
上传日期:2022-12-08 09:34:16
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说明:  Vutils或Vic实用程序是一个用现代C++和现代C++编写的实用程序库。它有助于你的编程...
(Vutils or Vic Utilities is an utility library written in Modern C++ and for Modern C++. It helps your programming go easier, faster, and simpler.)

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# What is Vutils ? Vutils or Vic Utilities is an utility library written in [Modern C++]( and for [Modern C++]( It helps your programming go easier, faster and simpler. ## Status ![]( ![]( ## Information - [x] Windows 32-bit & ***-bit - [x] TCHAR - ANSI & UNICODE - [x] MS Visual Studio - [x] for 32-bit application - [x] for ***-bit application - [x] GNU MinGW - [x] for 32-bit application - [x] for ***-bit application ## Features * [GP-GPU CUDA Programming (in-progress)]() * [GUID - Globally/Universally Unique Identifier]() * [WMI - Windows Management Instrumentation]() * [Smart Buffer Memory]() * [Run-time Link Library]() * Object-Oriented Path * Object-Oriented Process * Object-Oriented Registry * [Service Manager]() * [Sync/Async Socket]() * [RESTful Client]() * [Thread Pool]() * [Read/Write/Parse INI File]() * [Parse PE File]() * [Create/Parse LNK File Shortcut]() * [Smart Stop Watch]() * [File System Helper]() * [File Mapping]() * [IAT/INL API Hooking]() * [Windows Message Hooking]() * [Critical Section]() * [Debouncer]() * [Singleton Template]() * [Input Dialog]() * [In-Memory Dialog]() * [AOB Find Pattern]() * Font/Color/File/Directory Picker * Cryptography (B***, CRC, MD5, SHA, Big Number, etc) * File/Directory, Window, Process, Math Manipulation * Shorten Formatting for Date/Time, String, Message Box, Debug Message * Decode Constants like Window Message, HTTP Status, etc * Name Operator for STL Container (Eg. `2 {1, 2, 3}`, etc) * Miscellaneous (I/O Console Window, Hex Dump, URL Encode/Decode, etc) ## License Released under the [MIT]( license (and its third parties per se are also released under the MIT license) ## Requirements Vutils requires the C++ Compiler that supported at least `C++ 11` The minimum version of the following IDEs are supported `C++ 11` * MS Visual Studio C++ 2012 or later * GNU MinGW 4.6 or later ## Installation * Clone [`Vutils`]() repository to your machine * Run the batch file `tools\Getting.Started.CMD` * Build
MS Visual Studio C++ >* Run the batch file `tools\VS.Build.Static.Library.CMD` (`` is your Visual Studio version)
GNU MinGW >* Run the batch file `tools\MinGW.Build.Static.Library.CMD`
* Configuration
MS Visual Studio C++ >* If you are using `Visual Studio 2012~2015`, you don't need to do anything, it automatic included in the global settings. >* If you are using `Visual Studio 2017 or later`, you have to copy `Directory.Build.props` file to your solution folder that contains the `.sln` file.
GNU MinGW >* Include : You don't need to do anything, automatic included in the global settings. >* Library : `-lVutils` `-lgdi32 -lole32 -lcomdlg32` > * If `SOCKET` enabled, insert option `-DVU_INET_ENABLED -lws2_32 -lwinhttp` > * If `GUID` enabled, insert option `-DVU_GUID_ENABLED -lrpcrt4` > * If `WMI` enabled, insert option `-DVU_WMI_ENABLED -loleaut32 -lwbemuuid`
* Usage * Insert `#include ` to your source code. * Let's get started with `vu`. Eg. `vu::format(...)`, `vu::find_top_window(...)`, `vu::Socket`, `vu::Process`, `vu::Service`, etc. * *Note: If building error or conflict, add `#define VU_NO_EX` above of `#include ` to disable all extended utilities.* ## Examples * [Vutils CUDA]( @ []( * [Test\Sample.Misc.h](Test/Sample.Misc.h) * [Test\Sample.WMI.h](Test/Sample.WMI.h) * [Test\Sample.Crypt.h](Test/Sample.Crypt.h) * [Test\Sample.Picker.h](Test/Sample.Picker.h) * [Test\Sample.Process.h](Test/Sample.Process.h) * [Test\Sample.Singleton.h](Test/Sample.Singleton.h) * [Test\Sample.StopWatch.h](Test/Sample.StopWatch.h) * [Test\Sample.ThreadPool.h](Test/Sample.ThreadPool.h) * [Test\Sample.AsyncSocket.h]( * [Test\Sample.RESTClient.h](Test/Sample.RESTClient.h) * [Test\Sample.WMHooking.h](Test/Sample.WMHooking.h) * [Test\Sample.INLHooking.h](Test/Sample.INLHooking.h) * [Test\Sample.IATHooking.h](Test/Sample.IATHooking.h) * [Test\Sample.AOBScanning.h](Test/Sample.AOBScanning.h) * See more examples in the [`Test`](Test/) project ## Contact Feel free to contact via [Twitter]( / [Gmail]( / [Blog]( / [Website](


