
上传日期:2023-04-21 15:35:41
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  一个综合性的语言工具,可以回答问题、生成代码、论文标题和语法正确的文本,以及转述、总结、翻译、解释编程代码、评估数学表达式和创建学习笔记。
(A comprehensive language tool that can answer questions, generate code, thesis titles, and grammatically correct text, as well as paraphrase, summarize, translate, explain programming code, evaluate mathematical expressions, and create study notes. ,)

.babelrc (100, 2023-04-21)
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Engine Warvil

Warvil is an intelligent chatbot powered by OpenAI. It is designed to provide helpful and insightful answers to your questions. Warvil can learn from its conversations with you, allowing it to become increasingly efficient and knowledgeable over time.

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### Built With - [Next.js](https://nextjs.org/) - [Typescript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/) - [OpenAI](https://openai.com/) ### Prerequisites - Docker installed on your machine - Node.js and npm installed on your machine - A code editor of your choice - Familiarity with terminal or command prompt ### Installation 1. Clone the repo ```sh git clone https://github.com/wardvisual/engine-warvil.git ``` ### Setup 1. Navigate to the Directory ```sh cd engine-warvil ``` 2. Create a copy of `.env.example` file ```sh cp .env.example .env ``` 3. Enter your OpenAI API Key in `.env` file ```sh OPENAI_API_KEY = 'ENTER YOUR OpenAI API KEY' ``` 4. Start the container ```sh docker compose up --build --force-recreate ``` 5. Access the Application You can now access the Engine Warvil application by visiting `http://localhost:3000` in your web browser.
### Key Features Some of these features may not respond correctly while they are being developed.
Answer Basic Questions Warvil is able to answer basic questions about a variety of topics using artificial intelligence.
Generate Code Warvil can generate code for a variety of programming languages based on your specifications.
Generate Thesis Titles Warvil can generate potential titles for your thesis or research project.
Correct Grammar Warvil can help you improve your writing by correcting grammar errors and providing suggestions for improvement.
Paraphrase Text Warvil can rewrite text to convey the same information in a different way, making it easier to understand.
Summarize Warvil can generate a summary of longer pieces of text, helping you save time and focus on the most important information.
Translate to Other Languages Warvil can translate text from English to a variety of other languages.
Explain Programming Code Warvil can provide explanations and examples for programming concepts and code snippets.
Evaluate Mathematical Expressions Warvil can evaluate and simplify mathematical expressions.
Create Study Notes Warvil can generate study notes based on text input, helping you learn and retain information more effectively.

## License Distributed under the MIT License. See `LICENSE` for more information. ## Contact Edward Fernandez: [Wardvisual](https://wardvisual.me/) Project Link: [Engine Warvil](https://engine-warvil.vercel.app/)


