上传日期:2023-01-08 00:02:37
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  A1_SLAM,A1 SLAM:使用A1机载传感器的四头SLAM
(A1_SLAM,A1 SLAM: Quadruped SLAM using the A1 s onboard sensors)

a1_slam (0, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\CMakeLists.txt (2102, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\config (0, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\config\config.yaml (5152, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\docs (0, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\docs\conf.py (1592, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\docs\index.rst (1696, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\docs\installation.rst (443, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\docs\usage.rst (27, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\launch (0, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\launch\a1_slam.launch (2774, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\package.xml (1057, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\rviz (0, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\rviz\a1_slam.rviz (7072, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\setup.py (247, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\src (0, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\src\__init__.py (0, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\src\nodes (0, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\src\nodes\A1SlamNode.py (3992, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\src\nodes\PreprocessCloudServer.cpp (997, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\src\optimization (0, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\src\optimization\optimizer.py (9721, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\src\sensors (0, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\src\sensors\depth.py (10434, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\src\sensors\imu.py (9306, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\src\sensors\lidar2D.py (10840, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\src\sensors\lidar3D.py (10234, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\srv (0, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\srv\GetResults.srv (31, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\srv\PreprocessCloud.srv (69, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\test (0, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\test\__init__.py (0, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\test\test_2d_gicp.py (1659, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\test\test_config (0, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\test\test_config\test_config.yaml (3574, 2022-11-29)
a1_slam\test\test_integration_imu.py (6205, 2022-11-29)
... ...

# A1 SLAM: Quadruped SLAM using the A1's onboard sensors ![a1_slam_trajectory](https://github.com/jerredchen/A1_SLAM/blob/master/media/a1_slam_trajectory.gif) **Note:** This repository is still under active development. A1 SLAM is a rospackage that brings real-time SLAM capabilities utilizing factor graph optimization to Unitree's A1 quadruped. This package was designed around the onboard sensors on the A1 and aims for easy, convenient installation. In addition, this package is compatible with sensors that are not default to the A1. This package has been tested using ROS Noetic on Ubuntu 20.04. ## Installation If you haven't install ROS already, please follow the steps for [ROS installation](https://github.com/jerredchen/A1_SLAM/blob/master/http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Installation). ``` # Install GTSAM as dependency if necessary pip install --user gtsam mkdir -p catkin_ws/src cd catkin_ws/src git clone https://github.com/jerredchen/A1_SLAM.git --recursive cd .. catkin_make ``` ## Documentation and Usage For more information on using A1 SLAM, please see the [documentation](https://github.com/jerredchen/A1_SLAM/blob/master/http://a1-slam.rtfd.io).


