
上传日期:2022-10-10 12:50:35
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  一个使用墨水构建的自动化做市商(AMM)dApp!并作出 React并部署在Jupiter A1测试网上。
(An Automated Market Maker(AMM) dApp build using ink! and react and is deployed on Jupiter A1 testnet.)

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# Introduction In this tutorial, we will learn how to build an AMM having features - Provide, Withdraw & Swap with trading fees & slippage tolerance. We will build the smart contract in ink! (a rust based eDSL language) and then see how to deploy it on a public testnet and will create our frontend in ReactJS. # Prerequisites * Should be familiar with Rust and ReactJS * Have gone through [ink! beginners guide](https://docs.substrate.io/tutorials/v3/ink-workshop/pt1/) # Requirements * [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/releases/) v10.18.0+ * [Polkadot{.js} extension](https://polkadot.js.org/extension/) on your browser * [Ink! v3 setup](https://paritytech.github.io/ink-docs/getting-started/setup) # What's an AMM? Automated Market Maker(AMM) is a type of decentralized exchange which is based on a mathematical formula of price assets. It allows digital assets to be traded without any permissions and automatically by using liquidity pools instead of any traditional buyers and sellers which uses an order book that was used in traditional exchange, here assets are priced according to a pricing algorithm. For example, Uniswap uses p * q = k, where p is the amount of one token in the liquidity pool, and q is the amount of the other. Here “k” is a fixed constant which means the pool’s total liquidity always has to remain the same. For further explanation let us take an example if an AMM has coin A and Coin B, two volatile assets, every time A is bought, the price of A goes up as there is less A in the pool than before the purchase. Conversely, the price of B goes down as there is more B in the pool. The pool stays in constant balance, where the total value of A in the pool will always equal the total value of B in the pool. The size will expand only when new liquidity providers join the pool. # Implementing the smart contract Move to the directory where you want to create your ink! project and run the following command in the terminal which will create a template ink! project for you. ```text cargo contract new amm ``` Move inside the `amm` folder and replace the content of `lib.rs` file with the following code. We have broken down the implementation into 10 parts. ```rust #![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)] #![allow(non_snake_case)] use ink_lang as ink; const PRECISION: u128 = 1_000_000; // Precision of 6 digits #[ink::contract] mod amm { use ink_storage::collections::HashMap; // Part 1. Define Error enum // Part 2. Define storage struct // Part 3. Helper functions impl Amm { // Part 4. Constructor // Part 5. Faucet // Part 6. Read current state // Part 7. Provide // Part 8. Withdraw // Part 9. Swap } // Part 10. Unit Testing } ``` ## Part 1. Define Error enum The `Error` enum will contain all the error values that our contract throws. Ink! requires returned values to have certain traits. So we are deriving them for our custom enum type with the `#[derive(...)]` attribute. ```rust #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, scale::Encode, scale::Decode)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(scale_info::TypeInfo))] pub enum Error { /// Zero Liquidity ZeroLiquidity, /// Amount cannot be zero! ZeroAmount, /// Insufficient amount InsufficientAmount, /// Equivalent value of tokens not provided NonEquivalentValue, /// Asset value less than threshold for contribution! ThresholdNotReached, /// Share should be less than totalShare InvalidShare, /// Insufficient pool balance InsufficientLiquidity, /// Slippage tolerance exceeded SlippageExceeded, } ``` ## Part 2. Define storage struct Next, we define the state variables needed to operate the AMM. We will be using the same mathematical formula as used by Uniswap to determine the price of the assets (**K = totalToken1 * totalToken2**). For simplicity purposes, We are maintaining our own internal balance mapping (token1Balance & token2Balance) instead of dealing with external tokens. ```rust #[derive(Default)] #[ink(storage)] pub struct Amm { totalShares: Balance, // Stores the total amount of share issued for the pool totalToken1: Balance, // Stores the amount of Token1 locked in the pool totalToken2: Balance, // Stores the amount of Token2 locked in the pool shares: HashMap, // Stores the share holding of each provider token1Balance: HashMap, // Stores the token1 balance of each user token2Balance: HashMap, // Stores the token2 balance of each user fees: Balance, // Percent of trading fees charged on trade } ``` ## Part 3. Helper functions We will define the private functions in a separate implementation block to keep the code structure clean and we need to add the `#[ink(impl)]` attribute to make ink! aware of it. The following functions will be used to check the validity of the parameters passed to the functions and restrict certain activities when the pool is empty. ```rust #[ink(impl)] impl Amm { // Ensures that the _qty is non-zero and the user has enough balance fn validAmountCheck( &self, _balance: &HashMap, _qty: Balance, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let caller = self.env().caller(); let my_balance = *_balance.get(&caller).unwrap_or(&0); match _qty { 0 => Err(Error::ZeroAmount), _ if _qty > my_balance => Err(Error::InsufficientAmount), _ => Ok(()), } } // Returns the liquidity constant of the pool fn getK(&self) -> Balance { self.totalToken1 * self.totalToken2 } // Used to restrict withdraw & swap feature till liquidity is added to the pool fn activePool(&self) -> Result<(), Error> { match self.getK() { 0 => Err(Error::ZeroLiquidity), _ => Ok(()), } } } ``` ## Part 4. Constructor Our constructor takes `_fees` as a parameter that determines the percent of fees the user is charged when doing a swap operation. The value of `_fees` should be between 0 and 1000(exclusive). Then any swap operation will be charged **_fees/1000** percent of the amount deposited. ```rust /// Constructs a new AMM instance /// @param _fees: valid interval -> [0,1000) #[ink(constructor)] pub fn new(_fees: Balance) -> Self { // Sets fees to zero if not in valid range Self { fees: if _fees >= 1000 { 0 } else { _fees }, ..Default::default() } } ``` ## Part 5. Faucet As we are not using the external tokens and instead, maintaining a record of the balance ourselves; we need a way to allocate tokens to the new users so that they can interact with the dApp. Users can call the faucet function to get some tokens to play with! ```rust /// Sends free token(s) to the invoker #[ink(message)] pub fn faucet(&mut self, _amountToken1: Balance, _amountToken2: Balance) { let caller = self.env().caller(); let token1 = *self.token1Balance.get(&caller).unwrap_or(&0); let token2 = *self.token2Balance.get(&caller).unwrap_or(&0); self.token1Balance.insert(caller, token1 + _amountToken1); self.token2Balance.insert(caller, token2 + _amountToken2); } ``` ## Part 6. Read current state The following functions are used to get the present state of the smart contract. ```rust /// Returns the balance of the user #[ink(message)] pub fn getMyHoldings(&self) -> (Balance, Balance, Balance) { let caller = self.env().caller(); let token1 = *self.token1Balance.get(&caller).unwrap_or(&0); let token2 = *self.token2Balance.get(&caller).unwrap_or(&0); let myShares = *self.shares.get(&caller).unwrap_or(&0); (token1, token2, myShares) } /// Returns the amount of tokens locked in the pool,total shares issued & trading fee param #[ink(message)] pub fn getPoolDetails(&self) -> (Balance, Balance, Balance, Balance) { ( self.totalToken1, self.totalToken2, self.totalShares, self.fees, ) } ``` ## Part 7. Provide `provide` function takes two parameters - the amount of token1 & the amount of token2 that the user wants to lock in the pool. If the pool is initially empty then the equivalence rate is set as **_amountToken1 : _amountToken2** and the user is issued 100 shares for it. Otherwise, it is checked whether the two amounts provided by the user have equivalent value or not. This is done by checking if the two amounts are in equal proportion to the total number of their respective token locked in the pool i.e. **_amountToken1 : totalToken1 : : _amountToken2 : totalToken2** should hold. ```rust /// Adding new liquidity in the pool /// Returns the amount of share issued for locking given assets #[ink(message)] pub fn provide( &mut self, _amountToken1: Balance, _amountToken2: Balance, ) -> Result { self.validAmountCheck(&self.token1Balance, _amountToken1)?; self.validAmountCheck(&self.token2Balance, _amountToken2)?; let share; if self.totalShares == 0 { // Genesis liquidity is issued 100 Shares share = 100 * super::PRECISION; } else { let share1 = self.totalShares * _amountToken1 / self.totalToken1; let share2 = self.totalShares * _amountToken2 / self.totalToken2; if share1 != share2 { return Err(Error::NonEquivalentValue); } share = share1; } if share == 0 { return Err(Error::ThresholdNotReached); } let caller = self.env().caller(); let token1 = *self.token1Balance.get(&caller).unwrap(); let token2 = *self.token2Balance.get(&caller).unwrap(); self.token1Balance.insert(caller, token1 - _amountToken1); self.token2Balance.insert(caller, token2 - _amountToken2); self.totalToken1 += _amountToken1; self.totalToken2 += _amountToken2; self.totalShares += share; self.shares .entry(caller) .and_modify(|val| *val += share) .or_insert(share); Ok(share) } ``` The given functions help the user get an estimate of the amount of the second token that they need to lock for the given token amount. Here again, we use the proportion **_amountToken1 : totalToken1 : : _amountToken2 : totalToken2** to determine the amount of token1 required if we wish to lock given amount of token2 and vice-versa. ```rust /// Returns amount of Token1 required when providing liquidity with _amountToken2 quantity of Token2 #[ink(message)] pub fn getEquivalentToken1Estimate( &self, _amountToken2: Balance, ) -> Result { self.activePool()?; Ok(self.totalToken1 * _amountToken2 / self.totalToken2) } /// Returns amount of Token2 required when providing liquidity with _amountToken1 quantity of Token1 #[ink(message)] pub fn getEquivalentToken2Estimate( &self, _amountToken1: Balance, ) -> Result { self.activePool()?; Ok(self.totalToken2 * _amountToken1 / self.totalToken1) } ``` ## Part 8. Withdraw Withdraw is used when a user wishes to burn a given amount of share to get back their tokens. Token1 and Token2 are released from the pool in proportion to the share burned with respect to total shares issued i.e. **share : totalShare : : amountTokenX : totalTokenX**. ```rust /// Returns the estimate of Token1 & Token2 that will be released on burning given _share #[ink(message)] pub fn getWithdrawEstimate(&self, _share: Balance) -> Result<(Balance, Balance), Error> { self.activePool()?; if _share > self.totalShares { return Err(Error::InvalidShare); } let amountToken1 = _share * self.totalToken1 / self.totalShares; let amountToken2 = _share * self.totalToken2 / self.totalShares; Ok((amountToken1, amountToken2)) } /// Removes liquidity from the pool and releases corresponding Token1 & Token2 to the withdrawer #[ink(message)] pub fn withdraw(&mut self, _share: Balance) -> Result<(Balance, Balance), Error> { let caller = self.env().caller(); self.validAmountCheck(&self.shares, _share)?; let (amountToken1, amountToken2) = self.getWithdrawEstimate(_share)?; self.shares.entry(caller).and_modify(|val| *val -= _share); self.totalShares -= _share; self.totalToken1 -= amountToken1; self.totalToken2 -= amountToken2; self.token1Balance .entry(caller) .and_modify(|val| *val += amountToken1); self.token2Balance .entry(caller) .and_modify(|val| *val += amountToken2); Ok((amountToken1, amountToken2)) } ``` ## Part 9. Swap To swap from Token1 to Token2 we will implement four functions - `getSwapToken1EstimateGivenToken1`, `getSwapToken1EstimateGivenToken2`, `swapToken1GivenToken1` & `swapToken1GivenToken2`. The first two functions only determine the values of swap for estimation purposes while the last two do the actual conversion. `getSwapToken1EstimateGivenToken1` returns the amount of token2 that the user will get when depositing a given amount of token1. The amount of token2 is obtained from the equation **K = totalToken1 * totalToken2** and **K = (totalToken1 + delta * amountToken1) * (totalToken2 - amountToken2)** where **delta** is **(1000 - fees)/1000**. Therefore **delta \* amountToken1** is the adjusted token1Amount for which the resultant amountToken2 is calculated and rest of token1Amount goes into the pool as trading fees. We get the value **amountToken2** from solving the above equation. ```rust /// Returns the amount of Token2 that the user will get when swapping a given amount of Token1 for Token2 #[ink(message)] pub fn getSwapToken1EstimateGivenToken1( &self, _amountToken1: Balance, ) -> Result { self.activePool()?; let _amountToken1 = (1000 - self.fees) * _amountToken1 / 1000; // Adjusting the fees charged let token1After = self.totalToken1 + _amountToken1; let token2After = self.getK() / token1After; let mut amountToken2 = self.totalToken2 - token2After; // To ensure that Token2's pool is not completely depleted leading to inf:0 ratio if amountToken2 == self.totalToken2 { amountToken2 -= 1; } Ok(amountToken2) } ``` `getSwapToken1EstimateGivenToken2` returns the amount of token1 that the user should deposit to get a given amount of token2. Amount of token1 is similarly obtained by solving the following equation **K = (totalToken1 + delta * amountToken1) * (totalToken2 - amountToken2)** for **amountToken1**. ```rust /// Returns the amount of Token1 that the user should swap to get _amountToken2 in return #[ink(message)] pub fn getSwapToken1EstimateGivenToken2( &self, _amountToken2: Balance, ) -> Result { self.activePool()?; if _amountToken2 >= self.totalToken2 { return Err(Error::InsufficientLiquidity); } let token2After = self.totalToken2 - _amountToken2; let token1After = self.getK() / token2After; let amountToken1 = (token1After - self.totalToken1) * 1000 / (1000 - self.fees); Ok(amountToken1) } ``` `swapToken1GivenToken1` takes the amount of Token1 that needs to be swapped for some Token2. To handle slippage, we take input the minimum Token2 that the user wants for a successful trade. If the expected Token2 is less than the threshold then the Tx is reverted. ```rust /// Swaps given amount of Token1 to Token2 using algorithmic price determination /// Swap fails if Token2 amount is less than _minToken2 #[ink(message)] pub fn swapToken1GivenToken1( &mut self, _amountToken1: Balance, _minToken2: Balance, ) -> Result { let caller = self.env().caller(); self.validAmountCheck(&self.token1Balance, _amountToken1)?; let amountToken2 = self.getSwapToken1EstimateGivenToken1(_amountToken1)?; if amountToken2 < _minToken2 { return Err(Error::SlippageExceeded); } self.token1Balance .entry(caller) .and_modify(|val| *val -= _amountToken1); self.totalToken1 += _amountToken1; self.totalToken2 -= amountToken2; self.token2Balance .entry(caller) .and_modify(|val| *val += amountToken2); Ok(amountToken2) } ``` `swapToken1GivenToken2` takes the amount of Token2 that the user wants to receive and specifies the maximum amount of Token1 she is willing to exchange for it. If the required amount of Token1 exceeds the limit then the swap is cancelled. ```rust /// Swaps given amount of Token1 to Token2 using algorithmic price determination /// Swap fails if amount of Token1 required to obtain _amountToken2 exceeds _maxToken1 #[ink(message)] pub fn swapToken1GivenToken2( &mut self, _amountToken2: Balance, _maxToken1: Balance, ) -> Result { let caller = self.env().caller(); let amountToken1 = self.getSwapToken1EstimateGivenToken2(_amountToken2)?; if amountToken1 > _maxToken1 { return Err(Error::SlippageExceeded); } self.validAmountCheck(&self.token1Balance, amountToken1)?; self.token1Balance .entry(caller) .and_modify(|val| *val -= amountToken1); self.totalToken1 += amountToken1; self.totalToken2 -= _amountToken2; self.token2Balance .entry(caller) .and_modify(|val| *val += _amountToken2); Ok(amountToken1) } ``` Similarly for Token2 to Token1 swap we need to implement four functions - `getSwapToken2EstimateGivenToken2`, `getSwapToken2EstimateGivenToken1`, `swapToken2GivenToken2` & `swapToken2GivenToken1`. This is left as an exercise for you to implement :) Congrats!! on completing the implementation of the smart contract. The complete code can be found at [contract/lib.rs](contract/lib.rs). ## Part 10. Unit Testing Now let's write some unit tests to make sure our program is working as intended. Module(s) marked with `#[cfg(test)]` attribute tells rust to run the following code when `cargo test` command is executed. Test functions are marked with attribute `#[ink::test]` when we want ink! to inject environment variables like `caller` during the contract invocation. ```rust #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use ink_lang as ink; #[ink::test] fn new_works() { let contract = Amm::new(0); assert_eq!(contract.getMyHoldings(), (0, 0, 0)); assert_eq!(contract.getPoolDetails(), (0, 0, 0, 0)); } #[ink::test] fn faucet_works() { let mut contract = Amm::new(0); contract.faucet(100, 200); assert_eq!(contract.getMyHoldings(), (100, 200, 0)); } #[ink::test] fn zero_liquidity_test() { let contract = Amm::new(0); let res = contract.getEquivalentToken1Estimate(5); assert_eq!(res, Err(Error::ZeroLiquidity)); } #[ink::test] fn provide_works() { let mut contract = Amm::new(0); contract.faucet(100, 200); let share = contract.provide(10, 20).unwrap(); assert_eq!(share, 100_000_000); assert_eq!(contract.getPoolDetails(), (10, 20, share, 0)); assert_eq!(contract.getMyHoldings(), (90, 180, share)); } #[ink::test] fn withdraw_works() { let mut contract = Amm::new(0); contract.faucet(100, 200); let share = contract.provide(10, 20).unwrap(); assert_eq!(contract.withdraw(share / 5).unwrap(), (2, 4)); assert_eq!(contract.getMyHoldings(), (92, 184, 4 * share / 5)); assert_eq!(contract.getPoolDetails(), (8, 16, 4 * share / 5, 0)); } ... ...


