
上传日期:2018-12-06 18:42:50
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  这是一个示例应用程序,展示了如何使用Azure地图和物联网中心服务构建远程控制地图。
(This is a sample application which shows how to build a remotely controlled map using Azure Maps and IoT hub services.)

文件列表: (129, 2018-12-07) (3923, 2018-12-07)
Docs (0, 2018-12-07)
Docs\Media (0, 2018-12-07)
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Docs\Media\create-luis-bot-with-bot-service\Image2.png (20835, 2018-12-07)
Docs\Media\create-luis-bot-with-bot-service\Image3.png (13752, 2018-12-07)
Docs\Media\create-luis-bot-with-bot-service\Image4.png (15531, 2018-12-07)
Docs\Media\create-luis-bot-with-bot-service\Image5.png (32638, 2018-12-07)
Docs\Media\create-luis-bot-with-bot-service\Image6.png (34690, 2018-12-07)
Docs\Media\create-luis-bot-with-bot-service\Image7.png (51774, 2018-12-07)
Docs\Media\create-luis-bot-with-bot-service\Image8.png (27965, 2018-12-07)
Docs\Media\create-luis-bot-with-bot-service\Image9.png (122021, 2018-12-07)
Docs\ (11045, 2018-12-07) (1161, 2018-12-07)
MapApplication (0, 2018-12-07)
MapApplication\MapApplication.sln (2585, 2018-12-07)
MapApplication\MapApplication (0, 2018-12-07)
MapApplication\MapApplication\App.xaml (261, 2018-12-07)
MapApplication\MapApplication\App.xaml.cs (3928, 2018-12-07)
MapApplication\MapApplication\Assets (0, 2018-12-07)
MapApplication\MapApplication\Assets\LockScreenLogo.scale-200.png (1430, 2018-12-07)
MapApplication\MapApplication\Assets\SplashScreen.scale-200.png (7700, 2018-12-07)
MapApplication\MapApplication\Assets\Square150x150Logo.scale-200.png (2937, 2018-12-07)
MapApplication\MapApplication\Assets\Square44x44Logo.scale-200.png (1647, 2018-12-07)
MapApplication\MapApplication\Assets\Square44x44Logo.targetsize-24_altform-unplated.png (1255, 2018-12-07)
MapApplication\MapApplication\Assets\StoreLogo.png (1451, 2018-12-07)
MapApplication\MapApplication\Assets\Wide310x150Logo.scale-200.png (3204, 2018-12-07)
MapApplication\MapApplication\AzureIoTHub.cs (3800, 2018-12-07)
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--- services: azure-maps, iot-hub platforms: dotnet, uwp, javascript author: ihvo --- # Developing a .NET UWP application using Azure Maps, IoT hub and Bot service This is a sample application that shows how Azure Maps, IoT hub and Bot service API can work together. We will extend the Azure Maps browser application to create a remotely controlled interactive map using Azure IoT and Azure Maps services. ## Repository content [MapApplication]( contains source code for the sample UWP application that uses Azure Maps to display map control and connects to Azure IoT hub as a device to receive commands. [MapBot]( contains source for the sample ASP.NET application using Bot framework and LUIS service to accept user input and connects to Azure IoT as a service to send commands to UWP application. ## Prerequisites Before you can run this sample, you must have the following prerequisites: * An active Azure account. If you don't have one, you can sign up for a [free account]( * Windows 10 Creators Update (Build 15063) * Visual Studio 2017 * Universal Windows Platform tools for VS2017 * ASP.NET and web development tools for VS2017 ## Getting started 1. Clone this repository using `git clone` 2. Open `MapApplication\MapApplication.sln` in VS2017. 3. Setup device connection string * Make sure you have [IoT Hub connected service extension for VS]( installed. * Right click **MapApplication** project in solution explorer and select **Add > Connected service** menu item * In the dialog that opens choose **Azure IoT hub** ![Connected services](./Docs/Media/Readme/Image4.png) * Sign in with account that has access to Azure subscription, select **Hardcode shared access key** got to the next step. ![Connected services sign in](./Docs/Media/Readme/Image3.png) * On the **IoT hub** tab select existing or provision new IoT hub instance. * On **Device** tab create new device named `map-display` and select **Finish**. * This extension will have requied nuget package installed and `deviceConnectionString` property in AzureIoTHub.cs populated with a connection string for `map-display`. * Open AzureIoTHub.cs and add the following method at the end of the class definition: ```CSharp public static async Task RegisterDirectMethodAsync(string methodName, Func action) { CreateClient(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Registering a callback for {methodName}"); await deviceClient.SetMethodHandlerAsync(methodName, async delegate (MethodRequest methodRequest, object userContext) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{methodName} has been called"); try { await action(methodRequest.DataAsJson); return new MethodResponse(200); } catch (Exception ex) { return new MethodResponse(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ex.ToString()), 500); } }, null); } ``` * Property `deviceConnectionString` in AzureIoTHub.cs will contain a connection string populated with SAS for device `map-display`. 4. Setup Azure Maps web control * Get your Azure Maps account key. If you don't have one, please follow instructions in [demo app quickstart]( to create account and obtain the account key. * Open AzureMapDemo.html and find the following section: ```Javascript var subscriptionKey = ""; var map = new atlas.Map("map", { "subscription-key": subscriptionKey, center: [-118.270293, 34.039737], zoom: 14 }); ``` * Replace `subscriptionKey` value with your Azure Maps account key. ## Running the app 1. Select build platform x*** for the project MapApplication. 2. Build the MapApplication and click Run. Your main window should display map and a search box: ![Main window](./Docs/Media/Readme/Image1.png) Try sending direct commands from your IoT hub instance. Implemented commands are "SearchFuzzy" (expects search term as body text), "ZoomIn" and "ZoomOut". ![Direct commands](./Docs/Media/Readme/Image2.png) At this point you have built a functioning UWP application which displays the map and responds to remote commands from IoT hub. ## Setting up bot service You can following steps from [Creating MapBot service with LUIS]( to setup your instance of bot service that communicates with MapApplication via IoT hub. Alternatively, you could build and deploy bot service using source code available in the [MapBot]( subfolder. ### Build and debug 1. Clone repository or download source code and extract in local folder 2. Open `MapBot\Microsoft.Azure.Maps.Sample.LuisBot.sln` in Visual Studio 3. Build and run the bot 4. Download and run [botframework-emulator]( 5. Connect the emulator to http://localhost:3***7 ### Publish to Azure * In Visual Studio, right click on `Mapbot\Microsoft.Azure.Maps.Sample.LuisBot.sln` and select 'Publish' * Follow dialog steps to create App service instance and upload the code ## More information - [Azure Maps Documentation]( - [How to use the Azure Maps Map Control]( - [Azure IoT Hub Documentation](


