
上传日期:2022-08-31 22:23:10
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  一个去中心化的“给我买一杯咖啡”智能合约,允许访客向你发送(假)ETH作为提示,并留下漂亮的m...
(A decentralized "Buy Me a Coffee" smart contract that allows visitors to send you (fake) ETH as tips and leave nice messages, using Alchemy, Hardhat, Ethers.js, and Ethereum Goerli.)

client (0, 2022-09-01)
client\.eslintrc.cjs (577, 2022-09-01)
client\.prettierrc (122, 2022-09-01)
client\index.html (366, 2022-09-01)
client\package.json (870, 2022-09-01)
client\public (0, 2022-09-01)
client\public\vite.svg (1497, 2022-09-01)
client\src (0, 2022-09-01)
client\src\App.tsx (13801, 2022-09-01)
client\src\assets (0, 2022-09-01)
client\src\assets\react.svg (4126, 2022-09-01)
client\src\main.tsx (582, 2022-09-01)
client\src\utils (0, 2022-09-01)
client\src\utils\BuyMeACoffee.json (18403, 2022-09-01)
client\src\utils\shortenAddress.ts (127, 2022-09-01)
client\src\vite-env.d.ts (141, 2022-09-01)
client\tsconfig.json (559, 2022-09-01)
client\tsconfig.node.json (184, 2022-09-01)
client\vite.config.ts (162, 2022-09-01)
client\yarn.lock (144926, 2022-09-01)
contracts (0, 2022-09-01)
contracts\BuyMeACoffee.sol (1754, 2022-09-01)
hardhat.config.js (649, 2022-09-01)
package.json (745, 2022-09-01)
scripts (0, 2022-09-01)
scripts\buy-coffee.js (3023, 2022-09-01)
scripts\deploy.js (542, 2022-09-01)
scripts\withdraw.js (1990, 2022-09-01)
yarn.lock (266670, 2022-09-01)

# Buy Me a Coffee DeFi dapp [**Live Site**](https://benevolent-halva-b1cfd5.netlify.app/) ![Screenshot 2022-08-30 162345](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/79695976/187790565-1fddf516-2779-48ab-9d5e-6eac8ff40a78.png) Buy Me A Coffee is a popular website that creators, educators, entertainers, and all kinds of people use to create a landing page where anyone can send some amount of money as a thank you for their services. However, in order to use it, you must have a bank account and a credit card. Not everyone has that! A benefit of decentralized applications built on top of a blockchain is that anyone from around the world can access the app using just an Ethereum wallet, which anyone can set up for free in under 1 minute. Let's see how we can use that to our advantage! This project is a deployed(Goerli Testnet) decentralized "Buy Me a Coffee" smart contract that allows visitors to send you (fake) ETH as tips and leave nice messages, using Alchemy, Hardhat, Ethers.js, and Ethereum Goerli. ## Getting started with the smart contract 1. Clone the repository and run `yarn install` or `npm install` 2. Compile the contract by running `npx hardhat compile` 3. Deploy the smart contract in the localhost network : `npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/deploy.js` You can target any network from your Hardhat config using: `npx hardhat run --network scripts/deploy.js` ***Congrats! You have compiled and deployed the smart contract.*** ## Getting started with the frontend of the DeFi dapp 1. Change the directory to the clients folder : `cd client` 2. Install the dependencies needed to run the project: `yarn install` or `npm install` 3. Run `yarn dev` or `npm run dev` to start the project locally. **Have Fun!**


