
上传日期:2020-10-17 13:07:36
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  无意义:一种用于学习和娱乐的脚本语言
(Pointless: a scripting language for learning and fun)

LICENSE (1071, 2020-09-23)
bin (0, 2020-09-23)
bin\pointless (6682088, 2020-09-23)
examples (0, 2020-09-23)
examples\100Doors (0, 2020-09-23)
examples\100Doors\100Doors.ptls (615, 2020-09-23)
examples\FEN-to-HTML (0, 2020-09-23)
examples\FEN-to-HTML\merida.woff2 (15036, 2020-09-23)
examples\FEN-to-HTML\render.ptls (2078, 2020-09-23)
examples\anagrams (0, 2020-09-23)
examples\anagrams\anagrams.ptls (337, 2020-09-23)
examples\anagrams\unixdict.txt (206403, 2020-09-23)
examples\beer (0, 2020-09-23)
examples\beer\beer.ptls (719, 2020-09-23)
examples\chart (0, 2020-09-23)
examples\chart\chart.ptls (1477, 2020-09-23)
examples\collatz (0, 2020-09-23)
examples\collatz\collatz.ptls (545, 2020-09-23)
examples\echoLines (0, 2020-09-23)
examples\echoLines\echoLines.ptls (248, 2020-09-23)
examples\echoLines\langs.txt (777, 2020-09-23)
examples\guess (0, 2020-09-23)
examples\guess\guess.ptls (578, 2020-09-23)
examples\life (0, 2020-09-23)
examples\life\life.ptls (2926, 2020-09-23)
examples\palindromes (0, 2020-09-23)
examples\palindromes\palindromes.ptls (185, 2020-09-23)
examples\permutations (0, 2020-09-23)
examples\permutations\permutations.ptls (798, 2020-09-23)
examples\quine (0, 2020-09-23)
examples\quine\quine.ptls (98, 2020-09-23)
examples\stackVM (0, 2020-09-23)
examples\stackVM\collatzVM.ptls (662, 2020-09-23)
examples\stackVM\factorsVM.ptls (1409, 2020-09-23)
examples\stackVM\instructions.ptls (1160, 2020-09-23)
examples\stackVM\stackVM.ptls (2100, 2020-09-23)
examples\tokenizer (0, 2020-09-23)
examples\tokenizer\location.ptls (1038, 2020-09-23)
... ...

## Pointless: A Scripting Language for Learning and Fun (v0.1.0) ### [Why Learn Pointless?](https://github.com/pointless-lang/pointless/blob/master/why_pointless.md) #### Documentation and examples at [https://ptls.dev](https://ptls.dev) #### Email: contact@ptls.dev Pointless 0.1.0 brings a number of changes from the initial release, informed by feedback and experience. The latest implementation of Pointless is interpreted, rather than compiled, and is written in Dart. This move marks a deemphasis on performance with a focus instead on improved language design and faster development. It's my hope that the new Dart-based implementation will make Pointless easier for others to install, use, and modify. #### New utilities: - A repl for interactive programming - An web-based language playground - Auto-generated API docs for prelude functions #### Language updates: - Syntax consolidation and updates - Better error messages with location information for incorrect types (showing where in the code the incorrect type came from) - Explicit exports for multi-file projects - Expanded standard library - Try / catch error handling mechanism - Support for labeled objects #### Implementation updates: - A smaller, easier to edit codebase - Improved Windows support - Bug fixes - MIT licensed source code #### Site updates: - Updated documentation - More in-depth examples - Automatic syntax highlighting - Faster loading ### Installation You can [try Pointless online](https://ptls.dev/online) without installing. To install Pointless locally, you'll need to have [Git](https://git-scm.com/downloads) installed to clone the repository, as well as the [Dart SDK](https://dart.dev/get-dart). Installing on Linux, Mac and Windows (PowerShell): 1. Clone the repository ``` git clone https://github.com/pointless-lang/pointless.git ``` 2. Enter the repo directory ``` cd pointless ``` 3. Download Dart dependencies: ``` pub get ``` 4. You can now run the Pointless repl using: ``` dart lib/pointless.dart ``` or supply a path to a file to run; for example: ``` dart lib/pointless.dart examples/beer/beer.ptls ``` (for repl readline support, try [rlwrap](https://github.com/hanslub42/rlwrap)) ### Compiling the interpreter with dart2native: Compiling the interpreter avoids the startup overhead of the Dart VM. After performing the steps above: - Linux and Mac: Run the following commands in the repository root (generates ./bin/pointless): ``` dart2native lib/pointless.dart -o bin/pointless ``` Alternatively, using Make, simply run: ``` make ``` Now you can run Pointless like this: ``` bin/pointless examples/beer/beer.ptls ``` - Windows: Run the following commands in the repository root (generates ./bin/pointless.exe): ``` dart2native lib/pointless.dart -o bin/pointless.exe ``` Now you can run Pointless like this: ``` bin/pointless.exe examples/beer/beer.ptls ``` Contributions are welcome!


