
上传日期:2023-05-30 21:10:46
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  该存储库提供了一个非官方的Python客户端,用于控制宜家Dirigera智能家居中心。
(This repository provides an unofficial Python client for controlling the IKEA Dirigera Smart Home Hub.)

.pylintrc (255, 2023-06-11)
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pyproject.toml (1113, 2023-06-11)
requirements.txt (40, 2023-06-11)
run-pylint.sh (78, 2023-06-11)
run-python-versions-test.sh (335, 2023-06-11)
run-test.sh (76, 2023-06-11)
setup.py (38, 2023-06-11)
setup.sh (90, 2023-06-11)
src (0, 2023-06-11)
src\__init__.py (0, 2023-06-11)
src\dirigera (0, 2023-06-11)
src\dirigera\__init__.py (25, 2023-06-11)
src\dirigera\devices (0, 2023-06-11)
src\dirigera\devices\__init__.py (0, 2023-06-11)
src\dirigera\devices\blinds.py (2810, 2023-06-11)
src\dirigera\devices\controller.py (2189, 2023-06-11)
src\dirigera\devices\device.py (531, 2023-06-11)
src\dirigera\devices\environment_sensor.py (2348, 2023-06-11)
src\dirigera\devices\light.py (6541, 2023-06-11)
src\dirigera\devices\open_close_sensor.py (1769, 2023-06-11)
src\dirigera\devices\outlet.py (3584, 2023-06-11)
src\dirigera\hub (0, 2023-06-11)
src\dirigera\hub\__init__.py (0, 2023-06-11)
src\dirigera\hub\abstract_smart_home_hub.py (804, 2023-06-11)
src\dirigera\hub\auth.py (2360, 2023-06-11)
src\dirigera\hub\hub.py (6631, 2023-06-11)
tests (0, 2023-06-11)
tests\__init__.py (0, 2023-06-11)
tests\test_blinds.py (3423, 2023-06-11)
... ...

# Dirigera Python Client ![Test](https://github.com/Leggin/dirigera/actions/workflows/tests.yml/badge.svg) ![Pypi](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/dirigera) [![Downloads](https://static.pepy.tech/badge/dirigera/month)](https://pepy.tech/project/dirigera) ![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/dirigera) This repository provides an unofficial Python client for controlling the IKEA Dirigera Smart Home Hub. Current features: - [light control](#controlling-lights) - [outlet control](#controlling-outlets) - [blinds control](#controlling-blinds) - [remote controllers](#remote-controllers) (tested with STYRBAR) - [environment sensor](#environment-sensor) (tested with VINDSTYRKA) - [event listener](#event-listener) for hub events Support for other features will be added in the future and your input in form of issues and PRs is greatly appreciated. ## Installation ```bash pip install dirigera ``` ## Quickstart 1. Find out the ip-address of your Dirigera (check your router) 2. Once you installed `dirigera` with pip you can run the included generate-token script. Here you can directly set the ip-address of you dirigera as parameter. ```bash generate-token ``` 3. The script starts the auth process. When prompted, you must push the action button on the bottom of your Dirigera. 4. After that hit ENTER and your `token` will be printed to the console. Example: ``` Press the action button on Dirigera then hit ENTER ... Your Token: mgwB.aXqwpzV89N0aUwBhZMJjD8a.UBPyzy2InGtqgwo2MO5.xX4ug7.uBcVJquwYzLnAijF7SdYKvNxTo0uzQKahV10A-3ZQOz-UAubGP6sHWt1CJx3QmWZyE7ZcMZKgODXjSzWL1lumKgGz5dUIwFi3rhNxgK-IsBGeGVhNXPt8vGrYEcZePwPvNAIg8RqmlH27L-JZPnkAtP2wHoOdW72Djot3yJsohtEsb0p9mJvoZFSavTlTr4LDuf584vuH5fha5xoR9QhhIvvgbAP-s4EHFqENNi6vrYLHKR.sdqnv4sYw6UH-l6oiPnnRLxinoqBPOlWhlcL9doFviXQE.tZ9X8WVqyBrd0NYHlo9iorEvUbnZuD02BEJrg4NLwgh3rZtyF0Mi46HenynzBohbPn4RnuSYYCiHt5EZnWedxBtDqc7mSTm1ZtyD ``` 5. Done. Use this token in the hub setup. ``` dirigera.Hub( token="mgwB.aXqwpzV89N0aUwBhZMJjD8a...", ip_address="192.1..." ) ``` ## [Dirigera Hub](./src/dirigera/hub/hub.py) Setting up the client works by providing the token and ip address. ```python import dirigera dirigera_hub = dirigera.Hub( token="mgwB.aXqwpzV89N0aUwBhZMJjD8a...", ip_address="192.1..." ) ``` ## [Controlling Lights](./src/dirigera/devices/light.py) To get information about the available lights, you can use the `get_lights()` method: ```python lights = dirigera_hub.get_lights() ``` The light object has the following attributes: ```python device_id: str is_reachable: bool custom_name: str is_on: bool startup_on_off: StartupEnum | None light_level: int | None # not all lights have a light level color_temp: int | None # not all lights have a color temperature color_temp_min: int | None color_temp_max: int | None color_hue: int | None # not all lights have a color hue color_saturation: float | None # not all lights have a color saturation room_id: str room_name: str can_receive: List[str] # list of all available commands ["customName", "isOn", "lightLevel", ...] ``` Available methods for light are: ```python light.set_name(name="kitchen light 1") light.set_light(lamp_on=True) light.set_light_level(light_level=90) light.set_color_temperature(color_temp=3000) light.set_light_color(hue=128, saturation=0.5) light.set_startup_behaviour(behaviour=StartupEnum.START_OFF) ``` ## [Controlling Outlets](./src/dirigera/devices/outlet.py) To get information about the available outlets, you can use the `get_outlets()` method: ```python outlets = dirigera_hub.get_outlets() ``` The outlet object has the following attributes: ```python device_id: str is_reachable: bool custom_name: str is_on: bool startup_on_off: StartupEnum | None room_id: str room_name: str can_receive: List[str] # list of all available commands ["customName", "isOn", "lightLevel", ...] ``` Available methods for outlet are: ```python outlet.set_name(name="kitchen socket 1") outlet.set_on(outlet_on=True) outlet.set_startup_behaviour(behaviour=StartupEnum.START_OFF) ``` ## [Controlling Blinds](./src/dirigera/devices/blinds.py) To get information about the available blinds, you can use the `get_blinds()` method: ```python blinds = dirigera_hub.get_blinds() ``` The blind object has the following attributes: ```python device_id: str is_reachable: bool custom_name: str target_level: int current_level: int state: str room_id: str room_name: str can_receive: List[str] # list of all available commands ["customName", "blindsCurrentLevel", "blindsTargetLevel", "blindsState"] ``` Available methods for blinds are: ```python blind.set_name(name="kitchen blind 1") blind.set_target_level(target_level=90) ``` ## [Remote Controllers](./src/dirigera/devices/controller.py) Currently only tested with the STYRBAR remote. To get information about the available controllers, you can use the `get_controllers()` method: ```python controllers = dirigera_hub.get_controllers() ``` The controller object has the following attributes: ```python device_id: str is_reachable: bool custom_name: str is_on: bool battery_percentage: int room_id: str room_name: str can_receive: List[str] # list of all available commands ["customName"] ``` Available methods for controller are: ```python controller.set_name(name="kitchen remote 1") ``` ## [Environment Sensor](./src/dirigera/devices/environment_sensor.py) Currently only tested with the VINDSTYRKA sensor. If you have other sensors please send me the json and I will add support or create a PR. To get the environment sensors use: ```python sensors = dirigera_hub.get_environment_sensors() ``` The environment sensor object has the following attributes: ```python device_id: str is_reachable: bool custom_name: str current_temperature: str current_rh: int # current humidity current_pm25: int # current particulate matter 2.5 max_measured_pm25: int # maximum measurable particulate matter 2.5 min_measured_pm25: int # minimum measurable particulate matter 2.5 voc_index: int # current volatile organic compound room_id: str room_name: str can_receive: list[str] # list of all available commands ["customName"] ``` ## Event Listener The event listener allows you to listen to events that are published by your Dirigera hub. This is useful if you want to automate tasks based on events such as when a light is turned on or off, or when the color temperature of a light is changed. ```python import json from typing import Any def on_message(ws: Any, message: str): message_dict = json.loads(message) data = message_dict["data"] if data["id"] == bed_light.light_id: print(f"{message_dict['type']} event on {bed_light.custom_name}, attributes: {data['attributes']}") def on_error(ws: Any, message: str): print(message) dirigera_hub.create_event_listener( on_message=on_message, on_error=on_error ) ``` ``` deviceStateChanged event on Bed Light, attributes: {'isOn': False} ``` ## Motivation The primary motivation for this project was to provide users with the ability to control the startup behavior of their smart home lamps when there is a power outage. The default behavior of the hub is to turn on all lights when power is restored, which can be problematic if the user is away from home or on vacation, and a small power fluctuation causes all lights to turn on and stay on. Unfortunately, the IKEA app does not offer a way to change this default behavior. The `set_startup_behaviour()` function enables users to override the default behavior and choose the startup behavior that best suits their needs (START_ON = turn on light when power is back, START_OFF = light stays off when power is back). I can not guarantee that all IKEA lamps offer this functionality. ## Contributing Contributions are welcome! If you have an idea for a new feature or a bug fix, please post and issue or submit a pull request. ## License The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2023 Leggin


