
上传日期:2019-11-11 20:50:05
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  C语言中的基本ROS(机器人操作系统)发布器和订阅器++
(Basic ROS(Robot Operating System) Publisher and Subscriber in C++)

CMakeLists.txt (3598, 2019-11-12)
LICENSE (1519, 2019-11-12)
launch (0, 2019-11-12)
launch\servicelaunch.launch (632, 2019-11-12)
package.xml (3288, 2019-11-12)
results (0, 2019-11-12)
results\cppcheck.txt (485, 2019-11-12)
results\cpplint.txt (641, 2019-11-12)
results\frames.pdf (17498, 2019-11-12)
results\rosbagRecorded.bag (62656, 2019-11-12)
results\rqt_tf_tree.png (59090, 2019-11-12)
screenshots (0, 2019-11-12)
screenshots\roslaunch_args.png (369215, 2019-11-12)
screenshots\rosservice_modifystring.png (143865, 2019-11-12)
screenshots\rqt_console_info.png (139403, 2019-11-12)
screenshots\rqt_console_warn.png (137697, 2019-11-12)
screenshots\rqt_graph.png (59220, 2019-11-12)
screenshots\rqt_logger_level_info.png (39649, 2019-11-12)
screenshots\rqt_logger_level_warn.png (38168, 2019-11-12)
src (0, 2019-11-12)
src\listener.cpp (4727, 2019-11-12)
src\talker.cpp (8060, 2019-11-12)
srv (0, 2019-11-12)
srv\changeString.srv (49, 2019-11-12)
test (0, 2019-11-12)
test\main.cpp (2125, 2019-11-12)
test\publisherTest.cpp (3268, 2019-11-12)
test\publisherTest.launch (166, 2019-11-12)

[![License](]( # ROS beginner_tutorials This repository contains basic concepts of ROS nodes, topics and messages by creating a ROS Publisher and Subscriber in C++. It contains a package named beginner_tutorials which has src, CMakeLists.txt and package.xml. The src directory has Publisher(talker.cpp) and Subscriber(listener.cpp). ## Dependencies For this project, you require following dependencies: - Ubuntu 16.04 - ROS kinetic - catkin ROS can be installed from the site. Click on following link [here]( to navigate to the installation guide for ROS. ## Building this package(beginner_tutorials) To build the given package, first you need to create a catkin workspace, the steps of which are as below: ``` mkdir -p ~/your_workspace/src cd ~/your_workspace/ catkin_make source devel/setup.bash ``` After making a catkin workspace and building the workspace using catkin_make, you now need to follow these below steps to install and build the package: ``` cd src/ git clone --recursive cd .. catkin_make ``` In above steps, we have again executed catkin_make command to rebuild our workspace with the freshly installed package(beginner_tutorials) To checkout to the branch for service implementation, i.e branch Week10_HW, use following command: ``` git checkout Week10_HW ``` ## Running this package(beginner_tutorials) After successfully building the workspace with the package, we have already created the executables for our nodes: - talker is the executable for talker.cpp - listener is the executable for listener.cpp Now, first step is to run roscore to start the ROS system 1. In a new terminal, execute roscore command as follows: ``` roscore ``` Next, ensure that you source your workspace using following command: 2. In a new teminal, navigate to your workspace and source the setup.bash file: ``` cd ~/your_workspace/ source devel/setup.bash ``` Now, in two terminals, run the nodes, with publisher(talker) node being run first. 3. Running the publisher node using rosrun ``` rosrun beginner_tutorials talker ``` Now, run the subscriber(listener) node. 4. Running the subscriber node using rosrun ``` rosrun beginner_tutorials listener ``` ## Using launch file for the package(beginner_tutorials) Instead of using indiviual rosrun commands, launch file can be used to launch the nodes simultaneouly. This can be done by using the following roslaunch command, after building your ROS workspace. ``` roslaunch beginner_tutorials servicelaunch.launch ``` The above command has the default publishing rate for messages as 10 Hz, however, it can be modified by providing the argument to roslaunch command as follows: ``` roslaunch beginner_tutorials servicelaunch.launch freq:=2 ``` Here, we are setting the value for freq(variable for publishing frequency) as 2. ## Using ROS service for the package(beginner_tutorials) ROS services are used as request/response mode of communication between ROS nodes. In this package, a service to modify base string has been implemented. The talker initially publishes the base string which we have defined in the program. That base string can be changed using the customized string with the help of simple service call through command line. The service can be called using following command: ``` rosservice call /modify_string "I have changed the baseString." ``` Now, the publisher node will publish this string "I have changed the baseString." on the terminal, and hence the subscriber node will also subscibe the same. ## Using rqt_console for checking log messages The following command can be used to see the GUI indicating various logger levels used in the nodes. ``` rqt_console ``` ## Using tf library for TF frames inspection The talker node in this package broadcasts a tf frame called /talk with parent /world. The tf frame has non-zero translation and rotation.The frame is published on /tf topic. To echo the tf topic, type the following in a new terminal: ``` rosrun tf tf_echo /world /talk ``` To visulaize the tree of frames, use rqt_tf_tree command: ``` rosrun rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree ``` view_frames creates a diagram of the frames being broadcast by tf over ROS. In a new terminal: ``` rosrun tf view_frames ``` ## Instructions to run ROS Unit-Tests ROS unittests have been used in this package beginner_tutorials, to test the Talker(publisher) node. The test subdirectory has the following .cpp files: - main.cpp - publisherTest.cpp - publisherTest.launch To run the tests, follow these commands: In a new terminal, ``` roslaunch beginner_tutorials publisherTest.launch ``` This command, will build a executable for tests named publishTest, which can be run using rosrun command. In another terminal: ``` rosrun beginner_tutorials publisherTest ``` After running this command, you will see: ``` [==========] Running 2 tests from 1 test case. [----------] Global test environment set-up. [----------] 2 tests from TalkerNodeTest [ RUN ] TalkerNodeTest.testTalkerNodeService [ OK ] TalkerNodeTest.testTalkerNodeService (229 ms) [ RUN ] TalkerNodeTest.testTalkerNodeServiceMessage [ OK ] TalkerNodeTest.testTalkerNodeServiceMessage (203 ms) [----------] 2 tests from TalkerNodeTest (432 ms total) [----------] Global test environment tear-down [==========] 2 tests from 1 test case ran. (432 ms total) [ PASSED ] 2 tests. ``` ## Running bag files recorded as .bag Bag files are used to record the informations and messages on various topics in the running ROS system. To record a bag file using the roslaunch command and the enableBag argument(default is false) for enabling/disabling rosbag recording: ``` roslaunch beginner_tutorials servicelaunch.launch enableBag:=true ``` Once we have stored a recorded bag file, we can play it anytime we want. For this pakage, the bag file is located in the results subdirectory. To play this bag file, simply type following command in a terminal, after starting roscore: ``` cd ~/your_workspace/src/beginner_tutorials/results rosbag play rosbagRecorded.bag ``` Then, run the listener node to verify that listener is printing the messages from bag file. ``` cd ~/your_workspace/ rosrun beginner_tutorials listener ```


