
开发工具:Jupyter Notebook
上传日期:2022-07-27 04:24:47
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  在这项作业中,我将运用自然语言处理来理解最新新闻文章中的情感...
(In this assignment, I will apply natural language processing to understand the sentiment in the latest news articles featuring Bitcoin and Ethereum. I will also apply fundamental NLP techniques to better understand the other factors involved with the coin prices such as common words, phrases, organizations, and entities mentioned in the articles.)

Coding Notebooks (0, 2022-07-27)
Coding Notebooks\[1]Crypto_Sentiment.ipynb (1495536, 2022-07-27)
Supplemental (0, 2022-07-27)
Supplemental\BTC_Results_NLP.png (94941, 2022-07-27)
Supplemental\BTC_word_cloud.png (417053, 2022-07-27)
Supplemental\ETH_Results_NLP.png (94082, 2022-07-27)
Supplemental\ETH_Word_Cloud.png (369246, 2022-07-27)
Supplemental\NLP_image.jpeg (75827, 2022-07-27)

A Natural Language Processing Analysis of Bitcoin and Ethereum

An NLP Investigation into the Latest News Articles

Created by Cam Gould for the University of Toronto Fintech BootCamp

### Background Information There's been a lot of hype in the news lately about cryptocurrency, making it quite challenging to distinguish between where public opinion lies. That is why I set out to take stock, so to speak, of the latest news headlines and content regarding **Bitcoin** and **Ethereum** to get a better feel for the current public sentiment around each coin.

In this assignment, I will apply ***natural language processing*** to understand the sentiment in the latest news articles featuring *Bitcoin* and *Ethereum*. I will also apply *fundamental NLP techniques* to better understand the other factors involved with the coin prices such as common words and phrases and organizations and entities mentioned in the articles.
### Project Files Use the following links to jump right into the anaylsis notebook or view results:

This notebook contains the [Natural Language Processing Techniques & Results](
This image shows the [Numerical Sentiment Results for Bitcoin](
This image shows the [Numerical Sentiment Results for Ethereum](
### Project Outline and Instructions #### Here is the structure of the [NLP Python Notebook]( 1. Sentiment Analysis 1. Here I use the [newsapi]( to pull the latest news articles for Bitcoin and Ethereum and create a DataFrame of sentiment scores for each coin. 2. I use this data to derive descriptive statistics to answer the following questions: 1. Which coin had the *highest mean positive score*? 2. Which coin had the *highest negative score*? 3. Which coin had the *highest positive score*? 2. Natural Language Processing 1. In this section, I use *NLTK* and *Python* to tokenize text, find n-gram counts, and create word clouds for [Bitcoin]( & [Ethereum]( This involves: 1. Lowercasing each word 2. Removing all punctuation 3. Removing all stopwords (Stop words are a set of commonly used words in any language that are considered unimportant in NLP) 3. Named Entity Recognition 1. In this section, you will build a named entity recognition model for both coins and visualize the tags using SpaCy. ### Key Findings and Visuals Here are the numerical findings for the sentiments on each coin.

Bitcoin - Descriptive Statistics:

Ethereum - Descriptive Statistics:

Here are the word clouds generated from each coins sentiment analysis.

Bitcoin - word cloud visual

Ethereum - word cloud visual


