
上传日期:2022-03-16 15:55:59
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  [ICLR 2022]傅永干(Yonggan Fu),舒(Shu),“修补程序傻瓜:视觉变形金刚总是能够抵抗对抗性扰动吗?”...
([ICLR 2022] "Patch-Fool: Are Vision Transformers Always Robust Against Adversarial Perturbations?" by Yonggan Fu, Shunyao Zhang, Shang Wu, Cheng Wan, Yingyan Lin)

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# Patch-Fool: Are Vision Transformers Always Robust Against Adversarial Perturbations? Yonggan Fu, Shunyao Zhang, Shang Wu, Cheng Wan, Yingyan Lin Accepted at ICLR 2022 [[Paper Link](]. ## Overview - We propose a new attack framework, dubbed *Patch-Fool*, aiming to fool the self-attention mechanism by attacking the basic component (i.e., a single patch) participating in self-attention calculations. - We evaluate the robustness of both ViTs and CNNs against our *Patch-Fool* attack with extensive experiments and find that ViTs are consistently less robust than CNNs across various attack settings. - We further benchmark the robustness of both ViTs and CNNs under two variants of *Patch-Fool*, i.e., *Sparse Patch-Fool* and *Mild Patch-Fool*, and discover that the perturbation density and the perturbation strength highly influence the robustness ranking between ViTs and CNNs, where our Patch-Fool is an extreme case of high perturbation density and strength.

## Visualization We visualize the adversarial examples generated by Patch-Fool’s variants below, including *Patch-Fool* with different number of perturbed patches (rows 23), *Sparse Patch-Fool* with a total of 250 perturbed pixels distributed in different number of perturbed patches (rows 46), and *Mild Patch-Fool* under L2 and Linf constraints (rows 78). The corresponding robust accuracy is also annotated.

## Code Usage Our codes support the *Patch-Fool* attack on top of SOTA Vision Transformers (e.g., DeiT-Ti, DeiT-S, and DeiT-B) and CNNs on ImageNet validation dataset. ### Prerequisites The required packages are listed in ```env.txt```. ### Key parameters ```--data_dir```: Path to the ImageNet folder. ```--dataset_size```: Evaluate on a part of the whole dataset. ```--patch_select```: Select patches based on the saliency map, attention map, or random selection. ```--num_patch```: Number of perturbed patches. ```--sparse_pixel_num```: Total number of perturbed pixels in the whole image. ```--attack_mode```: Optimize Patch-Fool based on the final cross-entropy loss only, or consider both cross-entropy loss and the attention map. ```--attn_select```: Select patches based on which attention layer. ```--mild_l_2```: Add L2 constraints on perturbed pixels. ```--mild_l_inf```: Add Linf constraints on perturbed pixels. ### Evaluate Patch-Fool We provide the following examples to evaluate the three variants of *Patch-Fool*, i.e., the vanilla *Patch-Fool*, *Sparse Patch-Fool*, and *Mild Patch-Fool*: - To Evaluate vanilla *Patch-Fool*: ``` python --network DeiT-T --patch_select Attn --num_patch 1 --sparse_pixel_num 0 --attack_mode Attention ``` - To Evaluate *Sparse Patch-Fool*: ``` python --network DeiT-T --patch_select Attn --num_patch 1 --sparse_pixel_num 250 --attack_mode Attention ``` - To Evaluate *Mild Patch-Fool* with Linf constraints: ``` python --network DeiT-T --patch_select Attn --num_patch 1 --sparse_pixel_num 0 --attack_mode Attention --mild_l_inf 0.1 ``` ## Citation ``` @inproceedings{fu2021patch, title={Patch-Fool: Are Vision Transformers Always Robust Against Adversarial Perturbations?}, author={Fu, Yonggan and Zhang, Shunyao and Wu, Shang and Wan, Cheng and Lin, Yingyan}, booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations}, year={2021} } ```


