
上传日期:2022-08-15 21:17:02
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  参观H nggerberg校区的野生动物。2022年春季在ETH举办的移动GIS和基于位置的服务课程项目...
(Visit wildlife in H?nggerberg campus. A course project for Mobile GIS and Location-based Services in 2022 Spring at ETH Zurich..)

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... ...

# Visit-Wildlife-LBS-App ## Description This is a location-based animal-finding app for Android. The purpose of the app is to help people find wild animals lining on the Honggerberg campus and record the locations of their habitats. ## Demo ## Functionalities - The app uses the sensor input values of your phone to determine where to find animals. - The radar display shows the relative direction and distance of the animal from the user’s current location, and also the physical context, e.g. temperature. - When an animal is found, the app could upload the data to Esri feature layers using the Android ArcGIS SDK. - The app could visualize animal habitat map. - Augmented Reality (AR) is integrated to allow users to place the animals (that you found using the app) in the real world. - Good user experience. ## Dependencies - Android Studio (IntelliJ) - Android ArcGIS SDK - Microsoft Azure


