesian Classifier networks. Several algorithms for creation of networks are included. To aid testing the quality of classifier network a couple of simple command line tools for training and testing are included, see section TOOLS for more details. There is also a separate package called jBNC-WEKA that integrates jBNC with WEKA (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/~ml). jBNC-WEKA allows creation of jBNC classifiers from within WEKA, in particular, using WEKA s graphical user interface. For more info see jBNC homepage.

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jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\Classifier.html (23095, 2004-06-23)
jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\CrossVal.html (20414, 2004-06-23)
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jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\database\DBLog.html (12829, 2004-06-23)
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jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\database\package-summary.html (6024, 2004-06-23)
jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\database\package-tree.html (5830, 2004-06-23)
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jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\dataset\AttributeSpecs.AttributeException.html (10996, 2004-06-23)
jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\dataset\AttributeSpecs.html (23247, 2004-06-23)
jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\dataset\AttributeType.html (12549, 2004-06-23)
jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\dataset\Dataset.html (20223, 2004-06-23)
jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\dataset\DatasetInt.html (17311, 2004-06-23)
jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\dataset\DatasetReader.html (15266, 2004-06-23)
jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\dataset\DatasetReaderInt.html (15553, 2004-06-23)
jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\dataset\NamesReader.html (10709, 2004-06-23)
jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\dataset\package-frame.html (1822, 2004-06-23)
jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\dataset\package-summary.html (7927, 2004-06-23)
jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\dataset\package-tree.html (7042, 2004-06-23)
jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\DatasetInfo.html (13061, 2004-06-23)
jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\Discreatize.html (10369, 2004-06-23)
jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\discretize (0, 2010-12-11)
jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\discretize\Case.html (10686, 2004-06-23)
jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\discretize\EntropyDiscretizer.html (14218, 2004-06-23)
jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\discretize\package-frame.html (1011, 2004-06-23)
jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\discretize\package-summary.html (6384, 2004-06-23)
jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\discretize\package-tree.html (6045, 2004-06-23)
jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\graphs (0, 2010-12-11)
jBNC\docs\api\jbnc\graphs\BNCInference.html (15623, 2004-06-23)
... ...

-------------------------------------------------- jBNC - Bayesian Network Classifier Toolkit in Java -------------------------------------------------- jBNC is a Java toolkit for training, testing, and applying Bayesian Network Classifiers. Implemented classifiers have been shown to perform well in a variety of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data mining applications. jBNC is primarily intended as a library for creation of Bayesian Classifier networks. Several algorithms for creation of networks are included. To aid testing the quality of classifier network a couple of simple command line tools for training and testing are included, see section TOOLS for more details. There is also a separate package called jBNC-WEKA that integrates jBNC with WEKA (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/~ml). jBNC-WEKA allows creation of jBNC classifiers from within WEKA, in particular, using WEKA's graphical user interface. For more info see jBNC homepage. Author : Jarek Sacha e-mail : jarek@users.sourceforge.net homepage: http://jbnc.sourceforge.net ------------------------------- INSTALATION OF BINARY PACKAGE ------------------------------- Uncompress content of jBNC_bin_ver.zip to a directory of choice. Add jBNC.jar to your system CLASSPATH variable. Alternatively, location of jBNC.jar can be specified as a direct parameter to a Java command. For instance, you can specify, classpath as parameter to Java: java -cp jBNC.jar jbnc.Classifier The above command sets classpath to 'jBNC.jar' while executing jbnc.Classifier. ------- TOOLS ------- Beside a library for creation of Bayesian Networks, jBNC provides a couple of simple command line tools to help testing created Bayesian Classifier Networks. Tools can be run from a command line typing: java jbnc.Tool_Name options where Tool_Name is Classifier, CrossVal, DatasetInfo, or ReVal. If options are not specified, a tool will print help describing options available for that tool. Classifier - Loads training data set, creates Bayesian Network Classifier and tests it on a test data set. Type of classifier and its parameters are specified through command line options. CrossVal - Similar to Classifier tool, but performs cross validation test. DatasetInfo - Prints information about a data set. ReVal - Change values of discrete (nominal) attributes to integers ------------ CHANGE LOG ------------ v.1.2.2 ------- Bug fix release: Classes were compiled to Java version 1.5 preventing them from running on earlier Java versions. Fixed build.xml to produce classes compatible with Java 1.3 and newer. v.1.2.1 ------- * Serialization added to some classes to support use of jBNC in WEKA 3.4.2. * Support for serialization also required some changes to JavaBayes. Updated JavaBayes source is available from jBNC web site and CVS. * Ant build script modified to first automatically build updated JavaBayes. * Test cases moved to a separate directory 'test/src'. Naming convention changed to postfix. v.1.2 ----- * Class for entropy-based discretization of continuous features (jbnc.discretize.EntropyDiscretizer). * Improved build.xml. Added support for unit testing and reporting. v.1.1 ----- * Refactorings to simplify WEKA wrappings (see project jBNC-WEKA) ---------------------- BUILDING FROM SOURCE ---------------------- jBNC can be build from source using Ant (http://ant.apache.org). jBNC depends on JavaBayes source build. You can yet updated JavaBayes source at jBNC web site either by downloading JavaBayes source package http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=4***71&package_id=120700 or by checking JavaBayes from jBNC CVS http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=4***71 JavaBayes and jBNC source directories should be in parallel. To build jBNC.jar type 'ant jar' in the jBNC's top source directory (where jBNC's 'build.xml' file is located). The Ant's build script will first build JavaBayes then jBNC itself. To get description of additional build targets in the 'build.xml' type 'ant -projecthelp'. ------- LINKS ------- applet.JavaBayes - http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~javabayes WEKA - http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/~ml Ant - http://ant.apache.org


