array(4) { [0]=> string(36) "PI-master\ARRAY\Given an array arr[]" [1]=> string(54) " find the maximum j – i such that arr[j] arr[i].cpp" [2]=> string(5) " 1737" [3]=> string(21) " 2023-04-17 15:00:3 " } array(4) { [0]=> string(28) "PI-master\ARRAY\Segregate 0s" [1]=> string(26) " 1s and 2s in an array.cpp" [2]=> string(5) " 1184" [3]=> string(21) " 2023-04-17 15:00:3 " } array(5) { [0]=> string(37) "PI-master\BACKTRACKING\Given n arrays" [1]=> string(45) " generate all combination with each elementes" [2]=> string(19) " SMART KEYPAD-I.cpp" [3]=> string(5) " 3874" [4]=> string(21) " 2023-04-17 15:00:3 " } PI 联合开发网 -

上传日期:2023-04-17 07:00:33
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  编程面试问题
(Programming Interview Questions)

ARRAY (0, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Arrange given numbers to form the biggest no.cpp (1039, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Cheat Sheet.txt (8631, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Check if an array can be divided into pairs whose sum is divisible by k.cpp (1379, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Find Element in Sorted Rotated Array.cpp (1510, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Find Sum Pair Array.cpp (596, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Find Triplet for given sum.cpp (1064, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Find a sorted subsequence of size 3 in linear time.cpp (1892, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Find how many times sorted array rotated.cpp (1177, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Find subarray with given sum.cpp (1332, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Find the largest multiple of 3.cpp (1469, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Find the largest subarray with 0 sum.cpp (1359, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Find the max in first increasing and then decreasing array.cpp (1659, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\First & Last & Count of Occurence of Element in sorted Array.cpp (1368, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Kth Largest (Or Smallest) Element in Array.cpp (1149, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Largest Sub-Array with Equal no of 1s & 0s.cpp (3627, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Largest subarray with equal number of 0s and 1s.cpp (1710, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\MAX XOR ARRAY.cpp (6022, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Maximum Sum Subarray.cpp (4486, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Maximum of all subarrays of size k in time O(n).cpp (411, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Minimum Length Unsorted Sub-array.cpp (2512, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Minimum number of jumps to reach end.cpp (1194, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Next Greater Element.cpp (1576, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Print all distinct permutations of a given string- Iterative.cpp (2549, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Print all permutations of a given string- Recursive.cpp (799, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Print k Combination of Array size n.cpp (2348, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Segregate 0s and 1s in an array.cpp (870, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Sort elements by frequency C++ STL.cpp (1809, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Sum of all elements in left smaller than current.cpp (3315, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Trapping Rain Water.cpp (2235, 2023-04-17)
ARRAY\Two elements whose sum is closest to zero.cpp (1376, 2023-04-17)
BACKTRACKING (0, 2023-04-17)
BACKTRACKING\Count no of binary string with no consecutive 1s.cpp (3300, 2023-04-17)
BACKTRACKING\Generate balanced parenthesis for given n.cpp (2756, 2023-04-17)
BACKTRACKING\Given N & array find all sequence which sums to S.cpp (3868, 2023-04-17)
... ...


