
上传日期:2023-02-25 06:24:48
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  使用Reactjs、Typescript、Golang和MongoDb克隆以开发者为中心的工作平台)
(Clone of (The developer-focused job platform) using Reactjs, Typescript, Golang and MongoDb)

LICENSE (35149, 2020-09-17)
golang-server (0, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\.vscode (0, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\.vscode\launch.json (776, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\controllers (0, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\controllers\authController.go (1150, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\controllers\resumeController.go (1695, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\controllers\valueController.go (4993, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\go.mod (1438, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\go.sum (27603, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\main.go (641, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\middlewares (0, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\middlewares\middlewares.go (1563, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\models (0, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\models\entity (0, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\models\entity\account.go (579, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\models\entity\resume.go (3291, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\models\viewmodels (0, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\models\viewmodels\loginModel.go (134, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\models\viewmodels\talentRegister.go (214, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\profilepic (0, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\profilepic\1598470420_squire.jpg (19466, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\profilepic\1598470507_squire.jpg (19466, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\profilepic\1598472055_squire.jpg (19466, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\profilepic\1598472174_squire.jpg (19466, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\repository (0, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\repository\accountRepository.go (751, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\repository\db (0, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\repository\db\mongodb.go (670, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\repository\resumeRepository.go (2675, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\routers (0, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\routers\commonRoutes.go (234, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\routers\index.go (842, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\routers\talentRouters.go (717, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\service (0, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\service\accountService.go (2470, 2020-09-17)
golang-server\service\resumeService.go (1361, 2020-09-17)
... ...

## CandyHouse (Reactjs, Typescript, Golang, MongoDb) This Project is a clone of [Honeypot]( (only candidate profile section). Honeypot is developer-focused job platform. This project is developed using Reactjs, Typescript, Golang and MongoDb for learning purpose only. ## Project Goals * [Create Clean Architecture For API Server With Golang]( * [Create Clean Architecture For API Frontend With React and TypeScript]( * [Create Integration Test API Server]( ## Technologies are used * [Golang]( * [Gin Web Framework]( * [Mongo Go Models]( * [Mongo Driver]( * [jwt-go]( * [GoDotEnv]( * [ReactJs]( * [Typescript]( * [React-Redux]( * [Redux Toolkit]( * [Connected React Router]( * [axios]( * [React Bootstrap]( * [node-sass]( * [lodash]( * [API Server Integration Test]( * [memongo]( *Does not support windows :worried: ## Run Golang Server - Step 1: Create a free MongoDb database at - Step 2: create a **.env** file at root directory of server (**golang-server**) with below variables. (Please change database configurations) ``` SERVER_PORT=':3200' DB_CONNECTION_STRING='mongodb+srv://' DB_NAME='candyHouse' IN_MEMORY_MONGO_DB_PATH='F:\inMemoryMongoDb4.2.8\bin\mongod.exe' TOKEN_KEY='Your_Auth_Token_Encryption_KEY' ``` - Step 3: go get - Step 4: go run main.go ## Run Reactjs Client - Step 1: create a **.env** file at root directory of client (**reactjs-client**) with below variables. ``` REACT_APP_API_BASE= ``` - Step 2: npm install - Step 3: npm start ## Golang Server Directory Structure ``` . |-- controllers |-- middlewares |-- models | |-- entity | `-- viewmodels |-- profilepic |-- repository | `-- db |-- routers |-- service |-- test `-- utils ``` ## Reactjs Client Directory Structure ``` . |-- public `-- src |-- common |-- features | |-- home | | `-- components | |-- login | |-- profile | | |-- defaultValues | | |-- edit | | | `-- components | | `-- view | | `-- components | `-- register | `-- components | `-- TalentRegister |-- helpers `-- layouts ``` Enjoy!! :blush:


