
上传日期:2021-08-31 03:59:31
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  这是一个使用传感器kinect v2的项目,其中数据使用PCL 1.8表示,并尝试估计...
(this is a project where using the sensor kinect v2 where the data is represented using PCL 1.8, and try to estimate a piont cloud to simple shapes (plane, shpere and cylinder) using CGA)

3rd_party (0, 2021-08-31)
3rd_party\RANSAC_AGC (0, 2021-08-31)
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3rd_party\RANSAC_AGC\objects_body.cpp (6401, 2021-08-31)
3rd_party\RANSAC_AGC\ransac.h (12643, 2021-08-31)
3rd_party\RANSAC_AGC\ransac_body.cpp (45030, 2021-08-31)
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3rd_party\versor\cmake\toolchains\osx.cmake (449, 2021-08-31)
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3rd_party\versor\examples\fixme\xTopos.cpp (1301, 2021-08-31)
3rd_party\versor\examples\fixme\xTwistInterpolation.cpp (3201, 2021-08-31)
3rd_party\versor\examples\fixme\xWatt.cpp (2913, 2021-08-31)
3rd_party\versor\examples\xAlgebra.cpp (5342, 2021-08-31)
3rd_party\versor\examples\xBasic.cpp (1455, 2021-08-31)
3rd_party\versor\examples\xBoost.cpp (3702, 2021-08-31)
... ...

# Kinectv2_object_detection_CGA_and_EA_pcl_freenect2 # this is a project using the sensor kinect v2 where the point cloud is estimated to a simple geometric object, using pcl 1.8, and for grabbing the data is a libfreenect2 grabber. in this program display four windows, one is the comand line output, one the kinect data as Point cloud, other thar is the copy data to filter and one las window showing the filered point cloud. the copy data is used to substract the points that are similar, and leaves what its diferent **`filter=cloud1-cloud2`** selecting the window with the kinect data we can: * using the `"a"` key switch between AGC and the vectorial method * using the `"p"` key makes a copy of the current data * using the `"s"` key save the point cloud to a ply file * using the `"o"` key pause the program * using the `"l"` key execute one loop of the program * using the `"u"` to activate or deactivate the filter * using the `"j"` and `"m"` change the value of the treshold distance filter * using the `"y"` to activate or deactivate the down sample the point cloud * using the `"h"` and `"n"` change the value to down sample the point cloud if you want the original grabber project the link is: --- ## Installation ## --- first of all i used a i7 processor with 8gb of ram and windows 10 pro the software i used: * [Cmake 3.10.1]( (to link and create the msvc project) * [Microsoft visual studio 2017 community]( (c++ editor and compiler) * [Kinect SDK v2.0_1409]( * [PCL 1.8.1 (all in one)]( * [VTK 5.8.0 Qt suport](***.exe/download) * [OpenCV 3.4.0]( * [libfreenect2]( * [OpenNI2]( (or*** and used the proyect [libfreenect2pclgrabber]( (in /third_party folder) when i build **libfreenect2** i needed to copy `"config.h"` and `"export.h"` from **`/build_dir/libfreenect2/`** to **`/include/libfreenect2/`** and i copy the dll files to **`c:/windows/system32/`** to avoid copying the files in every project folder.


