
开发工具:Visual Basic
上传日期:2006-04-07 14:33:08
上 传 者CocoLiu
说明:  一个可以换肤的源代码。是VB版本的,而且你可以自己设计窗体的样式
(a Eurocargo source. Yes VB version, but you can design their own forms of pattern)

DynamicSkin (0, 2006-02-28)
DynamicSkin\clsBitmap.cls (3352, 2001-01-06)
DynamicSkin\clsButton.cls (3009, 2001-03-21)
DynamicSkin\clsDockingHandler.cls (7805, 2001-01-02)
DynamicSkin\frmPad.frm (18174, 2006-01-25)
DynamicSkin\frmPad.frx (4, 2006-01-25)
DynamicSkin\frmWrapper.frm (1293, 2001-03-21)
DynamicSkin\frmWrapper.frx (2250, 2001-03-21)
DynamicSkin\modAPI.bas (3506, 2001-01-02)
DynamicSkin\modEdges.bas (7297, 2001-06-08)
DynamicSkin\modMain.bas (238, 2006-01-25)
DynamicSkin\modPrefs.bas (2130, 2001-03-04)
DynamicSkin\modRegion.bas (5187, 2001-01-02)
DynamicSkin\MSSCCPRJ.SCC (199, 2005-12-30)
DynamicSkin\prjDynamicSkin.vbp (1034, 2006-01-25)
DynamicSkin\prjDynamicSkin.vbw (381, 2006-04-07)
DynamicSkin\Skins (0, 2006-02-28)
DynamicSkin\Skins\Chromantis (0, 2006-02-28)
DynamicSkin\Skins\Chromantis\bottom_left.bmp (2872, 2000-12-17)
DynamicSkin\Skins\Chromantis\bottom_right.bmp (2872, 2000-12-17)
DynamicSkin\Skins\Chromantis\exitbutton_down.bmp (200, 2000-12-11)
DynamicSkin\Skins\Chromantis\exitbutton_up.bmp (200, 2000-12-11)
DynamicSkin\Skins\Chromantis\hsegment_bottom.bmp (1904, 2000-12-17)
DynamicSkin\Skins\Chromantis\hsegment_top.bmp (2072, 2000-12-17)
DynamicSkin\Skins\Chromantis\minbutton_down.bmp (224, 2000-12-11)
DynamicSkin\Skins\Chromantis\minbutton_up.bmp (224, 2000-12-11)
DynamicSkin\Skins\Chromantis\skin.ini (306, 2006-01-25)
DynamicSkin\Skins\Chromantis\top_left.bmp (3128, 2000-12-17)
DynamicSkin\Skins\Chromantis\top_right.bmp (3126, 2000-12-20)
DynamicSkin\Skins\Chromantis\trans.dat (1288, 2006-04-07)
DynamicSkin\Skins\Chromantis\vsegment_left.bmp (2488, 2000-12-17)
DynamicSkin\Skins\Chromantis\vsegment_right.bmp (2488, 2000-12-17)
DynamicSkin\Skins\Default (0, 2006-02-28)
DynamicSkin\Skins\Default\bottom_left.bmp (1156, 2000-07-30)
DynamicSkin\Skins\Default\bottom_right.bmp (892, 2000-07-30)
DynamicSkin\Skins\Default\exitbutton_down.bmp (632, 2000-10-30)
DynamicSkin\Skins\Default\exitbutton_up.bmp (632, 2000-10-30)
DynamicSkin\Skins\Default\hsegment_bottom.bmp (848, 2000-10-11)
DynamicSkin\Skins\Default\hsegment_top.bmp (1928, 2000-10-11)
... ...

---------------------------------- "Dynamic" Resizable Skin Demo v1.1 ---------------------------------- By Elad Rosenheim mailto:eladro@barak-online.net ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To see a fully-working application that uses this code, go to: http://www.veoweb.com/users/kewlpad - home of kewlpAd, the skinnable notepad! (free off course) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi there. By now, we all know how to use bitmaps to create window regions. But all these demos share one caveat: The window is fixed - you can't resize it. That's ok for some apps, but sometimes you want to create a resizable window in your app - The Playlist window in Winamp for example. This demo shows you (one way) how to do that. First of all, we can't rely on one bitmap. We need a number of them: One bitmap for each corner of the form (top-left, bottom-right...), and a small bitmap for each of the form's sides - a bitmap that can be seamlessly tiled to create a "side" as big as needed. In this demo I call these bitmaps "segments". So here's how the window in constructed: [1][2][2][2][3] [4] Client [5] [4] Area [5] [4] [5] [6][7][7][7][8] [1] - Top left corner [2] - Top horizontal segments - Can be horizantally tiled as many times as needed. [3] - Top right corner [4] - Left vertical segments - Can be vertically tiled as many times as needed. [5] - Right vert. segments [6] - Bottom-left corner [7] - Bottom horiz. segments [8] - Bottom-right corner OK. So how do we create a region from all those bitmaps? Obvisouly re-computing the whole region each time the window is resized is a really slow technique. And if we want to create three regions based on bitmap [2], how do we make each region with a different X offset? Fortunately, the API comes to the help (again). Turns out we can save a region's definition to a binary buffer, then re-create it into a new region. Moreover, we can offset an existing region by the desired x,y offset, with one fast call. Now we have the solution: When the skin is loaded, we create regions for all the bitmaps and store them. Then, each time we need to create a new window region, We create copies of those regions, offsetting each region by the needed offset, and combine 'em all. We still have to tackle other problems, such as replacing the standard window resizing mechanism with our own, which allow the window to be resized only by fixed increments, which match the size of the segments. Sounds complicated? Start with looking at how the program runs, then check out the LoadSkin() and MakeEdgesRegion() calls and the rest of the code. Credits: 1. Steve McMahon of www.vbAccelerator.com for the clsBitmap code. 2. Myself... - I used clsDockHandler, a class previsouly published by me that handles docking to the edges of the desktop. 3. My friend Daniel Jacoby ("NevioTH") for the skins. If you wanna use them - ask him for permission. Off course, there's a lot more work to be done. For example - Most of the time you'll want to restrict the window from being resized to less than a minimum size, depending in the controls you place in the client area. And you'll want to resize some controls automatically when the form size is changed. I leave it all to you. Performace - The compiled version is a "smooth operator" (...) on my 366MHz celeron. All possible optimization flags are already turned on. The bigger the slices, the better the performance, because less slices are needed, but you need to find a good trade-off point between performace and the user's comfort. ------------------ Demo v1.1 Updates: ------------------ * Added support for skinnable control buttons (Minimize, Exit). Since the window is resizable, the buttons should also be moved when you resize the form, so there is support for positioning the buttons RELATIVE to the window sides. Check out the clsButton class. * Added a wrapper form to the project, so the app will have a normal taskbar button (Border-less forms cannot show an icon or have the 'minimize/restore' options in their taskbar button). The wrapper is invisible to the user, and only handles minimizing/restoring the main demo form. Note: If you want to see some great skins, go to the www.deviantart.com and browse the kewlpAd section. Have a good time.


