
上传日期:2022-09-23 03:45:48
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  akamai_rob,本项目旨在绕过akamai sensor_data 的机器人模拟 芯片 抢鞋 抢购 ROT BOT 德州仪器 破解
(akamai_ Rob, this project aims to bypass the akamai sensor_ Data s Robot Simulation Chip Sneaks Shoes and Rushes to Buy ROT BOT Texas Instruments Cracks)

akamai-1.7-nike.js (61638, 2022-09-23)

# akamai_rob 本项目旨在绕过akamai sensor_data 的机器人模拟 # 芯片 抢鞋 抢购 ROT BOT 德州仪器 ,航司 捷星 国泰 ## 联系方式QQ:527109729 支持网站: https://www.ti.com.cn 德州仪器 TI.com.cn akamai ti bot 芯片 抢购 监控 | 网站 | 说明 | |----|----| |https://www.cathaypacific.com/ | 国泰| |https://www.nike.com | 抢鞋 bot| |https://www.xfinity.com | | |https://www.ups.com | | |https://www.banggood.com | | |https://www.homedepot.com | | |https://www.groupon.com | | |https://www.att.com | | |https://www.lenovo.com | | |https://www.zara.com | | |https://www.olx.in | | |https://www.lowes.com | | |https://www.usbank.com | | |https://www.farfetch.com | | |https://www.dhl.de | | |https://www.g2a.com | | |https://www.fedex.com | | |https://www.rottentomatoes.com | | |https://www.uniqlo.com | | |https://www.collegeboard.org | | |https://www.xero.com | | |https://www.emirates.com | | |https://www.thetrainline.com | | |https://www.zalando.com | | ```javascript var _cf = _cf || [], bmak = bmak && bmak.hasOwnProperty("ver") && bmak.hasOwnProperty("sed") ? bmak : { ver: 1.7, ke_cnt_lmt: 150, mme_cnt_lmt: 100, mduce_cnt_lmt: 75, pme_cnt_lmt: 25, pduce_cnt_lmt: 25, tme_cnt_lmt: 25, tduce_cnt_lmt: 25, doe_cnt_lmt: 10, dme_cnt_lmt: 10, vc_cnt_lmt: 100, doa_throttle: 0, dma_throttle: 0, session_id: "default_session", js_post: !1, loc: "", cf_url: "https:" === document.location.protocol ? "https://" : "http://", params_url: ("https:" === document.location.protocol ? "https://" : "http://") + document.location.hostname + "/get_params", auth: "", api_public_key: "afSbep8yjnZUjq3aL010jO15Sawj2VZfdYK8uY90uxq", aj_lmt_doact: 1, aj_lmt_dmact: 1, aj_lmt_tact: 1, ce_js_post: 0, init_time: 0, informinfo: "", prevfid: -1, fidcnt: 0, sensor_data: 0, ins: null, cns: null, enGetLoc: 0, enReadDocUrl: 1, disFpCalOnTimeout: 0, xagg: -1, pen: -1, brow: "", browver: "", psub: "-", lang: "-", prod: "-", plen: -1, doadma_en: 0, ***n: [], d2: 0, d3: 0, thr: 0, cs: "0a46G5m17Vrp4o4c", hn: "unk", z1: 0, o9: 0, vc: "", y1: 2016, ta: 0, tst: -1, t_tst: 0, ckie: "_abck", n_ck: "0", ckurl: 0, bm: !1, mr: "-1", altFonts: !1, rst: !1, runFonts: !1, fsp: !1, firstLoad: !0, pstate: !1, mn_mc_lmt: 10, mn_state: 0, mn_mc_indx: 0, mn_sen: 0, mn_tout: 100, mn_stout: 1e3, mn_ct: 1, mn_cc: "", mn_cd: 1e4, mn_lc: [], mn_ld: [], mn_lcl: 0, mn_al: [], mn_il: [], mn_tcl: [], mn_r: [], mn_rt: 0, mn_wt: 0, mn_abck: "", mn_psn: "", mn_ts: "", mn_lg: [], loap: 1, dcs: 0, ir: function() { bmak.start_ts = Date.now ? Date.now() : +new Date(), bmak.kact = "", bmak.ke_cnt = 0, bmak.ke_vel = 0, bmak.mact = "", bmak.mme_cnt = 0, bmak.mduce_cnt = 0, bmak.me_vel = 0, bmak.pact = "", bmak.pme_cnt = 0, bmak.pduce_cnt = 0, bmak.pe_vel = 0, bmak.tact = "", bmak.tme_cnt = 0, bmak.tduce_cnt = 0, bmak.te_vel = 0, bmak.doact = "", bmak.doe_cnt = 0, bmak.doe_vel = 0, bmak.dmact = "", bmak.dme_cnt = 0, bmak.dme_vel = 0, bmak.vcact = "", bmak.vc_cnt = 0, bmak.aj_indx = 0, bmak.aj_ss = 0, bmak.aj_type = -1, bmak.aj_indx_doact = 0, bmak.aj_indx_dmact = 0, bmak.aj_indx_tact = 0, bmak.me_cnt = 0, bmak.pe_cnt = 0, bmak.te_cnt = 0, bmak.nav_perm = "", bmak.brv = 0, bmak.hbCalc = !1, bmak.fmh = "", bmak.fmz = "", bmak.ssh = "", bmak.wv = "", bmak.wr = "", bmak.weh = "", bmak.wl = 0; }, get_cf_date: function() { return Date.now ? Date.now() : +new Date(); }, sd_debug: function(t) { if (!bmak.js_post) { var a = t; "string" == typeof _sd_trace ? _sd_trace += a : _sd_trace = a; } }, pi: function(t) { return parseInt(t); }, uar: function() { return window.navigator.userAgent.replace(/\\|"/g, ""); }, gd: function() { var t = bmak.uar(), a = "" + bmak.ab(t), e = bmak.start_ts / 2, n = -1, o = -1, m = -1, r = -1, i = -1, c = -1, b = -1; try { n = window.screen ? window.screen.availWidth : -1; } catch (t) { n = -1; } try { o = window.screen ? window.screen.availHeight : -1; } catch (t) { o = -1; } try { m = window.screen ? window.screen.width : -1; } catch (t) { m = -1; } try { r = window.screen ? window.screen.height : -1; } catch (t) { r = -1; } try { i = window.innerHeight || (document.body && "clientHeight" in document.body ? document.body.clientHeight : document.documentElement && "clientHeight" in document.documentElement ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : -1); } catch (t) { i = -1; } try { c = window.innerWidth || (document.body && "clientWidth" in document.body ? document.body.clientWidth : document.documentElement && "clientWidth" in document.documentElement ? document.documentElement.clientWidth : -1); } catch (t) { c = -1; } try { b = "outerWidth" in window && void 0 !== window.outerWidth ? window.outerWidth : -1; } catch (t) { b = -1; } bmak.z1 = bmak.pi(bmak.start_ts / (bmak.y1 * bmak.y1)); var d = Math.random(), s = bmak.pi(1e3 * d / 2), k = d + ""; return k = k.slice(0, 11) + s, bmak.gbrv(), bmak.get_browser(), bmak.bc(), bmak.bmisc(), t + ",uaend," + bmak.xagg + "," + bmak.psub + "," + bmak.lang + "," + bmak.prod + "," + bmak.plen + "," + bmak.pen + "," + bmak.wen + "," + bmak.den + "," + bmak.z1 + "," + bmak.d3 + "," + n + "," + o + "," + m + "," + r + "," + c + "," + i + "," + b + "," + bmak.bd() + "," + a + "," + k + "," + e + "," + bmak.brv + ",loc:" + bmak.loc; }, get_browser: function() { navigator.productSub && (bmak.psub = navigator.productSub), navigator.language && (bmak.lang = navigator.language), navigator.product && (bmak.prod = navigator.product), bmak.plen = void 0 !== navigator.plugins ? navigator.plugins.length : -1; }, gbrv: function() { navigator.brave && navigator.brave.isBrave().then(function(t) { bmak.brv = t ? 1 : 0; })["catch"](https://github.com/cbxhpy/akamai_rob/blob/master/function(t) { bmak.brv = 0; }); }, bc: function() { var t = window.addEventListener ? 1 : 0, a = window.XMLHttpRequest ? 1 : 0, e = window.XDomainRequest ? 1 : 0, n = window.emit ? 1 : 0, o = window.DeviceOrientationEvent ? 1 : 0, m = window.DeviceMotionEvent ? 1 : 0, r = window.TouchEvent ? 1 : 0, i = window.spawn ? 1 : 0, c = window.chrome ? 1 : 0, b = Function.prototype.bind ? 1 : 0, d = window.Buffer ? 1 : 0, s = window.PointerEvent ? 1 : 0; try { var k = window.innerWidth ? 1 : 0; } catch (t) { var k = 0; } try { var l = window.outerWidth ? 1 : 0; } catch (t) { var l = 0; } bmak.xagg = t + (a << 1) + (e << 2) + (n << 3) + (o << 4) + (m << 5) + (r << 6) + (i << 7) + (k << 8) + (l << 9) + (c << 10) + (b << 11) + (d << 12) + (s << 13); }, bmisc: function() { bmak.pen = window._phantom ? 1 : 0, bmak.wen = window.webdriver ? 1 : 0, bmak.den = window.domAutomation ? 1 : 0; }, bd: function() { var t = [], a = window.callPhantom ? 1 : 0; t.push(",cpen:" + a); var e = 0; window.ActiveXObject && "ActiveXObject" in window && (e = 1), t.push("i1:" + e); var n = "number" == typeof document.documentMode ? 1 : 0; t.push("dm:" + n); var o = window.chrome && window.chrome.webstore ? 1 : 0; t.push("cwen:" + o); var m = navigator.onLine ? 1 : 0; t.push("non:" + m); var r = window.opera ? 1 : 0; t.push("opc:" + r); var i = "undefined" != typeof InstallTrigger ? 1 : 0; t.push("fc:" + i); var c = window.HTMLElement && Object.prototype.toString.call(window.HTMLElement).indexOf("Constructor") > 0 ? 1 : 0; t.push("sc:" + c); var b = "function" == typeof window.RTCPeerConnection || "function" == typeof window.mozRTCPeerConnection || "function" == typeof window.webkitRTCPeerConnection ? 1 : 0; t.push("wrc:" + b); var d = "mozInnerScreenY" in window ? window.mozInnerScreenY : 0; t.push("isc:" + d), bmak.d2 = bmak.pi(bmak.z1 / 23); var s = "function" == typeof navigator.vibrate ? 1 : 0; t.push("vib:" + s); var k = "function" == typeof navigator.getBattery ? 1 : 0; t.push("bat:" + k); var l = Array.prototype.forEach ? 0 : 1; t.push("x11:" + l); var u = "FileReader" in window ? 1 : 0; return t.push("x12:" + u), t.join(","); }, fas: function() { try { return Boolean(navigator.credentials) + (Boolean(navigator.appMinorVersion) << 1) + (Boolean(navigator.bluetooth) << 2) + (Boolean(navigator.storage) << 3) + (Boolean(Math.imul) << 4) + (Boolean(navigator.getGamepads) << 5) + (Boolean(navigator.getStorageUpdates) << 6) + (Boolean(navigator.hardwareConcurrency) << 7) + (Boolean(navigator.mediaDevices) << 8) + (Boolean(navigator.mozAlarms) << 9) + (Boolean(navigator.mozConnection) << 10) + (Boolean(navigator.mozIsLocallyAvailable) << 11) + (Boolean(navigator.mozPhoneNumberService) << 12) + (Boolean(navigator.msManipulationViewsEnabled) << 13) + (Boolean(navigator.permissions) << 14) + (Boolean(navigator.registerProtocolHandler) << 15) + (Boolean(navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess) << 16) + (Boolean(navigator.requestWakeLock) << 17) + (Boolean(navigator.sendBeacon) << 18) + (Boolean(navigator.serviceWorker) << 19) + (Boolean(navigator.storeWebWideTrackingException) << 20) + (Boolean(navigator.webkitGetGamepads) << 21) + (Boolean(navigator.webkitTemporaryStorage) << 22) + (Boolean(Number.parseInt) << 23) + (Boolean(Math.hypot) << 24); } catch (t) { return 0; } }, getmr: function() { try { if ("undefined" == typeof performance || void 0 === performance.now || "undefined" == typeof JSON) return void(bmak.mr = "undef"); for (var t = "", a = 1e3, e = [Math.abs, Math.acos, Math.asin, Math.atanh, Math.cbrt, Math.exp, Math.random, Math.round, Math.sqrt, isFinite, isNaN, parseFloat, parseInt, JSON.parse], n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var o = [], m = 0, r = performance.now(), i = 0, c = 0; if (void 0 !== e[n]) { for (i = 0; i < a && m < .6; i++) { for (var b = performance.now(), d = 0; d < 4e3; d++) e[n](https://github.com/cbxhpy/akamai_rob/blob/master/3.14); var s = performance.now(); o.push(Math.round(1e3 * (s - b))), m = s - r; } var k = o.sort(); c = k[Math.floor(k.length / 2)] / 5; } t = t + c + ","; } bmak.mr = t; } catch (t) { bmak.mr = "exception"; } }, sed: function() { var t; t = window.$cdc_***jflasutopfhvcZLmcfl_ || document.$cdc_***jflasutopfhvcZLmcfl_ ? "1" : "0"; var a; a = null != window.document.documentElement.getAttribute("webdriver") ? "1" : "0"; var e; e = void 0 !== navigator.webdriver && navigator.webdriver ? "1" : "0"; var n; n = void 0 !== window.webdriver ? "1" : "0"; var o; o = void 0 !== window.XPathResult || void 0 !== document.XPathResult ? "1" : "0"; var m; m = null != window.document.documentElement.getAttribute("driver") ? "1" : "0"; var r; return r = null != window.document.documentElement.getAttribute("selenium") ? "1" : "0", [t, a, e, n, o, m, r].join(","); }, cma: function(t, a) { try { if (1 == a && bmak.mme_cnt < bmak.mme_cnt_lmt || 1 != a && bmak.mduce_cnt < bmak.mduce_cnt_lmt) { var e = t || window.event, n = -1, o = -1; e && e.pageX && e.pageY ? (n = Math.floor(e.pageX), o = Math.floor(e.pageY)) : e && e.clientX && e.clientY && (n = Math.floor(e.clientX), o = Math.floor(e.clientY)); var m = e.toElement; null == m && (m = e.target); var r = bmak.gf(m), i = bmak.get_cf_date() - bmak.start_ts, c = bmak.me_cnt + "," + a + "," + i + "," + n + "," + o; if (1 != a) { c = c + "," + r; var b = void 0 !== e.which ? e.which : e.button; null != b && 1 != b && (c = c + "," + b); } void 0 !== e.isTrusted && !1 === e.isTrusted && (c += ",it0"), c += ";", bmak.me_vel = bmak.me_vel + bmak.me_cnt + a + i + n + o, bmak.mact = bmak.mact + c, bmak.ta += i; } 1 == a ? bmak.mme_cnt++ : bmak.mduce_cnt++, bmak.me_cnt++, bmak.js_post && 3 == a && (bmak.aj_type = 1, bmak.bpd(), bmak.pd(!0), bmak.ce_js_post = 1); } catch (t) {} }, x2: function() { var t = bmak.ff, a = t(***) + t(109) + t(97) + t(107), e = t(103) + t(101) + t(116) + t(95) + t(99) + t(102) + t(95) + t(100) + t(97) + t(116) + t(101), n = window[a][e], o = 0; return "function" == typeof n && (o = n()), o; }, np: function() { var t = [], a = ["geolocation", "notifications", "push", "midi", "camera", "microphone", "speaker", "device-info", "background-sync", "bluetooth", "persistent-storage", "ambient-light-sensor", "accelerometer", "gyroscope", "magnetometer", "clipboard", "accessibility-events", "clipboard-read", "clipboard-write", "payment-handler"]; try { if (!navigator.permissions) return void(bmak.nav_perm = 6); bmak.nav_perm = 8; var e = function(a, e) { return navigator.permissions.query({ name: a }).then(function(a) { switch (a.state) { case "prompt": t[e] = 1; break; case "granted": t[e] = 2; break; case "denied": t[e] = 0; break; default: t[e] = 5; } })["catch"](https://github.com/cbxhpy/akamai_rob/blob/master/function(a) { t[e] = -1 !== a.message.indexOf("is not a valid enum value of type PermissionName") ? 4 : 3; }); }, n = a.map(function(t, a) { return e(t, a); }); Promise.all(n).then(function() { bmak.nav_perm = t.join(""); }); } catch (t) { bmak.nav_perm = 7; } }, cpa: function(t, a) { try { var e = !1; if (1 == a && bmak.pme_cnt < bmak.pme_cnt_lmt || 1 != a && bmak.pduce_cnt < bmak.pduce_cnt_lmt) { var n = t || window.event; if (n && "mouse" != n.pointerType) { e = !0; var o = -1, m = -1; n && n.pageX && n.pageY ? (o = Math.floor(n.pageX), m = Math.floor(n.pageY)) : n && n.clientX && n.clientY && (o = Math.floor(n.clientX), m = Math.floor(n.clientY)); var r = bmak.get_cf_date() - bmak.start_ts, i = bmak.pe_cnt + "," + a + "," + r + "," + o + "," + m; void 0 !== n.isTrusted && !1 === n.isTrusted && (i += ",0"), bmak.pe_vel = bmak.pe_vel + bmak.pe_cnt + a + r + o + m, bmak.pact = bmak.pact + i + ";", bmak.ta += r, 1 == a ? bmak.pme_cnt++ : bmak.pduce_cnt++; } } 1 == a ? bmak.pme_cnt++ : bmak.pduce_cnt++, bmak.pe_cnt++, bmak.js_post && 3 == a && e && (bmak.aj_type = 2, bmak.bpd(), bmak.pd(!0), bmak.ce_js_post = 1); } catch (t) {} }, ab: function(t) { if (null == t) return -1; try { for (var a = 0, e = 0; e < t.length; e++) { var n = t.charCodeAt(e); n < 128 && (a += n); } return a; } catch (t) { return -2; } }, ff: function(t) { return String.fromCharCode(t); }, cal_dis: function(t) { var a = t[0] - t[1], e = t[2] - t[3], n = t[4] - t[5], o = Math.sqrt(a * a + e * e + n * n); return Math.floor(o); }, to: function() { var t = bmak.x2() % 1e7; bmak.d3 = t; for (var a = t, e = bmak.pi(bmak.ff(51)), n = 0; n < 5; n++) { var o = bmak.pi(t / Math.pow(10, n)) % 10, m = o + 1; op = bmak.cc(o), a = op(a, m); } bmak.o9 = a * e; }, jrs: function(t) { for (var a = Math.floor(1e5 * Math.random() + 1e4), e = String(t * a), n = 0, o = [], m = e.length >= 18; o.length < 6;) o.push(parseInt(e.slice(n, n + 2))), n = m ? n + 3 : n + 2; return [a, bmak.cal_dis(o)]; }, fm: function() { var t = ["Monospace", "Wingdings 2", "ITC Bodoni 72 Bold", "Menlo", "Gill Sans MT", "Lucida Sans", "Bodoni 72", "Serif", "Shree Devanagari 714", "Microsoft Tai Le", "Nimbus Roman No 9 L", "Candara", "Press Start 2P", "Waseem"], a = document.createElement("span"); a.innerHTML = "mmmmmmmmlli", a.style.fontSize = "192px"; var e = "", n = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; if (n) { for (var o in t) a.style.fontFamily = t[o], n.appendChild(a), e += t[o] + ":" + a.offsetWidth + "," + a.offsetHeight + ";", n.removeChild(a); bmak.fmh = bmak.ats(bmak.mn_s(e)); } else bmak.fmh = ""; bmak.fmz = "devicePixelRatio" in window && void 0 !== window.devicePixelRatio ? window.devicePixelRatio : -1; }, wgl: function() { try { var t = document.createElement("canvas"), a = t.getContext("webgl"); bmak.wv = "n", bmak.wr = "n", bmak.weh = "n", bmak.wl = 0, a && (bmak.wv = "b", bmak.wr = "b", bmak.weh = "b", a.getSupportedExtensions() && (bmak.weh = bmak.ats(bmak.mn_s(JSON.stringify(a.getSupportedExtensions().sort()))), bmak.wl = a.getSupportedExtensions().length, a.getSupportedExtensions().indexOf("WEBGL_debug_renderer_info") >= 0 && (bmak.wv = a.getParameter(a.getExtension("WEBGL_debug_renderer_info").UNMASKED_VENDOR_WEBGL), bmak.wr = a.getParameter(a.getExtension("WEBGL_debug_renderer_info").UNMASKED_RENDERER_WEBGL)))); } catch (t) { bmak.wv = "e", bmak.wr = "e", bmak.weh = "e", bmak.wl = 0; } }, csh: function() { if (window.speechSynthesis) { var t = window.speechSynthesis.getVoices(); if (t.length > 0) { for (var a = "", e = 0; e < t.length; e++) a += t[e].voiceURI + "_" + t[e].lang; bmak.ssh = bmak.ats(bmak.mn_s(a)); } else bmak.ssh = "0"; } else bmak.ssh = "n"; }, hbs: function() { try { return Boolean(window.__nightmare) + (Boolean(window.cdc_adoQpoasnfa76pfcZLmcfl_Array) << 1) + (Boolean(window.cdc_adoQpoasnfa76pfcZLmcfl_Promise) << 2) + (Boolean(window.cdc_adoQpoasnfa76pfcZLmcfl_Symbol) << 3) + (Boolean(window.OSMJIF) << 4) + (Boolean(window._Selenium_IDE_Recorder) << 5) + (Boolean(window.__$webdriverAsyncExecutor) << 6) + (Boolean(window.__driver_evaluate) << 7) + (Boolean(window.__driver_unwrapped) << 8) + (Boolean(window.__fxdriver_evaluate) << 9) + (Boolean(window.__fxdriver_unwrapped) << 10) + (Boolean(window.__lastWatirAlert) << 11) + (Boolean(window.__lastWatirConfirm) << 12) + (Boolean(window.__lastWatirPrompt) ... ...


