
上传日期:2023-05-11 17:54:17
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  redisson,redisson-具有内存数据网格功能的简易Redis Java客户端。超过50个基于Redis的Java对象和服务...
(Redisson - Easy Redis Java client with features of In-Memory Data Grid. Over 50 Redis based Java objects and services: Set, Multimap, SortedSet, Map, List, Queue, Deque, Semaphore, Lock, AtomicLong, Map Reduce, Publish / Subscribe, Bloom filter, Spring Cache, Tomcat, Scheduler, JCache API, Hibernate, MyBatis, RPC, local cache ...)

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# Redisson - Easy Redis Java client
with features of an in-memory data grid [![Maven Central](]( [![JavaDoc](]( [![License](]( [Quick start]( | [Documentation]( | [Changelog]( | [Code examples]( | [FAQs]( | [Report an issue]( Based on high-performance async and lock-free Java Redis client and [Netty]( framework. Supported JDK: 1.8 ... 20 and Android Supported Redis: 3.0 ... 7.0 ## Features * Thread-safe implementation * Supports [Redis Replicated](, [Redis Cluster](, [Redis Sentinel](, [Redis Master and Slaves](, [Redis Single](, [Redis proxy](, [Redis multi-cluster]( setup * Amazon Web Services compatible * [AWS Redis Global Datastore]( * [AWS ElastiCache]( * [Amazon MemoryDB]( * Microsoft Azure compatible * [Azure Redis Cache]( * [Azure Redis Cache active-passive replication]( * [Azure Redis Cache active-active replication]( * Google Cloud Memorystore compatible * [Google Cloud Redis]( * [Google Cloud Redis High availability]( * Redis Enterprise compatible * [Redis Enterprise]( * [Redis Enterprise Active-Active databases]( * [Redis Enterprise Multiple Active Proxy]( * IBM Cloud compatible * [IBM Cloud Databases for Redis]( * Aiven compatible * [Aiven for Redis]( * Supports auto-reconnection * Supports failed to send command auto-retry * Supports OSGi * Supports SSL * Asynchronous connection pool * Lua scripting * [RediSearch]( * [JSON datatype]( * [Reactive Streams]( API * [RxJava3]( API * [Asynchronous]( API * Local cache support including [Caffeine]( implementation * [Distributed Java objects]( Object holder, Binary stream holder, Geospatial holder, BitSet, AtomicLong, AtomicDouble, PublishSubscribe, Bloom filter, HyperLogLog * [Distributed Java collections]( Map, Multimap, Set, List, SortedSet, ScoredSortedSet, LexSortedSet, Queue, Deque, Blocking Queue, Bounded Blocking Queue, Blocking Deque, Delayed Queue, Priority Queue, Priority Deque * [Distributed Java locks and synchronizers]( Lock, FairLock, MultiLock, RedLock, ReadWriteLock, Semaphore, PermitExpirableSemaphore, CountDownLatch * [Distributed services]( Remote service, Live Object service, Executor service, Scheduler service, MapReduce service * [Helidon]( integration * [Micronaut]( integration * [Quarkus]( integration * [Spring Cache]( implementation * [Spring Transaction API]( implementation * [Spring Data Redis]( integration * [Spring Boot Starter]( implementation * [Hibernate Cache]( implementation * [MyBatis Cache]( implementation * [Transactions API]( * [JCache API (JSR-107)]( implementation * [Tomcat Session Manager]( implementation * [Spring Session]( implementation * [Redis pipelining]( (command batches) * Supports many popular codecs ([JBoss Marshalling](, [Jackson JSON](, [Avro](, [Smile](, [CBOR](, [MsgPack](, [Kryo](, [Amazon Ion](, [LZ4](, [Snappy]( and JDK Serialization) * Over 1800 unit tests ## Success stories ## [Moving from Hazelcast to Redis / Datorama]( ## [Migrating from Hazelcast to Redis / Halodoc]( ## [Distributed Locking with Redis (Migration from Hazelcast) / ContaAzul]( ## [Migrating from Coherence to Redis]( ## Quick start #### Maven org.redisson redisson 3.22.0 #### Gradle compile 'org.redisson:redisson:3.22.0' #### SBT libraryDependencies += "org.redisson" % "redisson" % "3.22.0" #### Java ```java // 1. Create config object Config config = new Config(); config.useClusterServers() // use "rediss://" for SSL connection .addNodeAddress("redis://"); // or read config from file config = Config.fromYAML(new File("config-file.yaml")); ``` ```java // 2. Create Redisson instance // Sync and Async API RedissonClient redisson = Redisson.create(config); // Reactive API RedissonReactiveClient redissonReactive = redisson.reactive(); // RxJava3 API RedissonRxClient redissonRx = redisson.rxJava(); ``` ```java // 3. Get Redis based implementation of java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap RMap map = redisson.getMap("myMap"); RMapReactive mapReactive = redissonReactive.getMap("myMap"); RMapRx mapRx = redissonRx.getMap("myMap"); ``` ```java // 4. Get Redis based implementation of java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock RLock lock = redisson.getLock("myLock"); RLockReactive lockReactive = redissonReactive.getLock("myLock"); RLockRx lockRx = redissonRx.getLock("myLock"); ``` ```java // 4. Get Redis based implementation of java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService RExecutorService executor = redisson.getExecutorService("myExecutorService"); // over 50 Redis based Java objects and services ... ``` Upgrade to __[Redisson PRO]( with **advanced features**. ## Downloads [Redisson 3.22.0](, [Redisson node 3.22.0]( ## FAQs [Q: What is the cause of RedisTimeoutException?]( [Q: When do I need to shut down a Redisson instance, at the end of each request or the end of the life of a thread?]( [Q: In MapCache/SetCache/SpringCache/JCache, I have set an expiry time to an entry, why is it still in Redis when it should be disappeared?]( [Q: How can I perform Pipelining/Transaction through Redisson?]( [Q: Is Redisson thread safe? Can I share an instance of it between different threads?]( [Q: Can I use different encoder/decoders for different tasks?](


