
上传日期:2023-03-02 09:20:11
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  ...管理可用的座位,房间和宿舍房间的重新分配。Sysem提供其他功能,如新闻、Compla...
(Problem Statement: Government Hostel Management is differ from many other available or existing Hostel management systems. Admissions of students are based on merit and availability of seat in their category. Merit prepared based on student 12th, Diploma and Previous semester percentage. Seats are allocated department wise and categorywise.)

.env (735, 2021-09-20)
.env.example (728, 2021-09-20)
.styleci.yml (174, 2021-09-20)
.test (4, 2021-09-20) (619, 2021-09-20)
app (0, 2021-09-20)
app\AllotedSeats.php (429, 2021-09-20)
app\Console (0, 2021-09-20)
app\Console\Kernel.php (848, 2021-09-20)
app\CopySeatMatrix.php (179, 2021-09-20)
app\Departments.php (371, 2021-09-20)
app\Exceptions (0, 2021-09-20)
app\Exceptions\Handler.php (1058, 2021-09-20)
app\Http (0, 2021-09-20)
app\Http\Controllers (0, 2021-09-20)
app\Http\Controllers\AdminController.php (15170, 2021-09-20)
app\Http\Controllers\Auth (0, 2021-09-20)
app\Http\Controllers\Auth\ConfirmPasswordController.php (1024, 2021-09-20)
app\Http\Controllers\Auth\ForgotPasswordController.php (667, 2021-09-20)
app\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController.php (1002, 2021-09-20)
app\Http\Controllers\Auth\RegisterController.php (2326, 2021-09-20)
app\Http\Controllers\Auth\ResetPasswordController.php (844, 2021-09-20)
app\Http\Controllers\Auth\VerificationController.php (1130, 2021-09-20)
app\Http\Controllers\Controller.php (361, 2021-09-20)
app\Http\Controllers\HomeController.php (1257, 2021-09-20)
app\Http\Controllers\OpenController.php (592, 2021-09-20)
app\Http\Controllers\ProfileController.php (5531, 2021-09-20)
app\Http\Kernel.php (2969, 2021-09-20)
app\Http\Middleware (0, 2021-09-20)
app\Http\Middleware\Authenticate.php (469, 2021-09-20)
app\Http\Middleware\CheckForMaintenanceMode.php (335, 2021-09-20)
app\Http\Middleware\EncryptCookies.php (294, 2021-09-20)
app\Http\Middleware\RedirectIfAuthenticated.php (582, 2021-09-20)
app\Http\Middleware\TrimStrings.php (340, 2021-09-20)
app\Http\Middleware\TrustProxies.php (436, 2021-09-20)
app\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken.php (463, 2021-09-20)
... ...

Hostel Management System

### About Project This is open source project for developing Hostel Management System in Laravel Framework. The Project include features like Seats Allocation via Previous Semester Marks, 12th Grade Percentage or Diploma Grade Percentage. Seats are also Allocated according to cast, gender and department wise. Fill free to fork and contribute to this project ### Problem Statement Government Hostel Management is differ from many other available or existing Hostel management systems. Admissions of students are based on merit and availability of seat in their category. Merit prepared based on student 12th, Diploma and Previous semester percentage. Seats are allocated department wise and categorywise. Seat matrix for 120 Seats for girls and Boys hostel is represented on this link( ). System should manage available seats, rooms and reallocation of rooms in hostel. System provide other features like News, Complain, Feedback ,profile mangement, fees and other basic services. Admin can configure no of rooms, availability of seats, floor, rooms, as well guest permission and allocation. The application should allow report generation (student wise, building wise, no of rooms empty /occupied etc.) ## Contributing Thank you for considering contributing to the Hostel Management System! The contribution guide can be found below: - Make A Pull Request to contributor branch not to Master Branch - Pulling Request to Master Branch will be Rejected - Add descriptive comments of codes ## Security Vulnerabilities If you discover a security vulnerability within Project, please send an e-mail to Ferin Patel via []( All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed. ## License This Project is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT license](


