
开发工具:Jupyter Notebook
上传日期:2017-03-13 15:03:39
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  复制< keras lane-following-autopilot.html>,旨在教育和娱乐

LICENSE (1073, 2017-03-13) (352, 2017-03-13)
notebooks (0, 2017-03-13)
notebooks\wroscoeKerasmodel.ipynb (217523, 2017-03-13)
requirements.txt (336, 2017-03-13)

# Welcome to Lane-follower! Build a model using keras / tensorflow for outputing a int between -80 : 80 for the steering wheels based on a streamed image from the RC. Inspired by the work from [wroscoe]( ## Event details * Each participant will have their own team ( hopefully ) * Each team will build the model and output a pickle file in the /models directory with your team name like so: /models/team_name.pkl * We estimate that training with regular CPU takes about ~30 min * Dedicated time for testing the models will be at * time * some other time * We have made it so that the driving lane will get harder and harder. And see who makes it the furtherest * Winning 3 teams will present their model and thoughtprocess More detailed Schedule 11 Introduction Presentation from Forefront Consulting ## Downloading training data Data from wroscoe [s3-indoor_lanes]( # 450 MB TODO: - [x] ~~sponsor - liding kommun, venue~~ No sponsorship =( - [x] ~~git server for cars~~ USB-sticks instead - [x] see what framerate is needed for input to model # - [x] venue - Forefront Consulting will stand for the venue - [ ] food & drinks - [ ] sponsor - potential sponsor from Scania. Eric is hunting them person in charge - [ ] GPU credits for the event. ~ anyone know how much? - 8sek/hour for a decent GPU in the cloud (thats full, on-demand price for a GPU comprable to a new titan) 200sek for 24h - microsoft partner - amazon partner - [ ] USB-sticks for loading the models through /usb/model.pkl - [ ] possible dates , ~ 1 month after 20th of march - 2 May? - 8 May? - 15 May? - 22 May? - [ ] amount of hardware hack vs amount of machine learning hack


