
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2006-04-09 01:46:36
上 传 者demax
说明:  dotNET c# directshow的运行库, 由C#的direct运行时库实现截取和回放 在本版本中 增加了DirectDraw, Windows Media Format的示例代码
(dotNET directshow the runtime from the direct C# runtime library to intercept and playback version of the DirectDraw added to the Windows Media Format of the sample code)

Docs (0, 2006-03-15)
Docs\interfaces.txt (6967, 2006-03-06)
Docs\LisezMoi.rtf (99608, 2006-03-15)
Docs\Mixing Unmanaged & Managed Direct3D.rtf (13707, 2005-08-29)
lib (0, 2006-03-15)
lib\DirectShowLib.dll (249856, 2006-03-14)
license.txt (26954, 2005-06-15)
Samples (0, 2006-03-15)
Samples\BDA (0, 2006-03-15)
Samples\BDA\DTVViewer (0, 2006-03-15)
Samples\BDA\DTVViewer\AboutBox.cs (5647, 2005-12-11)
Samples\BDA\DTVViewer\AboutBox.resx (9794, 2005-12-11)
Samples\BDA\DTVViewer\App.ico (1078, 2005-12-11)
Samples\BDA\DTVViewer\AssemblyInfo.cs (2598, 2005-12-11)
Samples\BDA\DTVViewer\BDAGraphBuilder.cs (12808, 2006-03-14)
Samples\BDA\DTVViewer\DTVViewer.csproj (6908, 2005-12-11)
Samples\BDA\DTVViewer\DTVViewer.sln (903, 2005-12-11)
Samples\BDA\DTVViewer\DVBSTuning.cs (11626, 2005-12-11)
Samples\BDA\DTVViewer\DVBSTuning.resx (14319, 2005-12-11)
Samples\BDA\DTVViewer\DVBTTuning.cs (8786, 2005-12-11)
Samples\BDA\DTVViewer\DVBTTuning.resx (12052, 2005-12-11)
Samples\BDA\DTVViewer\ITuningSelector.cs (683, 2005-12-11)
Samples\BDA\DTVViewer\MainForm.cs (10870, 2005-12-11)
Samples\BDA\DTVViewer\MainForm.resx (12278, 2005-12-11)
Samples\BDA\DTVViewer\StartUp.cs (783, 2005-12-11)
Samples\BDA\DTVViewer\Toolkit (0, 2006-03-15)
Samples\BDA\DTVViewer\Toolkit\FilterGraphTools.cs (38173, 2006-03-14)
Samples\Capture (0, 2006-03-15)
Samples\Capture\CapWMV (0, 2006-03-15)
Samples\Capture\CapWMV\App.ico (1078, 2005-08-15)
Samples\Capture\CapWMV\AssemblyInfo.cs (2426, 2005-08-15)
Samples\Capture\CapWMV\Capture.cs (6645, 2005-08-26)
Samples\Capture\CapWMV\CapWMV.csproj (4734, 2005-08-27)
Samples\Capture\CapWMV\CapWMV.sln (897, 2005-08-15)
Samples\Capture\CapWMV\Form1.cs (4576, 2005-08-26)
Samples\Capture\CapWMV\Form1.resx (8112, 2005-08-15)
... ...

DirectShowLibNET - A library to allow .NET applications to use DirectShow functions Licensed under Lesser General Public License. See license.txt for details. The documentation is located in docs\readme.rtf and can be read with WordPad, MS Word, etc. A description of what has changed since the last version can be found in WhatsNew.txt. A retail build of the library containing all tested interfaces can be found in lib\DirectShowLib.dll The list of interfaces indicating which are tested or untested can be found in docs\interfaces.txt The complete source code with definitions for all interfaces (tested and untested) can be found in src\*.*


