
开发工具:Vim Script
上传日期:2018-03-10 10:20:13
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  在Linux中将vim编辑器构建成一个有效的C++编程IDE,支持YouCompleteMe
(Building vim editor in Linux into an effective C C++ programming IDE, YouCompleteMe supported)

LICENSE (1063, 2018-03-10)
install-vim-plugins (404, 2018-03-10)
screenshot.png (172614, 2018-03-10)
vimrc (12915, 2018-03-10) (5143, 2018-03-10)

C/C++ IDE =============================================== - [Introduction]( - [Features]( - [Requirements]( - [Installation]( - [Via curl]( - [Via wget]( - [Included Plugins]( - [Colors]( - [Editing]( - [Navigation]( - [View]( - [Linting]( - [Formerly included plugins]( - [Keymaps]( - [Basic]( - [Normal mode]( - [Insert mode]( - [Visual mode]( - [Plugins]( - [Normal mode]( - [Insert mode]( - [Visual mode]( - [Options]( - [Building vim from source]( - [Using vim as a python IDE]( - [Using vim as a Go IDE]( - [FAQ]( - [Contact]( - [License]( Introduction ----- Building vim editor in Linux into an effective C/C++ programming IDE, supporting [YouCompleteMe]( as a code-completion engine. Features ----- - Automatic download the latest version of libclang and compile the ycm_core library that YCM needs - One-step install - Supported all GNU/Linux - On-demand loading for faster startup time - Semantic auto-completion - Syntax checking - Syntax highlighting for C++11/14 - Preservation of historical records - Instantly preview markdown files - More Requirements ----- - vim `7.4.143+` with `Python 2` or `Python 3` support - `npm -g install instant-markdown-d` For plugin vim-instant-markdown - `xdg-utils` For plugin vim-instant-markdown - `nodejs-legacy` For Debian-based systems - `wmctrl` Fullscreen needs - `cmake` Compile the ycm_core library - `ctags` For plugin tarbar - `ack-grep` For plugin ctrlsf Installation ----- ### Via curl curl -o - | sh ### Via wget wget -O - | sh Included Plugins ----- I think you should read the docs of these plugins and .vimrc to use them efficiently. - [vim-plug]( minimalist plugin manager ### Colors - [vim-colors-solarized]( precision colorscheme - [molokai]( port of the monokai theme for TextMate - [spacemacs-theme.vim]( Spacemacs-flavoured theme, for use only in true-colour terminals - [vim-polyglot]( a collection of 100+ language packs ### Editing - [ultisnips]( ultimate snippet solution - [gundo.vim]( visualise your undo tree - [vim-move]( move lines and selections up and down - [auto-pairs]( insert or delete `[]`, `()`, `""` etc. in pairs - [vim-operator-user]( define your own operator easily - [wildfire.vim]( smart selection of the closest text object - [fcitx.vim]( keep and restore fcitx state (Chinese text input method framework) when leaving/re-entering insert mode - [nerdcommenter]( intensely orgasmic commenting - [vim-protodef]( pull in C++ function prototypes into implementation files - [vim-instant-markdown]( open browser window when editing Markdown - [YouCompleteMe]( fast, as-you-type code-completion engine ### Navigation - [tagbar]( display tags in a window, ordered by scope - [vim-fswitch]( switch between companion source files (e.g. `.h` and `.cpp`) - [nerdtree]( filesystem tree explorer - [vim-fugitive]( a Git wrapper - [ctrlp.vim]( fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc. finder - [ctrlsf.vim]( search for code and edit it in-place - [minibufexpl.vim]( buffer explorer that takes very little screen space ### View - [indentLine]( display the indention levels with thin vertical lines - [vim-gitgutter]( show a Git diff in the gutter, stage/undo hunks ### Linting - [ale]( as-you-type, asynchronous lint engine ### Formerly included plugins These are not included any more, but you can install them manually if you want. - *[vim-easy-align]( alignment plugin* - *[vim-multiple-cursors]( true Sublime Text style multiple selections* - *[vim-clang-format]( format C, C++, Obj-C, Java, JavaScript and TypeScript with clang-format* Keymaps ----- The `` key is `;` ### Basic #### Normal mode - `;w` Write (save) the file, but don't exit - `;q` Quit - `;Q` Quit and throw away changes - `;p` Paste - `;hw` Jump to the left window - `;jw` Jump to the down window - `;kw` Jump to the up window - `;lw` Jump to the right window - `` Jump to the next window - `` Jump to the previous window - `]q` Jump to next record/match in quickfix list - `[q` Jump to previous record/match in quickfix list - `` Change color scheme - `` Fullscreen #### Insert mode - `` Write (save) the file, but don't exit - `` Move left - `` Move down - `` Move up - `` move right - `` Change color scheme - `` Fullscreen #### Visual mode - `;y` Copy ### Plugins #### Normal mode - `;fs` Switch between companion source files (e.g. ".h" and ".cpp") - `]b` Jump to the next buffer - `[b` Jump to the previous buffer - `;ud` Toggle Gundo visible - `` Search and split a new window to show search result - `` Open ctrlp window (alternative :CtrlP) - `;md` Launch the preview window for current markdown file - `;jc` Go to declaration - `;jd` Go to definition - `` Toogle Tagbar visible - `` Toogle NERD-Tree visible - `` Toogle minibufexpl visble - `` Format your C family code #### Insert mode - `` Toogle Tagbar visible - `` Toogle NERD-Tree visible - `` Toogle minibufexpl visble - `` Show history of previous yanks, changes and deletes - `` Format your C family code #### Visual mode - `` Move current line/selections up - `` Move current line/selections down ### Options #### Building vim from source - Install all the following libraries - Ubuntu ``` sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libgnome2-dev libgnomeui-dev \ libgtk2.0-dev libatk1.0-dev libbonoboui2-dev \ libcairo2-dev libx11-dev libxpm-dev libxt-dev python-dev \ python3-dev ruby-dev lua5.3 lua5.3-dev libperl-dev git sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/lua lua /usr/bin/lua5.3 sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/luac luac /usr/bin/luac5.3 ``` - openSUSE ``` zypper in ruby-devel python-devel python3-devel perl-devel \ lua-devel ncurses-devel libX11-devel gtk2-devel xorg-x11-devel ``` - Remove vim if you have it already - Building Vim from source - Add/remove the flags above to fit your setup. For example, you can leave out enable-luainterp if you don't plan on writing any Lua. ``` cd ~ git clone cd vim ./configure --with-features=huge \ --enable-multibyte \ --enable-rubyinterp \ --enable-pythoninterp \ --with-python-config-dir=/usr/lib/python2.7/config \ --enable-perlinterp \ --enable-luainterp \ --enable-gui=gtk2 --enable-cscope --prefix=/usr make sudo make install ``` - Type the following in Vim: `:echo has('python')`. If the output is 1, then the version of Vim with Python support. If it's 0, then get a version of Vim with Python support. #### Using vim as a python IDE Add the following line to your .vimrc. Plug 'klen/python-mode', { 'for': 'python' } Install Plugin `vim +PlugInstall +qall` #### Using vim as a Go IDE Add the following line to your .vimrc. Plug 'fatih/vim-go', { 'for': 'go' } Install Plugin `vim +PlugInstall +qall` FAQ ----- ### Can't build vim correctly This wiki [Building-vim-from-source]( may be helpful for you. LINKS ----- - [vim]( - [use_vim_as_ide]( - [dotfiles]( Contact ----- If you have feature suggestions, please open [issues]( or [pull requests]( License ----- MIT


