
上传日期:2011-10-17 17:14:48
上 传 者nathanlnw
说明:  stm32f2x7_eth_lwip 很实用的例程
(stm32f2x7_eth_lwip very useful routine)

STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2 (0, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries (0, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS (0, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3 (0, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\CoreSupport (0, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\CoreSupport\core_cm3.c (17273, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\CoreSupport\core_cm3.h (85714, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport (0, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST (0, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST\STM32F2xx (0, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST\STM32F2xx\Release_Notes.html (13165, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST\STM32F2xx\startup (0, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST\STM32F2xx\startup\arm (0, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST\STM32F2xx\startup\arm\startup_stm32f2xx.s (29091, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST\STM32F2xx\startup\gcc_ride7 (0, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST\STM32F2xx\startup\gcc_ride7\startup_stm32f2xx.s (23785, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST\STM32F2xx\startup\iar (0, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST\STM32F2xx\startup\iar\startup_stm32f2xx.s (24021, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST\STM32F2xx\startup\TrueSTUDIO (0, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST\STM32F2xx\startup\TrueSTUDIO\startup_stm32f2xx.s (23856, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST\STM32F2xx\stm32f2xx.h (522023, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST\STM32F2xx\system_stm32f2xx.c (20783, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\CM3\DeviceSupport\ST\STM32F2xx\system_stm32f2xx.h (2092, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\CMSIS debug support.htm (9310, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\CMSIS_changes.htm (12531, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\Documentation (0, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\Documentation\CMSIS_Core.htm (57004, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\CMSIS\License.doc (39936, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\STM32F2x7_ETH_Driver (0, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\STM32F2x7_ETH_Driver\inc (0, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\STM32F2x7_ETH_Driver\inc\stm32f2x7_eth.h (100064, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\STM32F2x7_ETH_Driver\inc\stm32f2x7_eth_conf_template.h (4018, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\STM32F2x7_ETH_Driver\Release_Notes.html (37621, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\STM32F2x7_ETH_Driver\src (0, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\STM32F2x7_ETH_Driver\src\stm32f2x7_eth.c (101408, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\STM32F2xx_StdPeriph_Driver (0, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\STM32F2xx_StdPeriph_Driver\inc (0, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\STM32F2xx_StdPeriph_Driver\inc\misc.h (6788, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\STM32F2xx_StdPeriph_Driver\inc\stm32f2xx_adc.h (32413, 2011-06-10)
STM32F2x7_ETH_LwIP_V1.0.2\Libraries\STM32F2xx_StdPeriph_Driver\inc\stm32f2xx_can.h (27182, 2011-06-10)
... ...

/** @page http server demonstration Readme file @verbatim ******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics ******************* * @file httpserver/readme.txt * @author MCD Application Team * @version V1.0.2 * @date 06-June-2011 * @brief Description of the STM32F2x7 http server demonstration. ****************************************************************************** * THE PRESENT FIRMWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS * WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE * TIME. AS A RESULT, STMICROELECTRONICS SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING * FROM THE CONTENT OF SUCH FIRMWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE * CODING INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. ****************************************************************************** @endverbatim @par Description This directory contains a set of sources files that implement a web server application for STM32F2x7 devices. Please note that for http server demonstration, LwIP v1.3.2 is used as the TCP/IP stack. @par Project Directory contents - "inc": contains the demonstration firmware header files - inc/main.h main config file - inc/stm32F2x7_eth_bsp.h header for stm32F2x7_eth_bsp.c - inc/netconf.h header for netconf.c - inc/lwipopts.h LwIP stack configuration options - inc/fsdata.h header for fsdata.c - inc/stm32f2xx_conf.h Library Configuration file - inc/stm32f2x7_eth_conf.h STM32 Ethernet driver Configuration file - inc/stm32f2xx_it.h Header for stm32f2xx_it.c - inc/fs.h header for fs.c - inc/httpd_structs.h HTTP headers - inc/httpd.h header for httpd.c - inc/serial_debug.h header for serial_debug.c - "src": contains the demonstration firmware source files - src/main.c main program file - src/stm32F2x7_eth_bsp.c STM32F2x7 Ethernet hardware configuration - src/netconf.c LwIP stack initializations - src/fsdata.c ROM filesystem data (html pages) - src/system_stm32f2xx.c STM32 system clock configuration file - src/stm32f2xx_it.c STM32 Interrupt handlers - src/fsdata.c ROM filesystem data (html pages) - src/httpd.c httpd server supports - src/httpd_cgi_ssi.c Webserver SSI and CGI handlers - src/fs.c file system functions - src/serial_debug.c retarget the printf function to the USART - "EWARM": contains preconfigured project for EWARM toolchain - "MDK-ARM": contains preconfigured project for MDK-ARM toolchain - "RIDE": contains preconfigured project for RIDE toolchain - "TASKING": contains preconfigured project for TASKING toolchain - "TrueSTUDIO": contains preconfigured project for TrueSTUDIO toolchain @par Hardware and Software environment - This example has been tested with the following environments: - STM322xG-EVAL board - Http clients: Firefox Mozilla (v3.6 and later) or Microsoft Internet Explorer (v8 and later) - DHCP server: PC utility TFTPD32 ( is used as a DHCP server - STM322xG-EVAL Set-up - Connect STM322xG-EVAL board to remote PC (through a crossover ethernet cable) or to your local network (through a straight ethernet cable) - STM322xG-EVAL jumpers setting +==========================================================================================+ + Jumper | MII mode configuration | RMII mode configuration + +==========================================================================================+ + JP5 | 2-3 provide 25MHz clock by MCO(PA8) | 2-3 provide 50MHz clock by MCO(PA8) + + | 1-2 provide 25MHz clock by ext. Crystal | + + -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + JP6 | 2-3 | 1-2 + + -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + JP8 | Open | Close + +==========================================================================================+ @Note: the default setting is MII mode, to change it to RMII mode refer to main.h file. @par How to use it ? In order to make the program work, you must do the following: 1. Load the demonstration code in the STM32F2x7 Flash memory (see below) 2. Refer to "AN3384 LwIP TCP/IP stack demonstration for STM32F2x7xx microcontrollers" to know how to use the demonstration In order to load the IAP code, you have do the following: - EWARM - Open the Project.eww workspace - Rebuild all files: Project->Rebuild all - Load project image: Project->Debug - Run program: Debug->Go(F5) - RIDE - Open the Project.rprj project - Rebuild all files: Project->build project - Load project image: Debug->start(ctrl+D) - Run program: Debug->Run(ctrl+F9) - MDK-ARM - Open the Project.uvproj project - Rebuild all files: Project->Rebuild all target files - Load project image: Debug->Start/Stop Debug Session - Run program: Debug->Run (F5) - TASKING - Open TASKING toolchain. - Click on File->Import, select General->'Existing Projects into Workspace' and then click "Next". - Browse to TASKING workspace directory and select the project: - STM322xG_EVAL: to configure the project for STM32F2xx devices. - Under Windows->Preferences->General->Workspace->Linked Resources, add a variable path named "Cur_Path" which points to the folder containing "Libraries", "Project" and "Utilities" folders. - Rebuild all project files: Select the project in the "Project explorer" window then click on Project->build project menu. - Run program: Select the project in the "Project explorer" window then click Run->Debug (F11) - TrueSTUDO - Open the TrueSTUDIO toolchain. - Click on File->Switch Workspace->Other and browse to TrueSTUDIO workspace directory. - Click on File->Import, select General->'Existing Projects into Workspace' and then click "Next". - Browse to the TrueSTUDIO workspace directory, select the project: - STM322xG_EVAL: to configure the project for STM32F2xx devices - Under Windows->Preferences->General->Workspace->Linked Resources, add a variable path named "CurPath" which points to the folder containing "Libraries", "Project" and "Utilities" folders. - Rebuild all project files: Select the project in the "Project explorer" window then click on Project->build project menu. - Run program: Run->Debug (F11) *

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