
上传日期:2022-10-09 17:39:42
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  一个完全去中心化的众筹平台,接受加密货币或法定货币的捐款。用Next.js构建...
(A fully decentralized crowdfunding platform that accepts donations in crypto or fiat currencies. Built with Next.js and the Polygon blockchain.)

.devcontainer (0, 2022-10-09)
.devcontainer\Dockerfile (840, 2022-10-09)
.devcontainer\base.Dockerfile (2904, 2022-10-09)
.devcontainer\devcontainer.json (1795, 2022-10-09)
.editorconfig (123, 2022-10-09)
.eslintrc.json (532, 2022-10-09)
.husky (0, 2022-10-09)
.husky\pre-commit (80, 2022-10-09)
.nvmrc (4, 2022-10-09)
.solhint.json (690, 2022-10-09)
.vscode (0, 2022-10-09)
.vscode\extensions.json (216, 2022-10-09)
.vscode\launch.json (911, 2022-10-09)
.vscode\settings.json (679, 2022-10-09)
.vscode\tasks.json (1237, 2022-10-09)
package.json (2172, 2022-10-09)
packages (0, 2022-10-09)
packages\frontend (0, 2022-10-09)
packages\frontend\.prettierignore (53, 2022-10-09)
packages\frontend\.prettierrc (43, 2022-10-09)
packages\frontend\apollo-client.js (226, 2022-10-09)
packages\frontend\components (0, 2022-10-09)
packages\frontend\components\Alert.tsx (2183, 2022-10-09)
packages\frontend\components\Button.tsx (1216, 2022-10-09)
packages\frontend\components\Card.tsx (2328, 2022-10-09)
packages\frontend\components\DateRangePicker.tsx (963, 2022-10-09)
packages\frontend\components\Datepicker.tsx (1475, 2022-10-09)
packages\frontend\components\FileInput.tsx (2050, 2022-10-09)
packages\frontend\components\FundraiserButton.tsx (1048, 2022-10-09)
packages\frontend\components\Header.tsx (4170, 2022-10-09)
packages\frontend\components\Input.tsx (1084, 2022-10-09)
... ...


The Giving - A Fully Decentralized Crowdfunding Platform

‰ [ETH Global 2022 Hackathon]( First Place Winner of Best Use of Sign in With Ethereum!
## About The Project [![Product Name Screen Shot][product-screenshot]]( The Giving is a fully decentralized charity organization like GoFundMe which is able to accept donations in crypto or fiat currencies. ### Built With - [Next.js]( - [Tailwind CSS]( - [Solidity]( - [Polygon]( - [The Graph]( - [Sign-in with Ethereum]( # Quick Start Options **_Note_**: ./.devcontainer/devcontainer.json (or set your own if using Option 2 below) There are environmental variables that are set and may need to be updated to reflect accurate values. ```json { "containerEnv":{ "STAGING_INFURA_URL":"", # create project Eth->mumbai "STAGING_PRIVATE_KEY":"", # currently set with a burner "ETHERSCAN_API_KEY":"" # (set one up for yourself) } } ``` ## Option 1 | .devcontainer super speed [Using Docker] ### Using VScode - Docker Desktop (windows)/Docker (linux)/Remote Docker connection with docker cli installed - Ensure vscode extention: `ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack` is installed - Clone this repo and open in VScode - the IDE should detect the Dev Container configuration file. - Select [(Re)Open in Container] - the Docker container will build itself and auto attache itself to VSCode. - If you want to start everything using `launch.json` with associated `task.json` - Switch to [Run and Debug] Side menu - A Green Right Arrow with Dropdown should be viewable. Select and Play - (1) [Start Project Chain] for `yarn install && yarn chain` in debug mode - (2) [Compile Contract(s)] for `yarn hardhat:local-deploy` in debug mode - note: this debug mode will auto close if the contracts are successful - (3) [Start Frontend] for `yarn frontend` in deubg mode - Once all this is setup, you should be able to: - connect using localhost:8545 (Metamask) network - see "Hello World" at https://localhost:3000 ## Option 2 | The traditional set up your own env. Prerequisites: [Node (v16 LTS)]( plus [Yarn]( and [Git]( To get this application up and and running on your local machine follow these simple steps. ### Prerequisites You need to have Node.js, NPM and hardhat installed on your computer, before running this project. ### Installation > Clone the repo and cd to the project ```sh git clone thegiving cd thegiving ``` > install and start your ‘· Hardhat chain: ```sh yarn install yarn chain ``` > in a second terminal window, ° deploy your contract: ```sh yarn hardhat:local-deploy ``` > in a third terminal window, start your “± frontend: ```sh yarn frontend ``` ### Deploy to Polygon Mumbai: > when you're ready to deploy to testnet: ```sh yarn hardhat:testnet-deploy ``` > automatically verify your contract: ```sh yarn hardhat:testnet-verify ``` ### ...and you're done! ‰
# “ Documentation For documentation visit: []( [product-screenshot]: packages/frontend/public/landing_page_sample.png


