
上传日期:2022-12-08 15:47:00
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  竞争性编程、竞争性编程指南、Codechef、Leetcode、Geeks的学习材料和我自己的编码解决方案...
(?? ??? Competitive programming guide, learning materials and my own coding solutions from Codechef, Leetcode,Geeks for Geeks, HackerRank, Spoj, Codebyte, InterviewBit, CodingBlock & other platforms)

文件列表: (3361, 2022-12-08) (326, 2022-12-08)
HackerRank (0, 2022-12-08)
LICENSE (11357, 2022-12-08)
Lectures (0, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\CS97SISlides (0, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\CS97SISlides\01-introduction.pdf (57203, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\CS97SISlides\02-mathematics.pdf (109355, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\CS97SISlides\03-data-structures.pdf (311978, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\CS97SISlides\04-dynamic-programming.pdf (175711, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\CS97SISlides\05-combinatorial-games.pdf (135776, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\CS97SISlides\06-basic-graph-algorithms.pdf (311310, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\CS97SISlides\07-shortest-path-algorithms.pdf (81603, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\CS97SISlides\08-network-flow-problems.pdf (362109, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\CS97SISlides\09-computational-geometry.pdf (955871, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\CS97SISlides\10-string-algorithms.pdf (579400, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\CS97SISlides\suffix-array.pdf (253643, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\ (1122, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\ (3986, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\data-structures (0, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\data-structures\ (11617, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\data-structures\ (4609, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\data-structures\ (2614, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\data-structures\ (11429, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\data-structures\ (14553, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\data-structures\ (12111, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\data-structures\ (8288, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\data-structures\ (14503, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\data-structures\ (1751, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\data-structures\ (5629, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\data-structures\ (22589, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\data-structures\ (11467, 2022-12-08)
Lectures\data-structures\ (20866, 2022-12-08)
... ...

# Competitive-programming The current repository contains a set of learning resources, and coding challenges solutions that I have implemented as result of my training, to ace a Big Tech interview that allowed me to receive an offer at Microsoft for a SWE intern role. NOT everything you may read in this repository is the overall knowledge requierd during an algorithms and data-structures round, but I have started from zero, just like you, and from zero to half-hero, almost everything produced or needed has been shared in this repository. ## Technologies used ![C++]( ![Python]( ![Java]( ## Get mentored by me MentorCruise # Index of content 1. [Structure of the repository](#Structure-of-the-Repository) 2. [Platforms for Training](#Platforms-for-training) 3. [When contribute](#When-contribute) 4. [How to contribute](#How-to-contribute) 6. [Connect with me](#Connect-with-me) ## Structure of the Repository |Folder|Content| |-------|:------:| |Lectures (Algorithm and data-structures)|[Notes about Algorithm And Data Structures](Lectures/| |Must know algorithms checklist|[Go to resources](| |System Design preparation|[System design interview preparation](system-design/| |Readings material|[Free e-books about Competitive Programming](Reading/)| |Geeks For Geeks solutions|[Geeks For GfG coding solutions](geeksforgeeks/| |HackerRank solutions |[My own HackerRank coding solutions](HackerRank/| |Codingblock solutions|[My own Codingblock coding solutions](codingblock/| |CodeSignal solutions|[My own CodeSignal Solutions](codesignal/| |CodeChef solutions| [My own Codechef coding solutions](codechef/)| |UVA|[My own UVA Online Judge solutions ](UVA/)| |InterviewBit|[My Interview Bit solutions ](interviewbit/| |Leetcode solutions|[My Leetcode solutions ](interviewbit/| |learn_data_structures|[ Warm App coding examples to learn Data Structures](learn_data_structures/)| ##PLEASE If you need more material like this, [nominate me as github start, to get help the project to gain more visibility and contributions]( ## Best Platforms for training [![Hackerrank](]( [![InterViewBit](]( [![GeeksForGeeks](]( [![LeetCode](]( [![Codingblocs](]( [![Codesignal](]( [![Codechef](]( [![CodeForces](]( [![Hackerearth](]( ## How to contribute 1. Fork the repository 2. Do the desired changes (add/delete/modify) 3. Make a pull request ## When contribute 1. If there is no solution to a problem in the main branch. 2. If your solution is asymptotically faster than the one in the main branch. 3. If your algorithm is of the same time complexity but with reduced code size. In this case, comment out the original solution and make a pull request with your solution. 4. If you have another method of solving the problem which is asymptotically slower than the original method then, comment your solution in the main file and make a pull request. 5. If you would like to make any positive change to the lectures content ## I appreciate any feedback Constructive criticisms or code reviews of any kind are very much welcome. If you have any questions about the solutions you can find here, feel free to contact me at: []([GitHub]%20CompetitiveProgramming) - “ How to reach me: **You can find me also on [Linkedln](** or ’Mail me at []() # Social Media # [![Github](]( [![Linkedin](]( ## Support me [Paypal Me](

Buy Me A Coffee ## Incoming Materials 1. Prefix Sum 2. Sliding Window Technique 3. Binary search 4. GCD of two numbers in LogN 5. Sieve of Eratosthenes, Segmented Sieve 6. Modular arithmetic 7. Bit Manipulation 8. Greedy Algorithms 9. Two Pointers 10. Kadane's Algorithm 11. Meet in the Middle Algorithm 12. Recursion 13. Divide and Conquer 14. Next Greater/Smaller Element using Stack 15. Problems related to Parenthesis 16. Backtracking 17. Problems related to Constructive Algorithms 18. Problems related to Heap 19. Inclusion-Exclusion Principle 20. Finding nCr and nPr for Queries 21. Rabin Karp Algorithm 22. Prefix Function 23. KMP Algorithm 24. Z-Function 25. Manacher's Algorithm 26. DFS/BFS Traversal in Graph/Tree 27. Diameter of Tree 28. Euler Tour of Tree 29. Finding LCA using Euler Tour 30. Finding LCA using Binary Lifting 31. Distance between two nodes 32. Subtree Problems 33. Connected Components, Topological Sort, Cycle Detection, Bipartite Check-in Graph 34. Dijkstra's Algorithm 35. Bellman-Ford Algorithm 36. Floyd Warshall Algorithm 37. Bridges in Graph 38. Prim's Algorithm 39. 0/1 BFS 40. Dynamic Programming, DP with Bitmask, DP on trees 41. Disjoint Set 42. Kruskal's Algorithm 43. Fenwick Trees, Binary Lifting on Fenwick Tree 44. Matrix Exponentiation 45. Sqrt Exponentiation 46. Segment Trees 47. Lazy Propagation on Segment Trees 48. Sprague/Grundy Theorem 49. Heavy Light Decomposition 50. FFT/NTT If you need more material like this, [nominate me as github start, to get help the project to gain more visibility and contributions](


