
上传日期:2023-04-13 15:38:24
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  CarGoGo使用户可以通过多种选项注册、登录和租车。此外,客户还可以购买...
(CarGoGo enables users to register, log in, and rent cars from a wide range of options. Additionally, customers can easily create a personalized list of favorite cars that they can save and delete at any time. it is integrated with the cargo-backend-API using modern technologies, like React, Redux, Tailwind, RoR, PostgreSQL)

Cargogo-front-end-dev (0, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\.babelrc (93, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\.eslintrc.json (674, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\.stylelintrc.json (560, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\ (1082, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\index.html (376, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\netlify.toml (70, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\package-lock.json (655489, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\package.json (1357, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\postcss.config.cjs (87, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src (0, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src\App.css (90, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src\App.jsx (1204, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src\assets (0, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src\assets\cargogo_logo.png (306885, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src\components (0, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src\components\404 (0, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src\components\404\NotFound.jsx (153, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src\components\AddCar.jsx (2703, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src\components\CarDetails.jsx (3731, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src\components\CarList.jsx (1522, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src\components\DeleteCar.jsx (757, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src\components\Favorite.jsx (642, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src\components\HomePage.jsx (1199, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src\components\ItemComponent.jsx (2817, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src\components\Navbar.jsx (7099, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src\components\Register.jsx (7130, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src\components\RentCar.jsx (130, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src\components\addcar.css (1402, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src\components\login.jsx (5980, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src\index.css (532, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src\main.jsx (523, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src\redux (0, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src\redux\baseUrl.js (81, 2023-04-13)
Cargogo-front-end-dev\src\redux\cars (0, 2023-04-13)
... ...

# “— Table of Contents - [“– About the Project]( - [ Built With]( - [Tech Stack]( - [Key Features]( - [Website Mockup]( - [Kanban Board]( - [Rails Backend]( - [ Live Demo]( - [’ Getting Started]( - [Setup]( - [Prerequisites]( - [Install]( - [Usage]( - [Run tests]( - [Deployment]( - [‘ Authors]( - [” Future Features]( - [¤ Contributing]( - [ Show your support]( - [ Acknowledgements]( - [“ License]( # “– CarGoGo CarGoGo is a car rental website that provides customers with an easy and convenient way for users to add, delete, and favorite the car they want. - [Backend]( ## Built With ### Tech Stack
  • Rails
### Key Features - **Cars endpoint** - **Users can add/remove a Car** - **Users can favorite a Car** ## [Kanban Board]( Initial Phase Screenshot 2023-01-25 at 4 12 24 PM Final Phase Screenshot 2023-02-09 at 4 57 33 PM ## ’ Website Mockup ![Screenshot (132)]( ![Screenshot (133)]( ![Screenshot (134)]( ![Screenshot (135)](***7-a7a1-4f47-b194-1ba01dfb4087.png) ![Screenshot (136)]( ## Live Demo - [Live Demo](

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## ’ Getting Started To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps. ### Prerequisites Make sure you have `Git` and `Node.js` installed ### Install Install the project using this command: ``` npm install ``` ### Usage Run project using this command: ``` yarn dev ```

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## ‘ Authors ‘¤ **Shakhrizoda Yusupova** - GitHub: [@shyusu4]( - Twitter: [@shyusu4]( - LinkedIn: [Shakhrizoda Yusupova]( ‘¤ **Riya Bulia** - GitHub: [@RiyaBulia12]( - LinkedIn: [Riya Bulia]( ‘¤ **Olatunji Azeem Adebayo** - GitHub: [@zemola]( - Twitter: [@zemolat]( - LinkedIn: [Olatunji Azeem]( ‘¤ **Rose Okpe** - GitHub: [@Roseokpe]( - Twitter: [@roseokpe]( - LinkedIn: [Rose Okpe](

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## ” Future Features - [ ] **Tests** ## ¤ Contributing Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the [issues page]( ## Show your support Give a if you like this project! ## Acknowledgments - [Microverse]( - [The design]( by [Alexey Savitskiy]( ## “ License This project is [MIT]( licensed.

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