
上传日期:2021-12-06 17:11:58
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Arxiv API的编程接口
(Programmatic interface to the Arxiv API)

.Rbuildignore (79, 2021-12-07) (1387, 2021-12-07)
DESCRIPTION (931, 2021-12-07)
LICENSE (64, 2021-12-07)
Makefile (397, 2021-12-07)
NAMESPACE (160, 2021-12-07)
NEWS (1879, 2021-12-07)
R (0, 2021-12-07)
R\arxiv_cats-data.R (466, 2021-12-07)
R\arxiv_count.R (3091, 2021-12-07)
R\arxiv_open.R (1231, 2021-12-07)
R\arxiv_search.R (9705, 2021-12-07)
R\can_arxiv_connect.R (1387, 2021-12-07)
R\clean.R (4315, 2021-12-07)
R\errors.R (568, 2021-12-07)
R\is_blank.R (171, 2021-12-07)
R\is_too_many.R (878, 2021-12-07)
R\parse.R (1271, 2021-12-07)
R\query_terms-data.R (399, 2021-12-07)
R\query_util.R (426, 2021-12-07)
R\time.R (802, 2021-12-07)
R\timeout.R (1116, 2021-12-07)
data (0, 2021-12-07)
data\arxiv_cats.RData (2181, 2021-12-07)
data\query_terms.RData (353, 2021-12-07)
inst (0, 2021-12-07)
inst\doc (0, 2021-12-07)
inst\doc\aRxiv.html (36239, 2021-12-07)
inst\scripts (0, 2021-12-07)
inst\scripts\grab_api_manual_tables.R (1295, 2021-12-07)
man (0, 2021-12-07)
man\arxiv_cats.Rd (580, 2021-12-07)
... ...

# aRxiv [![Project Status: Active “ The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.](]( [![CRAN_Status_Badge](]( ## R interface to arXiv [arXiv]( is a repository of electronic preprints for computer science, mathematics, physics, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, and statistics. The [aRxiv]( package is an R interface to the [arXiv API]( Note that the arXiv API _does not_ require an API key. ## Package Status and Installation [![R-CMD-check](]( [![codecov](]( [![rstudio mirror downloads](]( __Installation instructions__ __Stable Version__ You can install the package via [CRAN]( ```r install.packages("aRxiv") ``` __Development Version__ Or use `devtools::install_github()` to get the (more recent) version at [GitHub]( ```r install.packages("devtools") library(devtools) install_github("ropensci/aRxiv") ``` ## Usage ### Basic usage The main function is `arxiv_search()`. Here's an example of its use: ```r library(aRxiv) z <- arxiv_search(query = 'au:"Peter Hall" AND cat:stat*', limit=50) str(z) ``` ### Tutorial An aRxiv tutorial is available at the rOpenSci website, [here]( To view the tutorial from R, use: ```r vignette("aRxiv", "aRxiv") ``` ### Links * [arXiv]( * [arXiv API]( * [arXiv API user manual]( * [Bulk data access to arXiv]( * [Bulk data access to arXiv metadata via OAI-PMH]( * [Bulk data access to arXiv PDFs and source docs]( ### License Licensed under the [MIT license]( ([More information here]( --- This package is part of a richer suite called [fulltext](, along with several other packages, that provides the ability to search for and retrieve full text of open access scholarly articles. We recommend using `fulltext` as the primary R interface to `arXiv` unless your needs are limited to this single source. --- ## Citation Get citation information for `aRxiv` in R by running: `citation(package = 'aRxiv')` ## Code of Conduct Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct]( By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. [![ropensci footer](](


