
上传日期:2021-05-16 03:44:31
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  LoRa-E5-LoRaWAN-结束节点,,

Core (0, 2021-05-16)
Core\Inc (0, 2021-05-16)
Core\Inc\adc.h (1410, 2021-05-16)
Core\Inc\adc_if.h (2612, 2021-05-16)
Core\Inc\board_resources.h (8219, 2021-05-16)
Core\Inc\dma.h (1460, 2021-05-16)
Core\Inc\main.h (2897, 2021-05-16)
Core\Inc\platform.h (2434, 2021-05-16)
Core\Inc\rtc.h (1410, 2021-05-16)
Core\Inc\stm32_lpm_if.h (2558, 2021-05-16)
Core\Inc\stm32wlxx_hal_conf.h (11737, 2021-05-16)
Core\Inc\stm32wlxx_it.h (2218, 2021-05-16)
Core\Inc\stm32wlxx_nucleo_conf.h (2885, 2021-05-16)
Core\Inc\subghz.h (1434, 2021-05-16)
Core\Inc\sys_app.h (3504, 2021-05-16)
Core\Inc\sys_conf.h (2595, 2021-05-16)
Core\Inc\sys_debug.h (4931, 2021-05-16)
Core\Inc\sys_sensors.h (2741, 2021-05-16)
Core\Inc\timer_if.h (4765, 2021-05-16)
Core\Inc\usart.h (1431, 2021-05-16)
Core\Inc\usart_if.h (3279, 2021-05-16)
Core\Inc\utilities_conf.h (5964, 2021-05-16)
Core\Inc\utilities_def.h (3234, 2021-05-16)
Core\Src (0, 2021-05-16)
Core\Src\adc.c (2820, 2021-05-16)
Core\Src\adc_if.c (6824, 2021-05-16)
Core\Src\board_resources.c (6488, 2021-05-16)
Core\Src\dma.c (1702, 2021-05-16)
Core\Src\main.c (5281, 2021-05-16)
Core\Src\rtc.c (3545, 2021-05-16)
Core\Src\stm32_lpm_if.c (4253, 2021-05-16)
Core\Src\stm32wlxx_hal_msp.c (2260, 2021-05-16)
Core\Src\stm32wlxx_it.c (7123, 2021-05-16)
Core\Src\subghz.c (2088, 2021-05-16)
Core\Src\sys_app.c (11126, 2021-05-16)
Core\Src\sys_debug.c (5076, 2021-05-16)
Core\Src\sys_sensors.c (10746, 2021-05-16)
Core\Src\system_stm32wlxx.c (13815, 2021-05-16)
... ...

# LoRa-E5-LoRaWAN-End-Node This wiki is for LoRa-E5 Mini or LoRa-E5 Dev Board, aiming at creating a LoRaWAN End Node with STM32Cube MCU Package for STM32WL series(SDK), to join and send data to LoRaWAN Network. ## Before the start - Please read [Erase Factory AT Firmware](https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/LoRa_E5_mini/#21-erase-factory-at-firmware) section first, as if we need to erase the Factory AT Firmware before we program with SDK - Install [STM32CubeIDE(to compilation and debug)](https://my.st.com/content/my_st_com/en/products/development-tools/software-development-tools/stm32-software-development-tools/stm32-ides/stm32cubeide.html) and [STM32CubeProgrammer(to program STM32 devices)](https://my.st.com/content/my_st_com/en/products/development-tools/software-development-tools/stm32-software-development-tools/stm32-programmers/stm32cubeprog.license=1614563305396.product=STM32CubePrg-W***.version=2.6.0.html), also download and extract [STM32Cube MCU Package for STM32WL series(SDK)](https://my.st.com/content/my_st_com/en/products/embedded-software/mcu-mpu-embedded-software/stm32-embedded-software/stm32cube-mcu-mpu-packages/stm32cubewl.license=16086935955***.product=STM32CubeWL.version=1.0.0.html#overview) - LoRaWAN Gateway connected to LoRaWAN Network Server(e.g. TTN) - Prepare an USB TypeC cable and a ST-LINK. Connect the TypeC cable to the TypeC port for power and serial communication, connect the ST-LINK to the SWD pins like this: ![connection](Doc/connection.png) ## GPIO Configuration Overview - As the hardware design of LoRa-E5 series is a bit different with NUCLEO-WL55JC, the official STM32WL55JC development board from ST, developers need to reconfigure some gpios, to adapt the SDK example to LoRa-E5 series. We have already reconfigured gpios in this example, but we think it is nessary to point out the difference. |SDK Example Label|GPIO of NUCLEO-WL55JC|GPIO of LoRa-E5 Mini and LoRa-E5 Dev Board| |---------|---------------------|------------------------------------------| |RF_CTRL1|PC4|PA4| |RF_CTRL2|PC5|PA5| |RF_CTRL3|PC3|None| |BUT1|PA0|PB13 (Boot Button)| |BUT2|PA1|None| |BUT3|PC6|None| |LED1|PB15|None| |LED2|PB9|PB5| |LED3|PB11|None| |DBG1|PB12|PA0 (D0 Button)| |DBG2|PB13|PB10| |DBG3|PB14|PB3| |DBG4|PB10|PB4| |Usart|Usart2(PA2/PA3)|Usart1(PB6/PB7)| ## Getting Started ### 1. Build the LoRaWAN End Node Example - Download and copy [this repo](https://github.com/seeed-lora/LoRa-E5-LoRaWAN-End-Node.git) to your SDK folder `en.stm32cubewl\STM32Cube_FW_WL_V1.0.0\Projects\NUCLEO-WL55JC\Applications\LoRaWAN` and replace the origin `en.stm32cubewl\STM32Cube_FW_WL_V1.0.0\Projects\NUCLEO-WL55JC\Applications\LoRaWAN\LoRaWAN_End_Node` folder - Open the `LoRaWAN_End_Node` example with `STM32CubeIDE`, by double click file `LoRaWAN_End_Node\STM32CubeIDE\.project` - Click `Build Debug` for this example, it should work without any errors ![build](Doc/build.png) ### 2. Modify your Device EUI, Application EUI, Application KEY and your LoRawan Region - Please follow the [guide](https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/LoRa_E5_mini/#13-connect-and-send-data-to-ttn) here to setup your TTN application, get your Application EUI and copy it to the macro definition `LORAWAN_JOIN_EUI` in `LoRaWAN/App/se-identity.h` , for example, my Application EUI is `70 B3 D5 7E D0 03 F0 6A` : ```C // LoRaWAN/App/se-identity.h /*! * App/Join server IEEE EUI (big endian) */ #define LORAWAN_JOIN_EUI { 0x70, 0xB3, 0xD5, 0x7E, 0xD0, 0x03, 0xF0, 0x6A } ``` - Also, you can modify your Device EUI and Application Key, by setting the macro definition `LORAWAN_DEVICE_EUI` and `LORAWAN_NWK_KEY` in `LoRaWAN/App/se-identity.h` , don't forget to ensure `LORAWAN_DEVICE_EUI` and `LORAWAN_NWK_KEY` are the same as the `Device EUI` and `App Key` in TTN console. ```C // LoRaWAN/App/se-identity.h /*! * end-device IEEE EUI (big endian) */ #define LORAWAN_DEVICE_EUI { 0x00, 0x80, 0xE1, 0x15, 0x00, 0x07, 0x4C, 0xD5 } /*! * Network root key */ #define LORAWAN_NWK_KEY 2B,7E,15,16,28,AE,D2,A6,AB,F7,15,88,09,CF,4F,3C ``` ![](Doc/key.png) - The default LoRaWAN Region is `EU868`, you can modify it, by setting the macro definition `ACTIVE_REGION` in `LoRaWAN/App/lora_app.h` ```c // LoRaWAN/App/lora_app.h /* LoraWAN application configuration (Mw is configured by lorawan_conf.h) */ /* Available: LORAMAC_REGION_AS923, LORAMAC_REGION_AU915, LORAMAC_REGION_EU868, LORAMAC_REGION_KR920, LORAMAC_REGION_IN865, LORAMAC_REGION_US915, LORAMAC_REGION_RU8*** */ #define ACTIVE_REGION LORAMAC_REGION_EU868 ``` ![](Doc/region.png) - After modification, please **rebuild the example** and program to your LoRa-E5. Open `STM32CubeProgrammer`, connect ST-LINK to your PC, hold `RESET Button` of your Device, then click `Connect` and release `RESET Button`: ![](Doc/program1.png) - Make sure the Read Out Protection is `AA`, if it is shown as `BB`, select `AA` and click `Apply`: ![](Doc/program2.png) - Now, go to the `Erasing & Programming` page, select your hex file path(my path is `E:\en.stm32cubewl\STM32Cube_FW_WL_V1.0.0\Projects\NUCLEO-WL55JC\Applications\LoRaWAN\LoRaWAN_End_Node\STM32CubeIDE\LoRaWAN_End_Node_Debug.hex` ), select the programming options as the following picture, then click `Start Programming`! Once the prgramming is finished, ![](Doc/program3.png) ### 3. Connect to TTN - If your LoRaWAN Gateway and TTN are setup, LoRa-E5 will join successfully after reset! A comfirm LoRaWAN package will be sent to TTN every 30 seconds. The following log will come out from the serial port if the join is successful: ``` APP_VERSION: V1.0.0 MW_LORAWAN_VERSION: V2.2.1 MW_RADIO_VERSION: V0.6.1 ###### OTAA ###### ###### AppKey: 2B 7E 15 16 28 AE D2 A6 AB F7 15 88 09 CF 4F 3C ###### NwkKey: 2B 7E 15 16 28 AE D2 A6 AB F7 15 88 09 CF 4F 3C ###### ABP ###### ###### AppSKey: 2B 7E 15 16 28 AE D2 A6 AB F7 15 88 09 CF 4F 3C ###### NwkSKey: 2B 7E 15 16 28 AE D2 A6 AB F7 15 88 09 CF 4F 3C ###### DevEui: 00-80-E1-15-00-07-4C-D5 ###### AppEui: 70-B3-D5-7E-D0-03-F0-6A 0s045:TX on freq 868100000 Hz at DR 0 1s550:MAC txDone 6s572:RX_1 on freq 868100000 Hz at DR 0 6s779:MAC rxTimeOut 7s572:RX_2 on freq 869525000 Hz at DR 0 7s709:PRE OK 8s246:HDR OK 9s393:MAC rxDone ###### = JOINED = OTAA ===================== 30s068:temp= 25 30s068:VDDA= 254 30s069:TX on freq 868500000 Hz at DR 0 30s082:SEND REQUEST 31s728:MAC txDone 32s750:RX_1 on freq 868500000 Hz at DR 0 32s957:MAC rxTimeOut 33s706:RX_2 on freq 869525000 Hz at DR 3 33s744:PRE OK 33s815:HDR OK 33s897:MAC rxDone ###### ========== MCPS-Confirm ============= ``` ![](Doc/serial.png) - Cheers! You have already connected LoRa-E5 to LoRaWAN Network! Can't wait to see you develop some wonderful LoRaWAN End Node applications! ## Application Notes - LoRa-E5 only supports high power output mode, so you can't use these macro defnitions in `radio_board_if.h` : ``` #define RBI_CONF_RFO RBI_CONF_RFO_LP_HP // or #define RBI_CONF_RFO RBI_CONF_RFO_LP ```


