
上传日期:2023-05-14 08:48:18
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  新冠肺炎疫情应急救援中心priorizador
(priorizador,Focalización de los subsidios de emergencia COVID-19)

priorizador-develop (0, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\.dockerignore (129, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\.eslintignore (12, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\.eslintrc (486, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\.idea (0, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\.idea\inspectionProfiles (0, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\.idea\inspectionProfiles\Project_Default.xml (505, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\.idea\inspectionProfiles\profiles_settings.xml (174, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\.idea\misc.xml (292, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\.idea\modules.xml (274, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\.idea\priorizador.iml (284, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\.idea\vcs.xml (180, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\.prettierrc (27, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\ (352, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\Dockerfile (389, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\LICENSE (1066, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\docker-compose.yaml (1986, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\flask_api (0, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\flask_api\.dockerignore (30, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\flask_api\Dockerfile (1026, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\flask_api\api-docs (0, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\flask_api\api-docs\get_cestas_submissions.yml (1137, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\flask_api\api-docs\get_json.yml (2012, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\flask_api\api-docs\get_kobo_submissions.yml (748, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\flask_api\ (8545, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\flask_api\requirements.txt (585, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\flask_api\ (4922, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\flask_api\ (7371, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\nginx_config (0, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\nginx_config\nginx.conf (749, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\nginx_config\priorizador.conf (940, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\package.json (2210, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\public (0, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\public\codium-logo-white.svg (3153, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\public\favicon.ico (3150, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\public\index.html (2273, 2021-03-20)
priorizador-develop\public\isotipo-codium-white.svg (973, 2021-03-20)
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# Priorizador ## Environment variables ```bash cd priorizador touch .env touch .env.development.local ``` .env.development.local ```bash REACT_APP_API_URL='http://localhost:5000/reaccion' TEKOPORA='1C4YS7tiQxAZ8vH4A46HpSc03xR0PVRA74itIcUdjYjQ' ALMUERZO='18NgsyLY-BVR9lQ48oDs-2tf3QeQYxSGF0ywf1aW661c' TECHO='11jSqn_p_uXK3xHntUmjws_Eaka1ei3CNyhZ9VRpKJ-w' FUNDACION='1TnF5CaBj8EQLa8JbNMVnxYMP6W2YGG56mVDg6PeabLo' CESTAS='1NSrEt9-z6LB0c1RlgXhbvsXbGWZEqJsfk05NAb94lhM' KOBO_API_TOKEN='XXXXCHANGEXXXX' ANDE_QUERY=SELECT "COORD_X", "COORD_Y" from "131e75f7-9073-46f6-9e49-f8673595dfc7" WHERE "DPTO" LIKE 'Alto Paran%' AND ("MUNICIPIO" LIKE 'CIUDAD DEL ESTE' OR "MUNICIPIO" LIKE 'HERNANDARIAS' OR "MUNICIPIO" LIKE 'MINGA GUAZU' OR "MUNICIPIO" LIKE 'PRESIDENTE FRANCO') DASH_DEBUG_MODE=False REACT_APP_DASH_URL='http://localhost:8050' REDIS_SERVER=redis ``` .env ```bash REACT_APP_API_URL='http://localhost:8080/api' TEKOPORA='1C4YS7tiQxAZ8vH4A46HpSc03xR0PVRA74itIcUdjYjQ' ALMUERZO='18NgsyLY-BVR9lQ48oDs-2tf3QeQYxSGF0ywf1aW661c' TECHO='11jSqn_p_uXK3xHntUmjws_Eaka1ei3CNyhZ9VRpKJ-w' FUNDACION='1TnF5CaBj8EQLa8JbNMVnxYMP6W2YGG56mVDg6PeabLo' CESTAS='1NSrEt9-z6LB0c1RlgXhbvsXbGWZEqJsfk05NAb94lhM' KOBO_API_TOKEN='XXXXCHANGEXXXX' ANDE_QUERY=SELECT "COORD_X", "COORD_Y" from "131e75f7-9073-46f6-9e49-f8673595dfc7" WHERE "DPTO" LIKE 'Alto Paran%' AND ("MUNICIPIO" LIKE 'CIUDAD DEL ESTE' OR "MUNICIPIO" LIKE 'HERNANDARIAS' OR "MUNICIPIO" LIKE 'MINGA GUAZU' OR "MUNICIPIO" LIKE 'PRESIDENTE FRANCO') DASH_DEBUG_MODE=False REACT_APP_DASH_URL='http://localhost:8050' REDIS_SERVER=redis ``` For the API: ```bash cd priorizador/flask_api touch .env ``` .env content ```bash TEKOPORA='1C4YS7tiQxAZ8vH4A46HpSc03xR0PVRA74itIcUdjYjQ' ALMUERZO='18NgsyLY-BVR9lQ48oDs-2tf3QeQYxSGF0ywf1aW661c' TECHO='11jSqn_p_uXK3xHntUmjws_Eaka1ei3CNyhZ9VRpKJ-w' FUNDACION='1TnF5CaBj8EQLa8JbNMVnxYMP6W2YGG56mVDg6PeabLo' CESTAS='1NSrEt9-z6LB0c1RlgXhbvsXbGWZEqJsfk05NAb94lhM' KOBO_API_TOKEN='XXXXCHANGEXXXX' ANDE_QUERY=SELECT "COORD_X", "COORD_Y" from "131e75f7-9073-46f6-9e49-f8673595dfc7" WHERE "DPTO" LIKE 'Alto Paran%' AND ("MUNICIPIO" LIKE 'CIUDAD DEL ESTE' OR "MUNICIPIO" LIKE 'HERNANDARIAS' OR "MUNICIPIO" LIKE 'MINGA GUAZU' OR "MUNICIPIO" LIKE 'PRESIDENTE FRANCO') ``` For Dash App: ```bash cd priorizador/visualizations_dash touch .env ``` .env content ```bash REACT_APP_API_URL='http://localhost:5000/reaccion' DASH_DEBUG_MODE=True REDIS_SERVER=localhost ``` ## Running the frontend locally ```bash yarn install ``` In the project directory, you can run: ```bash yarn start ``` Runs the app in the development mode.
Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) to view it in the browser. The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console. ```bash yarn test ``` Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode. See the section about [running tests]( for more information. ```bash yarn build ``` Builds the app for production to the `build` folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance. The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes. Your app is ready to be deployed! See the section about [deployment]( for more information. ## Running the API locally For Python=3.7 To use the api you should create a virtual environment with python, install virtualenv with pip `pip install virtualenv` Then redirect yourself to the flask_api folder and create an env folder `cd flask_api/ && mkdir env` Then, create the virtual environment and install the requirements `python -m venv env && pip install -r requirements.txt` Finally to run the tests use the following command and everything should be green `pytest` Create a folder named _geojson_data_ and download the geojson file available [here]( in it, then execute the script with the virtual environment activated. `python` ## Running the Dash App locally For Python=3.7 It is necessary [Redis]( and to run the API. Redirect yourself to the visualizations_dash folder and create an env folder ```bash cd visualizations_dash/ && mkdir env ``` Then, create the virtual environment and install the requirements ```bash python -m venv env && pip install -r requirements.txt ``` Execute: ```bash . env/bin/activate python ``` It is possible to pre-calculate the data periodically at the time specified in (celery.conf.beat_schedule dictionary). To do it: Run the Celery Worker: ```bash . env/bin/activate celery -A dash_main.celery worker --loglevel=info ``` Run the Celery Beat scheduler: ```bash . env/bin/activate celery -A dash_main.celery beat --loglevel=info ``` ### Deploy with docker-compose Install docker (minimun 17.05) and docker-compose in your local environment. Execute `docker-compose build` `docker-compose up -d` For production deployment you should change the localhost and port 8080 with your port and servername int the nginx_config files. ## Access the API documentation Easy OpenAPI specs and Swagger UI for your Flask API. Flasgger is a Flask extension to extract OpenAPI-Specification from all Flask views registered in your API. To open the API documentation on the browser, open the following URL. `http://localhost:5000/apidocs` ## Contributors / Thanks - Grosip - Javier Perez - Nahuel Hernandez - Rodrigo Parra - Walter Benitez - Ivan Caceres - Fernando Cardenas ### Licencia MIT: [Licencia](


