
上传日期:2023-02-24 09:30:27
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  是用于数据流编程的可视化编辑器
(is a visual editor for Dataflow programming)

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LICENSE (1081, 2023-07-19)
examples (0, 2023-07-19)
examples\color-schemes (0, 2023-07-19)
examples\color-schemes\demo.html (2551, 2023-07-19)
examples\custom-node (0, 2023-07-19)
examples\custom-node\demo.html (1605, 2023-07-19)
examples\custom-node\info.js (1504, 2023-07-19)
examples\full-page (0, 2023-07-19)
examples\full-page\demo.html (572, 2023-07-19)
examples\programmatic (0, 2023-07-19)
examples\programmatic\demo.html (3196, 2023-07-19)
flow-view.d.ts (5654, 2023-07-19)
index.html (5817, 2023-07-19)
index.js (250, 2023-07-19)
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src\base.js (1976, 2023-07-19)
src\edge.js (4528, 2023-07-19)
src\element.js (13976, 2023-07-19)
src\errors.js (137, 2023-07-19)
src\flow-view.js (3819, 2023-07-19)
src\input.js (1142, 2023-07-19)
src\node.js (4599, 2023-07-19)
src\output.js (632, 2023-07-19)
src\pin.js (2063, 2023-07-19)
src\selector.js (9121, 2023-07-19)
src\theme.js (1961, 2023-07-19)
style.css (1651, 2023-07-19)

# flow-view > is a visual editor for [Dataflow programming][dataflow_wikipedia]
flow view Simpsons example
## Installation ### Using npm With [npm](https://npmjs.org/) do ```bash npm install flow-view ``` ### Using a CDN Try this in your HTML page ```html ``` ## Usage ### GUI Try [demo here](http://fibo.github.io/flow-view/)
  • Drag on canvas to translate all items.
  • Click on item to select it.
  • Click while pressing SHIFT to enable multi selection.
  • Drag selected items to translate them.
  • Drag from a node output to a node input to create an edge.
  • Press BACKSPACE to delete selected items.
  • Double click on edge to delete it.
  • Double click on canvas to open the selector.
  • Type into the selector then press ENTER to create a new node.
### Constructor Create a `FlowView` instance and pass it a container. It will create a `flow-view` custom element and attach it to the _container_. Be aware that the `flow-view` custom element will fit the whole height of its container, so make sure to style properly to avoid a zero height container. ```html ``` If some `flow-view` custom element is already in the page, it can be passed to the `FlowView` constructor. argument. ```html ``` ### Color schemes Optionally set _color scheme_. If not provided it defaults to both light and dark according to system preferences. Light scheme. ```html ``` Dark scheme. ```html ``` See also [color schemes example](http://fibo.github.io/flow-view/examples/color-schemes/demo.html). ### `addNodeDefinitions({ nodes?, types? })` Add a list to define which nodes are available. It is not required but it makes sense to be provided in the majority of use cases. ```javascript flowView.addNodeDefinitions({ nodes: [ { name: "Marge", type: "parent" }, { name: "Homer", type: "parent" }, { name: "Bart", type: "child" }, { name: "Lisa", type: "child" }, { name: "Mr. Burns" }, ], types: { "parent": { inputs: [], outputs: [ { name: "out" }, ], }, "child": { inputs: [ { name: "in1" }, { name: "in2" }, ], outputs: [], }, }, }); ``` ### `node(id)` Get _flow-view_ node by id. ```javascript const node = flowView.node("abc"); ``` ### `edge(id)` Get _flow-view_ edge by id. ```javascript const edge = flowView.edge("abc"); ``` ### `graph` Access current _flow-view_ graph. ```javascript console.log(flowView.graph); ``` ### `loadGraph({ nodes = [], edges = [] })` Load a _flow-view_ graph. ```javascript flowView.loadGraph({ nodes: [ { id: "dad", text: "Homer", x: 60, y: 70, outs: [{ id: "children" }], }, { id: "mom", text: "Marge", x: 160, y: 70, outs: [{ id: "children" }], }, { id: "son", text: "Bart", x: 60, y: 240, ins: [{ id: "father" }, { id: "mother" }], }, { id: "daughter", text: "Lisa", x: 220, y: 220, ins: [{ id: "father" }, { id: "mother" }], }, ], edges: [ { from: ["dad", "children"], to: ["son", "father"] }, { from: ["dad", "children"], to: ["daughter", "father"] }, { from: ["mom", "children"], to: ["son", "mother"] }, { from: ["mom", "children"], to: ["daughter", "mother"] }, ], }); ``` ### `clearGraph()` Empty current graph. ```javascript flowView.clearGraph(); ``` ### `destroy()` Delete `flow-view` custom element. ```javascript flowView.destroy(); ``` An use case for `destroy()` is the following. Suppose you are using Next.js, you need to load `flow-view` with an async import into a `useEffect` which needs to return a callback to be called when component is unmounted. This is a sample code. ```typescript import type { FlowView } from "flow-view"; import { FC, useEffect, useRef } from "react"; const MyComponent: FC = () => { const flowViewContainerRef = useRef(null); const flowViewRef = useRef(null); useEffect(() => { let unmounted = false; const importFlowView = async () => { if (unmounted) return; if (flowViewContainerRef.current === null) return; if (flowViewRef.current !== null) return; const { FlowView } = await import("flow-view"); const flowView = new FlowView({ container: flowViewContainerRef.current, }); flowViewRef.current = flowView; }; importFlowView(); return () => { unmounted = true; if (flowViewRef.current !== null) flowViewRef.current.destroy(); }; }, [flowViewRef, flowViewContainerRef]); return
; }; ``` ### `newNode()` and `newEdge()` Create nodes and edges programmatically. See [programmatically example here](http://fibo.github.io/flow-view/examples/programmatic/demo.html). ```javascript // Create two nodes. const node1 = flowView.newNode({ text: "Hello", ins: [{}, {}], outs: [{ id: "output1" }], x: 100, y: 100, width: 80, }); const node2 = flowView.newNode({ text: "World", ins: [{ id: "input1" }], width: 100, x: 250, y: 400, }); // Connect nodes with an edge. flowView.newEdge({ from: [node1.id, "output1"], to: [node2.id, "input1"], }); ``` ### `deleteNode()` and `deleteEdge()` Delete nodes and edges programmatically. Notice that when a node is deleted, all its connected edges are deleted too. ```javascript const nodeId = "abc"; const edgeId = "123"; flowView.deleteNode(nodeId); flowView.deleteEdge(edgeId); ``` ### `addNodeClass(nodeType, NodeClass)` Can add custom node class. See [custom node example here](http://fibo.github.io/flow-view/examples/custom-node/demo.html). ### `onChange(callback)` Set callback to be invoked on every view change. See [demo code here](https://github.com/fibo/flow-view/blob/main/index.html). Callback signature is `({ action, data }, info) => void`, where - **action** can be `CREATE_NODE`, `DELETE_NODE`, etc. - **data** change based on action - **info** can contain `{ isLoadGraph: true }` or other optional information. ### `nodeTextToType(func)` Set a function that will be invoked on node creation to resolve node type from node text. ## License [MIT](http://fibo.github.io/mit-license) [dataflow_wikipedia]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dataflow_programming "Dataflow programming"


