
上传日期:2021-06-27 10:22:37
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  该项目的目标是使用扫描激光雷达来创建地图,该地图将使简单的...
(The goal of this project is to use scanning lidar to create a map which will enable autonomous navigation of a simple robot)

CAD (0, 2021-06-27)
CAD\HC-SR04_CC_mnt.dxf (17767, 2021-06-27)
CAD\lidar_rotor.pk2 (6189269, 2021-06-27)
CAD\mtr_brng_axle_assy.pk2 (1251796, 2021-06-27)
LICENSE (35149, 2021-06-27) (906, 2021-06-27)
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docs\angular_encoder (0, 2021-06-27)
docs\angular_encoder\ (1296, 2021-06-27)
docs\angular_encoder\ang_encdr_calibr.xlsx (9780, 2021-06-27)
docs\angular_encoder\images (0, 2021-06-27)
docs\angular_encoder\images\calibration.png (16240, 2021-06-27)
docs\compass_calibration (0, 2021-06-27)
docs\compass_calibration\compass-data.csv (1974, 2021-06-27)
docs\compass_calibration\compass-data.xlsx (30642, 2021-06-27)
docs\compass_calibration\ (1955, 2021-06-27)
docs\compass_calibration\ (165, 2021-06-27)
docs\compass_calibration\images (0, 2021-06-27)
docs\compass_calibration\images\Uncorrected_compass.png (7900, 2021-06-27)
docs\compass_calibration\images\compass_calibration.jpg (2024868, 2021-06-27)
docs\compass_calibration\images\corrected_compass.png (7732, 2021-06-27)
docs\compass_calibration\images\residual_error.png (8927, 2021-06-27)
docs\lidar_issues (0, 2021-06-27)
docs\lidar_issues\ (5382, 2021-06-27)
docs\lidar_issues\scanMap0.png (24376, 2021-06-27)
docs\lidar_issues\scanMap1.png (24237, 2021-06-27)
docs\lidar_issues\scanMap2.png (30699, 2021-06-27)
docs\lidar_issues\scanMap3.png (26037, 2021-06-27)
docs\lidar_issues\scanMap4.png (28877, 2021-06-27)
docs\lidar_issues\scan_data0.csv (1020, 2021-06-27)
docs\lidar_issues\scan_data1.csv (1056, 2021-06-27)
docs\lidar_issues\scan_data2.csv (1052, 2021-06-27)
docs\lidar_issues\scan_data3.csv (1020, 2021-06-27)
docs\reckoning_position_w_image_flow (0, 2021-06-27)
docs\reckoning_position_w_image_flow\files (0, 2021-06-27)
docs\reckoning_position_w_image_flow\files\scandata0.txt (3267, 2021-06-27)
... ...

## Mapping LiDAR scan data This project uses a Benewake TFMini Plus LiDAR module mounted to scan 225 degrees on a vertical axis. A hall effect angle encoder reports the angular position of the scan rotor. ### Rotating LiDAR mounted on a Zero Turn (early prototype) car: ![Zero Turn Car with rotating LiDAR]( ### Rotating LiDAR mounted on an Omni-Wheel type car: ![Omni Wheel Car with rotating LiDAR]( More about **Omni-Wheels** can be found [here]( By using the scan data, the car can navigate autonomously, able to make a [multi-leg trip]( through the house. An onboard Raspberry Pi 3B+ runs a python program which: * Collects data from the TFminiPlus on a USB serial port * Collects readings from the angular encoder via ADC (on I2C bus) * Finds the best fit lines through the scan points * Displays a plot of the points and the best fit lines. * Using OpenCV, calculates the best path forward, avoiding objects in its environment * Sends motor drive commands to the Arduino on the serial port (Arduino controls the motors through an Adafruit motor shield) * Keeps track of its position using data from an IMU and an odometer. * The IMU is an Adafruit BNO085 operating in RVC mode, sending data via serial * The odometer is a wheel mounted on the shaft of an incremental encoder, * Encoder data is collected by an ESP32 and sent to RasPi via ADC ![plot showing data points & best-fit lines](


