
开发工具:Emacs Lisp
上传日期:2022-08-03 21:09:20
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  用于haskell编程的最小emacs配置
(A minimal emacs configuration for haskell programming)

.emacs (1865, 2022-08-04)
.emacs.d (0, 2022-08-04)
.emacs.d\my-loadpackages.el (2119, 2022-08-04)
.emacs.d\my-packages.el (1191, 2022-08-04)
LICENSE (1210, 2022-08-04)
preview.gif (429129, 2022-08-04)

# minimal-haskell-emacs A minimal emacs configuration for haskell programming using [dante]( and friends. * Coming from Vim? Try the [evil branch]( which includes vim key bindings [![See it in action](preview.gif)]( [Visit dante's to see the features list for Haskell editing]( Package management approach is based on [this tutorial]( To get a haskell compiler and toolchain, checkout [ghcup]( To install this configuration, clone the repository and place the following files at your home directory: - `.emacs` - emacs will call this file first which will trigger the whole thing. Also contains a few convenient tweaks. - `.emacs.d/my-packages.el` - contains the list of packages to install when starting emacs - `.emacs.d/my-loadpackages.el` - defines how to enable and setup the packages we use **WARNING: Backup your changes to all your emacs related files before running the following commands as they will override your files!** So the steps are: ``` git clone cp minimal-haskell-emacs/.emacs ~/ cp -r minimal-haskell-emacs/.emacs.d ~/ ``` Now just run Emacs and start hacking! --- ### Extra useful shortcuts: Files: - `F8` - Toggle [neotree]( Buffers: - `F7` - Open buffers list - `C-backtick` / `C-~` - next / previous buffer Module Overview: - `F6` - Toggle [imenu-list]( Windows: - `C-tab` - switch window - `M-` - move to window in direction Haskell: - `C-:` - In a haskell buffer, search this word in hoogle - `M-,` - Jump back after 'Goto definition' (`M-.`)


