
上传日期:2023-06-01 16:17:25
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说明:  一个zenoh插件,允许透明地路由DDS数据。这个插件可以被DDS应用程序使用,例如ROS2...
(A zenoh plug-in that allows to transparently route DDS data. This plugin can be used by DDS applications, such as ROS2 robotic applications and others, to leverage the zenoh for geographical routing or for better scaling discovery.)

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Check the website [zenoh.io](http://zenoh.io) and the [roadmap](https://github.com/eclipse-zenoh/roadmap) for more detailed information. ------------------------------- # DDS plugin and standalone `zenoh-bridge-dds` :point_right: **Install latest release:** see [below](#How-to-install-it) :point_right: **Docker image:** see [below](#Docker-image) :point_right: **Build "master" branch:** see [below](#How-to-build-it) ## Background The Data Distribution Service (DDS) is a standard for data-centric publish subscribe. Whilst DDS has been around for quite some time and has a long history of deployments in various industries, it has recently gained quite a bit of attentions thanks to its adoption by the Robotic Operating System (ROS2) -- where it is used for communication between ROS2 nodes. ## Robot Swarms and Edge Robotics As mentioned above, ROS2 has adopted DDS as the mechanism to exchange data between nodes within and potentially across a robot. That said, due to some of the very core assumptions at the foundations of the DDS wire-protocol, beside the fact that it leverages UDP/IP multicast for communication, it is not so straightforward to scale DDS communication over a WAN or across multiple LANs. Zenoh, on the other hand was designed since its inception to operate at Internet Scale. ![zenoh-plugin-dds](http://zenoh.io/img/wiki/zenoh-plugin-dds.png) Thus, the main motivations to have a **DDS plugin** for **Eclipse zenoh** are: - Facilitate the interconnection of robot swarms. - Support use cases of edge robotics. - Give the possibility to use **zenoh**'s geo-distributed storage and query system to better manage robot's data. As any plugin for Eclipse zenoh, it can be dynamically loaded by a zenoh router, at startup or at runtime. In addition, this project also provides a standalone version of this plugin as an executable binary named `zenoh-bridge-dds`. ## How to install it To install the latest release of either the DDS plugin for the Zenoh router, either the `zenoh-bridge-dds` standalone executable, you can do as follows: ### Manual installation (all platforms) All release packages can be downloaded from: - https://download.eclipse.org/zenoh/zenoh-plugin-dds/latest/ Each subdirectory has the name of the Rust target. See the platforms each target corresponds to on https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/rustc/platform-support.html Choose your platform and download: - the `zenoh-plugin-dds--.zip` file for the plugin. Then unzip it in the same directory than `zenohd` or to any directory where it can find the plugin library (e.g. /usr/lib) - the `zenoh-bridge-dds--.zip` file for the standalone executable. Then unzip it where you want, and run the extracted `zenoh-bridge-dds` binary. ### Linux Debian Add Eclipse Zenoh private repository to the sources list: ```bash echo "deb [trusted=yes] https://download.eclipse.org/zenoh/debian-repo/ /" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null sudo apt update ``` Then either: - install the plugin with: `sudo apt install zenoh-plugin-dds`. - install the standalone executable with: `sudo apt install zenoh-bridge-dds`. ## How to build it > :warning: **WARNING** :warning: : Zenoh and its ecosystem are under active development. When you build from git, make sure you also build from git any other Zenoh repository you plan to use (e.g. binding, plugin, backend, etc.). It may happen that some changes in git are not compatible with the most recent packaged Zenoh release (e.g. deb, docker, pip). We put particular effort in mantaining compatibility between the various git repositories in the Zenoh project. > :warning: **WARNING** :warning: : As Rust doesn't have a stable ABI, the plugins should be built with the exact same Rust version than `zenohd`, and using for `zenoh` dependency the same version (or commit number) than 'zenohd'. Otherwise, incompatibilities in memory mapping of shared types between `zenohd` and the library can lead to a `"SIGSEV"` crash. In order to build the zenoh bridge for DDS you need first to install the following dependencies: - [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) - On Linux, make sure the `llvm` and `clang` development packages are installed: - on Debians do: `sudo apt install llvm-dev libclang-dev` - on CentOS or RHEL do: `sudo yum install llvm-devel clang-devel` - on Alpine do: `apk install llvm11-dev clang-dev` - [CMake](https://cmake.org/download/) (to build CycloneDDS which is a native dependency) Once these dependencies are in place, you may clone the repository on your machine: ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/eclipse-zenoh/zenoh-plugin-dds.git $ cd zenoh-plugin-dds ``` > :warning: **WARNING** :warning: : On Linux, don't use `cargo build` command without specifying a package with `-p`. Building both `zenoh-plugin-dds` (plugin library) and `zenoh-bridge-dds` (standalone executable) together will lead to a `multiple definition of `load_plugin'` error at link time. See [#117](https://github.com/eclipse-zenoh/zenoh-plugin-dds/issues/117#issuecomment-1439694331) for explanations. You can then choose between building the zenoh bridge for DDS: - as a plugin library that can be dynamically loaded by the zenoh router (`zenohd`): ```bash $ cargo build --release -p zenoh-plugin-dds ``` The plugin shared library (`*.so` on Linux, `*.dylib` on Mac OS, `*.dll` on Windows) will be generated in the `target/release` subdirectory. - or as a standalone executable binary: ```bash $ cargo build --release -p zenoh-bridge-dds ``` The **`zenoh-bridge-dds`** binary will be generated in the `target/release` sub-directory. ### ROS2 package If you're a ROS2 user, you can also build `zenoh-bridge-dds` as a ROS package running: ```bash rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src -r -y colcon build --packages-select zenoh_bridge_dds --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ``` The `rosdep` command will automatically install *Rust* and *clang* as build dependencies. ## Docker image The **`zenoh-bridge-dds`** standalone executable is also available as a [Docker images](https://hub.docker.com/r/eclipse/zenoh-bridge-dds/tags?page=1&ordering=last_updated) for both amd*** and arm***. To get it, do: - `docker pull eclipse/zenoh-bridge-dds:latest` for the latest release - `docker pull eclipse/zenoh-bridge-dds:master` for the master branch version (nightly build) :warning: **However, notice that it's usage is limited to Docker on Linux and using the `--net host` option.** The cause being that DDS uses UDP multicast and Docker doesn't support UDP multicast between a container and its host (see cases [moby/moby#23659](https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/23659), [moby/libnetwork#2397](https://github.com/moby/libnetwork/issues/2397) or [moby/libnetwork#552](https://github.com/moby/libnetwork/issues/552)). The only known way to make it work is to use the `--net host` option that is [only supported on Linux hosts](https://docs.docker.com/network/host/). Usage: **`docker run --init --net host eclipse/zenoh-bridge-dds`** It supports the same command line arguments than the `zenoh-bridge-dds` (see below or check with `-h` argument). ## For a quick test with ROS2 turtlesim Prerequisites: - A [ROS2 environment](http://docs.ros.org/en/galactic/Installation.html) (no matter the DDS implementation as soon as it implements the standard DDSI protocol - the default [Eclipse CycloneDDS](https://github.com/eclipse-cyclonedds/cyclonedds) being just fine) - The [turtlesim package](http://docs.ros.org/en/galactic/Tutorials/Turtlesim/Introducing-Turtlesim.html#install-turtlesim) ### _1 host, 2 ROS domains_ For a quick test on a single host, you can run the `turtlesim_node` and the `turtle_teleop_key` on distinct ROS domains. As soon as you run 2 `zenoh-bridge-dds` (1 per domain) the `turtle_teleop_key` can drive the `turtlesim_node`. Here are the commands to run: - `ROS_DOMAIN_ID=1 ros2 run turtlesim turtlesim_node` - `ROS_DOMAIN_ID=2 ros2 run turtlesim turtle_teleop_key` - `./target/release/zenoh-bridge-dds -d 1` - `./target/release/zenoh-bridge-dds -d 2` Notice that by default the 2 bridges will discover each other using UDP multicast. ### _2 hosts, avoiding UDP multicast communication_ By default DDS (and thus ROS2) uses UDP multicast for discovery and publications. But on some networks, UDP multicast is not or badly supported. In such cases, deploying the `zenoh-bridge-dds` on both hosts will make it to: - limit the DDS discovery traffic, as detailled in [this blog](https://zenoh.io/blog/2021-03-23-discovery/#leveraging-resource-generalisation) - route all the DDS publications made on UDP multicast by each node through the zenoh protocol that by default uses TCP. Here are the commands to test this configuration with turtlesim: - on host 1: - `ROS_DOMAIN_ID=1 ros2 run turtlesim turtlesim_node` - `./target/release/zenoh-bridge-dds -d 1 -l tcp/` - on host 2: - `ROS_DOMAIN_ID=2 ros2 run turtlesim turtle_teleop_key` - `./target/release/zenoh-bridge-dds -d 2 -e tcp/:7447` - where `` is the IP of host 1 Notice that to avoid unwanted direct DDS communication, 2 disctinct ROS domains are still used. ### _2 hosts, with an intermediate zenoh router in the cloud_ In case your 2 hosts can't have a point-to-point communication, you could leverage a [zenoh router](https://github.com/eclipse-zenoh/zenoh#how-to-build-it) deployed in a cloud instance (any Linux VM will do the job). You just need to configure your cloud instanse with a public IP and authorize the TCP port **7447**. :warning: the zenoh protocol is still under development leading to possible incompatibilities between the bridge and the router if their zenoh version differ. Please make sure you use a zenoh router built from a recent commit id from its `master` branch. Here are the commands to test this configuration with turtlesim: - on cloud VM: - `zenohd` - on host 1: - `ros2 run turtlesim turtlesim_node` - `./target/release/zenoh-bridge-dds -e tcp/:7447` _where `` is the IP of your cloud instance_ - on host 2: - `ros2 run turtlesim turtle_teleop_key` - `./target/release/zenoh-bridge-dds -e tcp/:7447` _where `` is the IP of your cloud instance_ Notice that there is no need to use distinct ROS domain here, since the 2 hosts are not supposed to directly communicate with each other. ## More advanced usage for ROS2 ### _Full support of ROS graph and topic lists via the forward discovery mode_ By default the bridge doesn't route throught zenoh the DDS discovery traffic to the remote bridges. Meaning that, in case you use 2 **`zenoh-bridge-dds`** to interconnect 2 DDS domains, the DDS entities discovered in one domain won't be advertised in the other domain. Thus, the DDS data will be routed between the 2 domains only if matching readers and writers are declared in the 2 domains independently. This default behaviour has an impact on ROS2 behaviour: on one side of the bridge the ROS graph might not reflect all the nodes from the other side of the bridge. The `ros2 topic list` command might not list all the topics declared on the other side. And the **ROS graph** is limited to the nodes in each domain. But using the **`--fwd-discovery`** (or `-f`) option for all bridges make them behave differently: - each bridge will forward via zenoh the local DDS discovery data to the remote bridges (in a more compact way than the original DDS discovery traffic) - each bridge receiving DDS discovery data via zenoh will create a replica of the DDS reader or writer, with similar QoS. Those replicas will serve the route to/from zenoh, and will be discovered by the ROS2 nodes. - each bridge will forward the `ros_discovery_info` data (in a less intensive way than the original publications) to the remote bridges. On reception, the remote bridges will convert the original entities' GIDs into the GIDs of the corresponding replicas, and re-publish on DDS the `ros_discovery_info`. The full ROS graph can then be discovered by the ROS2 nodes on each host. ### _Limiting the ROS2 topics, services, parameters or actions to be routed_ By default 2 zenoh bridges will route all ROS2 topics and services for which they detect a Writer on one side and a Reader on the other side. But you might want to avoid some topics and services to be routed by the bridge. Starting `zenoh-bridge-dds` you can use the `--allow` argument to specify the subset of topics and services that will be routed by the bridge. This argument accepts a string wich is a regular expression that must match a substring of an allowed zenoh key (see details of [mapping of ROS2 names to zenoh keys](#mapping-ros2-names-to-zenoh-keys)). Here are some examples of usage: | `--allow` value | allowed ROS2 communication | | :-- | :-- | | `/rosout` | `/rosout`| | `/rosout\|/turtle1/cmd_vel\|/turtle1/rotate_absolute` | `/rosout`
`/turtle1/rotate_absolute` | | `/rosout\|/turtle1/` | `/rosout` and all `/turtle1` topics, services, parameters and actions | | `/turtle1/.*` | all topics and services with name containing `/turtle1/` | | `/turtle1/` | same: all topics, services, parameters and actions with name containing `/turtle1/` | | `rt/turtle1` | all topics with name containing `/turtle1` (no services, parameters or actions) | | `rq/turtle1\|/rr/turtle1` | all services and parameters with name containing `/turtle1` (no topics or actions) | | `rq/turtlesim/.*parameter\|/rr/turtlesim/.*parameter` | all parameters with name containing `/turtlesim` (no topics, services or actions) | | `rq/turtle1/.*/_action\|/rr/turtle1/.*/_action` | all actions with name containing `/turtle1` (no topics, services or parameters) | ### _Running several robots without changing the ROS2 configuration_ If you run similar robots in the same network, they will by default all us the same DDS topics, leading to interferences in their operations. A simple way to address this issue using the zenoh bridge is to: - deploy 1 zenoh bridge per robot - have each bridge started with the `--scope "/"` argument, each robot having its own id. - make sure each robot cannot directly communicate via DDS with another robot by setting a distinct domain per robot, or configuring its network interface to not route UDP multicast outside the host. Using the `--scope` option, a prefix is added to each zenoh key published/subscribed by the bridge (more details in [mapping of ROS2 names to zenoh keys](#mapping-ros2-names-to-zenoh-keys)). To interact with a robot, a remote ROS2 application must use a zenoh bridge configured with the same scope than the robot. ### _Closer integration of ROS2 with zenoh_ As you understood, using the zenoh bridge, each ROS2 publications and subscriptions are mapped to a zenoh key. Therefore, its relatively easy to develop an application using one of the [zenoh APIs](https://zenoh.io/docs/apis/apis/) to interact with one or more robot at the same time. See in details how to achieve that in [this blog](https://zenoh.io/blog/2021-04-28-ros2-integration/). ## Configuration `zenoh-bridge-dds` can be configured via a JSON5 file passed via the `-c`argument. You can see a commented example of such configuration file: [`DEFAULT_CONFIG.json5`](DEFAULT_CONFIG.json5). The `"dds"` part of this same configuration file can also be used in the configuration file for the zenoh router (within its `"plugins"` part). The router will automatically try to load the plugin library (`zenoh-plugin_dds`) at startup and apply its configuration. `zenoh-bridge-dds` also accepts the following arguments. If set, each argument will override the similar setting from the configuration file: * zenoh-related arguments: - **`-c, --config `** : a config file - **`-m, --mode `** : The zenoh session mode. Default: `peer` Possible values: `peer` or `client`. See [zenoh documentation](https://zenoh.io/docs/getting-started/key-concepts/#deployment-units) for more details. - **`-l, --listen `** : A locator on which this router will listen for incoming sessions. Repeat this option to open several listeners. Example of locator: `tcp/localhost:7447`. - **`-e, --peer `** : A peer locator this router will try to connect to (typically another bridge or a zenoh router). Repeat this option to connect to several peers. Example of locator: `tcp/:7447`. - **`--no-multicast-scouting`** : disable the zenoh scouting protocol that allows automatic discovery of zenoh peers and routers. - **`-i, --id `** : The identifier (as an hexadecimal string - e.g.: 0A0B23...) that the zenoh bridge must use. **WARNING: this identifier must be unique in the system!** If not set, a random UUIDv4 will be used. - **`--group-member-id `** : The bridges are supervising each other via zenoh liveliness tokens. This option allows to set a custom identifier for the bridge, that will be used the liveliness token key (if not specified, the zenoh UUID is used). - **`--rest-http-port `** : set the REST API http port (default: 8000) * DDS-related arguments: - **`-d, --domain `** : The DDS Domain ID. By default set to `0`, or to `"$ROS_DOMAIN_ID"` is this environment variable is defined. - **`--dds-localhost-only`** : If set, the DDS discovery and traffic will occur only on the localhost interface ( By default set to false, unless the "ROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY=1" environment variable is defined. - **`-f, --fwd-discovery`** : When set, rather than creating a local route when discovering a local DDS entity, this discovery info is forwarded to the remote plugins/bridges. Those will create the routes, including a replica of the discovered entity. More details [here](#full-support-of-ros-graph-and-topic-lists-via-the-forward-discovery-mode) - **`-s, --scope `** : A string used as prefix to scope DDS traffic when mapped to zenoh keys. - **`-a, --allow `** : A regular expression matching the set of 'partition/topic-name' that must be routed via zenoh. By default, all partitions and topics are allowed. If both 'allow' and 'deny' are set a partition and/or topic will be allowed if it matches only the 'allow' expression. Repeat this option to configure several topic expressions. These expressions are concatenated with '|'. Examples of expressions: - `.*/TopicA` will allow only the `TopicA` to be routed, whatever the partition. ... ...


