
上传日期:2023-03-03 02:10:13
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  用于物联网中心Azure设备更新的Grafana插件
(Grafana plugin for Azure Device Update for IoT Hub)

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# Grafana app plugin template This template is a starting point for building an app plugin for Grafana. ## What are Grafana app plugins? App plugins can let you create a custom out-of-the-box monitoring experience by custom pages, nested datasources and panel plugins. ## Getting started ### Frontend 1. Install dependencies ```bash yarn install ``` 2. Build plugin in development mode and run in watch mode ```bash yarn dev ``` 3. Build plugin in production mode ```bash yarn build ``` 4. Run the tests (using Jest) ```bash # Runs the tests and watches for changes, requires git init first yarn test # Exists after running all the tests yarn test:ci ``` 5. Spin up a Grafana instance and run the plugin inside it (using Docker) ```bash yarn server ``` 6. Run the E2E tests (using Cypress) ```bash # Spin up a Grafana instance first that we tests against yarn server # Start the tests yarn e2e ``` 7. Run the linter ```bash yarn lint # or yarn lint:fix ``` # Distributing your plugin When distributing a Grafana plugin either within the community or privately the plugin must be signed so the Grafana application can verify its authenticity. This can be done with the `@grafana/sign-plugin` package. _Note: It's not necessary to sign a plugin during development. The docker development environment that is scaffolded with `@grafana/create-plugin` caters for running the plugin without a signature._ ## Initial steps Before signing a plugin please read the Grafana [plugin publishing and signing criteria]( documentation carefully. `@grafana/create-plugin` has added the necessary commands and workflows to make signing and distributing a plugin via the grafana plugins catalog as straightforward as possible. Before signing a plugin for the first time please consult the Grafana [plugin signature levels]( documentation to understand the differences between the types of signature level. 1. Create a [Grafana Cloud account]( 2. Make sure that the first part of the plugin ID matches the slug of your Grafana Cloud account. - _You can find the plugin ID in the plugin.json file inside your plugin directory. For example, if your account slug is `acmecorp`, you need to prefix the plugin ID with `acmecorp-`._ 3. Create a Grafana Cloud API key with the `PluginPublisher` role. 4. Keep a record of this API key as it will be required for signing a plugin ## Signing a plugin ### Using Github actions release workflow If the plugin is using the github actions supplied with `@grafana/create-plugin` signing a plugin is included out of the box. The [release workflow](./.github/workflows/release.yml) can prepare everything to make submitting your plugin to Grafana as easy as possible. Before being able to sign the plugin however a secret needs adding to the Github repository. 1. Please navigate to "settings > secrets > actions" within your repo to create secrets. 2. Click "New repository secret" 3. Name the secret "GRAFANA_API_KEY" 4. Paste your Grafana Cloud API key in the Secret field 5. Click "Add secret" #### Push a version tag To trigger the workflow we need to push a version tag to github. This can be achieved with the following steps: 1. Run `npm version ` 2. Run `git push origin main --follow-tags` ## Learn more Below you can find source code for existing app plugins and other related documentation. - [Basic app plugin example]( - [Plugin.json documentation]( - [How to sign a plugin?](


