
开发工具:C++ Builder
上传日期:2006-04-08 09:05:50
上 传 者111uu
说明:  基于51内核的圈圈操作系统**************** 说明:这是本人学习嵌入式操作系统后在51上写的一个简单的操作系统, 提供创建任务,删除任务,任务调度,系统延时,任务挂起,发送消息, 等待消息,CPU使用率统计,系统时间,串口发送、接收数据及串口资源管理等 功能。由于时间匆忙,部分注释可能在调试时忘记更改,如有发现不能理解的注释, 请给圈圈留言: http://blog.21ic.com/blog.asp?name=computer00
(circle operating system kernel $ Note : This is my learning embedded in the operating system after 51 to write a simple operating system, creates delete tasks, task scheduling system delay, hang tasks, send messages, waiting for news, CPU usage statistics, the system time, serial data transmission and serial resource management functions. Because of the time rush, some of the Notes may forget when debugging changes, if found not understand the Notes, to circle the words : http://blog.21ic.com/blog.asp name = computer)

51_00_OS\AT89X52.h (6423, 2006-02-24)
51_00_OS\main.h (629, 2006-02-24)
51_00_OS\task_switch.H (433, 2006-02-24)
51_00_OS\UART.h (601, 2006-02-24)
51_00_OS\OS_core.h (2039, 2006-02-24)
51_00_OS\main.c (17426, 2006-02-24)
51_00_OS\OS_core.c (10311, 2006-02-25)
51_00_OS\task_switch.C (4059, 2006-02-24)
51_00_OS\UART.c (4774, 2006-02-24)
51_00_OS\51_00_OS.plg (176, 2006-03-13)
51_00_OS\task_switch.__i (65, 2006-02-28)
51_00_OS\task_switch.SRC (11880, 2006-02-28)
51_00_OS\task_switch.ls1 (43888, 2006-02-28)
51_00_OS\51_00_OS.M51 (50371, 2006-02-28)
51_00_OS\51_00_OS.hex (12009, 2006-02-28)
51_00_OS\51_00_OS_Uv2.Bak (2439, 2006-02-25)
51_00_OS\51_00_OS.Uv2 (2452, 2006-02-25)
51_00_OS\main.LST (26836, 2006-02-25)
51_00_OS\main.OBJ (28239, 2006-02-25)
51_00_OS\OS_core.LST (15465, 2006-02-25)
51_00_OS\OS_core.OBJ (12801, 2006-02-25)
51_00_OS\UART.LST (7905, 2006-02-25)
51_00_OS\UART.OBJ (8789, 2006-02-25)
51_00_OS\task_switch.LST (7346, 2006-02-28)
51_00_OS\task_switch._ia (48, 2006-02-28)
51_00_OS\task_switch.OBJ (4017, 2006-02-28)
51_00_OS\51_00_OS.lnp (116, 2006-02-28)
51_00_OS\51_00_OS (45093, 2006-02-28)
51_00_OS\51_00_OS_Opt.Bak (1610, 2006-02-28)
51_00_OS\51_00_OS.Opt (1612, 2006-03-13)
51_00_OS (0, 2006-02-24)


